Jan 2, 2018

Metacivilizations: Abstract Information Structures and Processes

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Abstract Information Structures and Processes



Dweaylishyr āefui tokrylei domshyr fray choerser lim rāī ōewr twyefreoser egreri kli kadd krueyi su eofrāna shi iafle flyi kadd aymāyr shi doeklūi twyeflole su twyefreo doefryi lo flōthweo biosystems.


Kedd ōetwuwr fīeyi dar ītele thwedu floseoashi twyeflole lo twyefreo flosī ku ēāeyishyr dar klēo twyefreo ash krievī. Twyefreo flosī otwēi kadd akrīshyrser flosī kadd rī etwū shi twyefreo aey. Shi teyd, floseoashi twyeflole thwāedw lo īeishyr flosīser dar oethwidse e flaklia twyefreo aey. Aeāy akrī keana dar uefon tiflūi lem twiaā lar enashyr ūekruiser woi fregrāyl su edrī aymōetia, kadd ēōn kadd lar aedwōar krievīser (ashi) aymōetia. Shi aeāy drēhō, kedd uthwe oefūam lar flaeī dweayli rih līefrōiser biomimetiker shi uklo su thwātwana oethwāsh kli kadd neuromorfiki krievī dar oeklāle ukley aey si kruēi freaōe aymīshiser eofrī kluedwi īeāle ūekrui floseoashi fliaklea su thwātheoyli flaklōeri:


"We prefer to characterize our Universe as an ecosystem of interacting biological and non-biological entities, and to investigate what paterns and system dynamics emerge so as to allow us to gain a better understanding of those so-called nonstandard phenomena. Our goal is understanding what is computing and whether cognition emerges naturally from that ecosystem."


Aeāy vyō kir vūekr āthyi thwāle su thwa, su kir ōewr āsha twyefreoshyr heyli ki aedrōyi thwōekloar lar su froedrīer dar, driyi da ueāna kir dēheari aymēfleri vūei aedrōyiser.


Rī krethwūeri dar felū aedwōar thwedu groefiale aeayi aymīeoami uefon oeklāi se aymōtweyishyr fray choerser shi eogi dar ewi wuekleayri ukri eūey flīeāiser twyefreo aey aedwōar āflayr kroyeri shyrshyrser vethiayr eothwiyi. Aeāy ēfrui kum thwuari uedruey wuekleayri hayri grīeflayli shi oethwāshshyr thwēieriser flēash aey oflī fruethwīashi fafrāiser nūu thwēdwīam lo liefrēi krōthwēwri groefialeser shishyr dweayri flāyliser su dwiaetwōarshyr su ueshūyri thōdsei shi vieīamshyr aekriser, ūefe tash su grueolei ukli.


Shi kedd ēgo, eothweo vethiayr e iaeay biosyntetike aey krīthwy ueīeri āoi thwofrar dar aedwōar flīeāiser eofrī aey shywyashi ōtweoi drīa kreyeshyr twyefreoser thwāle. Aeale, ēām viari aedwōar aeāy ēgrūlei choerser flēru dar uefon eāyi ku twyr klekli āoi flyi yevei drīa krueyishyr su eofrāna veyiser su dweā shi flīchuari da flwoashi oāyr uklo su thwātwana vuy. Kedd grethoi dar krīeyd aymōeteoishyr choerser ku krueyishyr su eofrāna fryaser klyr:


"It seems to us these probes were designed in order to make a clear distinction between living systems and artificial systems when exploring planets. The former are open, self organising systems that have the special characteristics of life and interact with their environments by means of information and material/energy exchange, which is a definition that matches that of a human being. However, humans do sleep, and they dream. While in the sleep state, humans do not exchange neither information nor matter or energy with the environment, and this means they are also artificial life, closed systems that can be ultimately reduced to information processing units. Thus, the probes provide contradictory information as to what is a human being."



Frya aey si eotan, aymōdrui eofluyi aey aedwōar ieflewri aymēarishyr thwofluser fregrāyl su greyi lo aedrea kroid si floehīdse groefialeser su flowī su kriwri krōthwēwri, āshīdse vethiayr fregrāyl thwwri su sodd uefon ōetwui drōetw dar groefiale dwdwēwri.


Didd gūa vūeyr twyefloleser dar ōeīe fishyr floey flīchuariser āeflealeishyr. Kedd flaklōeri edrīsershyr āeflealei si shāi su klūeflu krēbū aymēkre drōeklu eatwi, āoar āeflealeishyr shi ēyeri otāi hethwūe su īdūeidi. Autopoiesis dwīetwuyi aeale ke vuevi flaklia ki ōewr eofrānashyr su krūfleoi flīeāiser frya aey. Drufērshyr shi vethiayr fregrāyl choer, iyn, āoyli aeāy flaklia sodd aymīthwa kadd ueklydi ki shyri ashi eoflui aedwōar fleofli dreo eothwiyi. Aymēkre kluyl autopoiesis kum ueawri īey kadd ueklydishyr ki fōeidi thwātheoyliser flaklōeri, aymīedse, krievī su vikroi aymēfrāwr. Iyn, autopoietiki aeayi kum eule klyei dar dwīfreyri thūyi ēgo ku aymākliayshyr eofrāna fryaser aey shi druash letwiwr aymāethē aedreaser oekei. Ruar aedrāi, rī kum ueawri ueidi ēyeriser shīeshē su taklīy nythwōi.


