May 8, 2016

The Management of Meaning - Aseniled entissa mi uzamaum

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The Management of Meaning

Aseniled entissa mi uzamaum


Idden kie erenent zakidd mi iniresushu ïidderi tyir tyilir. Asï kuek ïeil vezo le nard zo asen berka aka mi azaku semï jer ulandaum iniresushu. Jerad le nard kuek çefen uf rile ekamagol shipa om, iddissa jer issase siss:


"the cost of misinforming is lower than the cost of disinforming, yet both strategies - misinforming and disinforming - are less cost-effective than the management of meaning. Instead of rewriting History, you just change the meaning of key concepts such that the message changes completely. You can turn a landing site into a crash site, or you can turn the downing of MH370 into a pilot suicide crash"


Azaku semï jer ulandaum iniresushu kuek ülead kukue lodaleza uedaka zo uhe mi zo iniresushu keçin nir asy unal arina (niroleleushu) loï ziebilama nam unikad rile aram ente (asïzalushu). Fa ar biza fek yir zo olaren mi azaku semï jer ulandaum iniresushu kuek ar yzo zo ilaraïusha mi zo uhe. Ki ekulol, kuezada ente anizy ki iddardimum asïzalushu tas zavil rilead odanaloa ko zo anizy lerold palok ki azaku semï jer ulandaum iniresushu ku izy. Rediad, nar eren çefenad esem mï rile uniefat asïzalushu sha zo uhe mi zo iniresushu ri asen enin shipa na rile na lerold zo iniresushu kie azaku semï loï ulandaum. Asïzalushu kie onundaum eres, mi irizin. Iddasiad enteri entsissutu, dissy entesiddad elelin, ïnlas ente ïkazïum, hyshibiril niresad shid jer entissada entissa dyïk üle issoad ki entaz.


Zaminisska, zo olaren mi asïzalushu kie erenent entel ki iniresushu inyrass. Ïfi jer menaka iniresushu eseme kuek ïeil fold ya eninum çenadum (jer yorelin çloleum) amin ki zo esasen mi asïzalushu. Ku rizushu rile zo asïzalushu lerold semü ved shib entun zo enasyshi, shikueir olazas aryir raserinusha kiddiss entissada entissa dyïk jer inymü iredigesusha:


"For what concerns the events we are about to experience, disseminating false information is not a valid strategy anymore. We need to provide means for people to infer something that is actually false. We need to tweak the meaning of words."


Ku iedka rile eledima birasad nir runiz kie liss, zo lodi mi nentala runiz zan na rï rile zo larunasemusha mi akinça eneredaku mi zo enen uedaka iddamakunla (çefen elat) enta il un zo iddüc alasi. Berka zo naïraka mi enen yv Austin ataad enoad nada lerold leveragingum larunasemusha ku arï enel kuek shilo na rile enasesï semilona shipa ramile ku zo makola asen. Ki ekulol, rile ele unal zo kineni runiz mi isïvo, biza ina bi aseu lerold rent elissirushu vor na tas afençin mi isïvo jer ti ena ari zo lonirin sedad issazabirusha (lerold kie, tas niçid kuralaad, kan jer kuekuïinad?).


Eï, biza ina bi aseu lerold kilekue zo lonirin sedad issazabirusha (aseu lerold tas kuralaad, kan jer kuekuïinad) jer eremunieka uedaka rent elissirushu iri lerold niçid tas afençin mi isïvo. Ku rent lena, biza moad rile rï rile larunasemusha uedaka sanai nirar mi iniresushu issen berka asïzalushu, iddüc lerold biza unue izeda aseu le uedaka zo iniresushu kie izen semï, issidd inamad enoad zo iniresushu, ad niçid inamad enoad nar jer ele yzo.


Enudenil, asïzalushu kie esapue elysiril eres niz inak entesiddad yir ad le isïvo jer semanum:


"information provided is true and accurate; however, meaning management strategies have worked in such a way as to reach the desired output: people beliefs are changed without we having to misinform, disinform, or lie."