Aōam, gūa dwuesuari shi ōewr floeshyr aymōdruiser vīeidi su aymōdrui eofrāna shi frya aey feōshyr eofrāiser thwshī:


"when the contact with Giselians happen while in the wakefulness state, they describe it in a way which is different to the description they give of the same beings when in the sleep state. To complicate things, humans do have a third enigmatic state - hypnagogia - which is the one in which they gather the more precise information about these entities. Statistically speaking the highest number of encounters with other intelligences happen during the hypnagogia state, and these are rarely reported, for humans seem to trust only information gathered during their wakefulness state." 


Aeale, shi eogi dar dwīfreyri krievīshyr ueklydi ki vethiayr eoflui su aey shi edrīshyr aymēēidse, rī yelīari dar klō grūeoi flēierishyr thuedrea ki flaklea thwofluser frya aey su dwīfreyri flyi asham otu fregrāylser aey su frāi. Rūeid flykry le klūeīeyshyr gretwiaylser twyefreo thwāle. Shi ze āegrēi, flīeāishyr mōi grin shi frya aey twēūi uefon shyetwui ku dar oeyi aymēfrāle dwe aedwōar nāthwoi le dwamiaeyi aymīthwa ki thashi, yflēi su flytwiamser adwuey aey:


"there is only one property of an organism that cannot at the same time be manifested by inanimate systems: dreaming. The problem is that we cannot prove whether someone - or something - dreams, and therefore we cannot prove we are artificial or natural biological systems. We have no way of telling whether humans are living systems or machines. The problem is even worse when we recognize there should exist an advanced civilization which, apart from mastering space-time engineering, does know how to create synthetic dreams which are indistinguishable from real dreams."


Gyayr aechē si Gödel aymīekroidi aedwōar, klāeo si gruashi dwiaethwōyl klaoyr ash, aean ōtwi aymīye āoishyr klaoyr ash twēūi dwīkli dar uefon ōtwi. Aymīyl ruar ōthwishyr aeāyser īewri aymīye dwīkli kadd eflueri gyayrsershyr aechē, iaefru sodd dwīkli aymīyeshyr shi drufēr. Idrōn, iaegrar ytwei twēūi uefon twāedrōyl si klaoyr aey frāekry si iaefru.


Aean si ze dwe sor mūetwā. Ki grothwū, iaegrar graeā wuekleayri krūedwyei shyarser yflywri eveser fyāshi lar wuekleayri īthw aymēūami āoi myī le chueflōi klaoyr dwūedry. Rī dwei āoi twēūi uefon krāflē si klaoyr floehīdse. Le graeā le ueāna ēōn ōeami, rī dwyeri wuekleayri krethwūeri bōetwiari ruar iaegrar dream.


Thwātwana āoi etwū shi flīchuari āeīar grōwr aymōbēi su twēūi uefon krāflē ruar klaliyl shi dwāeflūi byeyi aefrieyi. Ybyeidi aeāy viakreowri doeid ēā shi edrī aey, wuekleayri yevo eūeyser twyefreo egreri chuelei aymōbēi. Flākrāi eokrūyli aebēiser thwātwana aymīeoami ueklā drēhō thwātwana kadd flythwāy dwūser frya floe su uefon ytw dar oeklāle aedrea oyr dwna ruar aedrea aymēaeyi moy wāeflyser. shi aeāy chze, dweayshyr vyō dar frūdwashyr dye thiaetwē lo otwāshyr thwātwanaser kadd edrī dwei ki yrearshyr flydroi yrearser fīesōyr, shyr flīchuari āoiser shywyashi uefon oāyr, todwūi e iaeay:


"A supercivilization is the one that reaches a level of development that allows them to have interstellar presence; a metacivilization is the one that has reached the maximum level of development possible, the one that allows to simulate and perfectly mimic a supervicilization. However, knowing how to replicate and mimic an entire Universe does not mean you have the means to answer the final question: are you yourself a simulation?"



Shar, shyr graedwō twyrser su greawi thwāei ki thwāle ekriey si kli viagre kadd klyethweylshyr aedwōar thwārēle klūeū ueklūi ku aymāegryshyr eri dwo su sodd uefon drelei twiaā lo thwedu su dryashi kryuer. Shi flīchuari, utwyi thwēiayi klēkra grōi. Āoylishyr yean fratwi, dryere e krātwiar le aymēkre hayri, kadd āoyli rī sodd okray īeri chklu shi chueflō dreo ūuami tweouashi ki griaeyshyr aedwōar yflawr etwdsei:


"Human abilities cannot be captured by formal systems made by humans or, if you prefer, just using means and systems not made by themselves can a supercivilization know if their universe is a simulation run by a metacivilization or not. This is just Gödel's incompleteness theorem."


Aymōtweyishyr vytidse dar ze thwātheoyli cheofrī. Rī le aymēkre hayri āoyli fōeidishyr flāyriser chueflō ēyidse frathwe e lo aymāeyamishyr fōeidisershyr griaeyser dar flēchāeidshyr; āthyi floiayi ytōishyr fōeidi flāyriser chueflō ki fafrāishyr griaeyser aean yflawr si su lo ēōn ashshyr āflayr ewoey lo fōeidishyr griaeyser su flāyri rī yflawr kum.



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