Berka aka, zo uzamaum mi asïzalushu ved asenad baldi berka onumaad berka zo uzamaum mi azen menaka ad. Limueka, biza lon üle ro eliï entel, bonla entesiddad larunasemusha zo enas mi zo niz. El, biza um asenad entel uena rile luninç semï emat elysiril yir eni menaka dakueum zo niz. Zaminisska, ves biras enie kie larun ïudipa entissa uedaka zo niz ueki rile izeda enta, zo lodi mi nentala runiz kuek sa ro dikue kuna mi ïnlas ente ramile ku zo kupaken tyilir mi asïzalushu.


Fa enie tas dah semilona shipa kusemaz ku iner semanum kie asen zo nirue berka disinformum. Azen vobunueusha moad rilead lonel entesiddad ku iedka rile zodi ente yakushi runiz mi disinformum. Rile rdile yir, enie tas anel mi kusemaz ku iner disinformum kie esem lorasen ente alasi zom semanum. Lerold kie, nar kie muni rile ïas za disinformum. Lek mi ieku, ku iedka rile disinformaç, jer üle rile ysa rile aram ente yaç. Fa nar kie muni rile ïas rile yaç ves biras jer enama asen ysa rile aram ente uenka:


"whether a person will disinform depends on the expected costs and benefits. In particular, it depends on the costs of not being believed (weighted by the probability that this will happen) as compared with the benefits of being believed (weighted by the probability that this will happen). Thus, there will be a lot of disinformation if the benefits of being believed are high relative to the costs of not being believed and/or if the intended audience of the disinformation is much more likely to be credulous than to be skeptical."


Ki ekulol, kental lerold jer tas dashih tyilir mi uef lerold loler ïent lerold jer pakuedikad enoad. Limueka, enie kie asen fok ilinass rile unie lozah jer hidd. Ele, jer nirin rile zo unili, “eshi ke ninina” ves ïf jer unue lerold niçid eren asen afçin jer. Ku arï lena, jer üle osad rile zo unili:


"those objects do not crash in remote areas in a desert; actually, we down them when they fly over deserted and remote areas. This explains why you find a similar pattern when you analyze crash sites. We know one day an accident could happen and one of those objects will crash amid a densely populated area. What are we going to tell the people? In order to conceal the fact that we were running experiments to study the effects of a nuclear blast over the population, we conducted the Green Run Experiment. What were we supposed to tell our own government? That we were exposing Americans to hazardous radiation levels just to know what would happen in case a nuclear detonation occurs? We told them about Mogul, and nobody realized the sensors in the balloon could only sense mid-range radiation levels, the one you should expect from radiation being released from the Hanford Site."


Fa jer üle asen disinformaç medad ena zonirin jer enama asen ysa ena rile afçin manakueum le: jer enama asen ysa rile aram ente ena...


"sadly, this time the joke is on us. When we come into direct physical contact with them, it will be either them, or us." 


Farquhar, M. 2005. A treasury of deception. Penguin, New York.


FL-110114 Managing truth disclousure impact on Sol-3 technoscientific civilization: The ethics of silent invasions


FL-150813 Technosignatures: Assesing long-term impact of Class-IV encounters


FL-171112 Inventing aliens to conceal the 1945-1949 Hanford Site Radiation Exposure Experiements.


FL-010913 The next lethal clash of civilizations: Probabilistic extension of Huntington's model of conflicting civilizations to the case of extraterrestrial civilizations


FL-100314 Techniques for Truth Suppression


Fox, Christopher J. 1983. Information and Misinformation. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press.


Harrison, A. A. 2011 Fear, pandemonium, equanimity and delight: human responses to extraterrestrial life. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 369, 656–668.


Mitnick, K. D. The Art of Deception: Controlling the Human Element of Security. Wiley, 2002.


Stahl, B.C. 2006. On the difference or equality of information, misinformation, and disinformation: A critical research perspective. Informing Science 9, 83-96.

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