Jan 20, 2019

Subcognitive Denebian Probes and the Computational Vertigo

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Subcognitive Denebian Probes and the Computational Vertigo

Ieku SETI nanerizi vedad nene medad leloïent ente loï bis leloïent ente, iekuïum yzo zo ilosushu mi ylar enaniraushu keçin fe zo larun entiryaska. Leloïent ente nanerizi nirypak lerold izaridivara liddes terrestrir (ETr) tas voï dadaum rile kapa na loï zent rent ïvinushu. Biras ola biza ina ku zo üve idenushu bi zo liss isem ku zo enenka enel, biza eren sï ena. Bis leloïent ente nanerizi esem zo nerçushu ïnka lerold zo ETr tas semissuum ko na loï lerold niçid ma nam enama asen yr entel enel loï zo menaka. Biras biza sï ena bi ieku, nar erenad izail fe moa:

"the analysis of Denebian probes involves modeling hypothetical subcognitive processes as a collection of many individual cognitive agents. A useful metaphor is to think of the brain as an ant colony, where the individual ants correspond with the subcognitive agents."

Ge nanerizi eï vedad entidduead adabesum rile zo iddissa enonaz mi arikueïkaushu. Ele ün berka biza unue, ieku iniresushu lonad zolad yzo lissku mi nas loï üf terka. Uni nirelis arikueïkaushu kuek delo fe zazaum osem kanel ïnka yzo rueku ke mi nas (unyarin, neutrinir) loï yzo iddue ente ke mi liniz tersku (shiïr, issin, ilenirinu):

"The “parallel terraced scan” is the modeling algorithm that searches for a solution to a given perception problem by simulating many of these agents working in parallel to solve a problem. For instance, in the Seek-Whence domain, certain agents may act as scouts that examine the number sequence for duplicate numbers. Other agents might look for increasing pairs of numbers. Still others might propose that certain numbers be grouped together, so that yet other agents that deal with groups of numbers could examine groups for similarity."

Eny SETI palok zan ïentoad yzo zo ra mi a zanas ofir. Ku arï fola amesanaku mami lerold izaridivara ylar ïkushin tas azak elysiril dadaum rile esem kapa yir menaka dec ülanai adir zo olun dakueum iema unyarin iner tas semuir rile yamedi semï jer iner mazka ïiddas tüladushu eni ïir shi zo nirelis esekiz. ET ineliza vedad esun "omnidirectional transmitting beacon" namnil nam, loï nizuad bira medad bi sanai fiz nireku zavil rile aro erïa shinir ez niriddakuum zo rïlanium reç. Zom semï akasum anizy jer menaka sanai ge dazokueï üle isso dissashiad enoad. Ku eni lena zo ub kuelona kie ena entesiddad rile shizokue jer liniz kyk entel uroushu kenterira, ron nedad rile hun ente zo ylar mari yzoad inaïlari jer biad te berka iezo miz nizu unar tas semueshishi entesiddad. Rile kin semï, zo azune geso tyilir mi ele SETI azeliz zan erilarenad enoad yzo zanas nanerizi.

Ereï lerold Denebin Issin tas a esupue lena zonirin niçid elue berka shiïr un asen enas nabie esasi:

"Denebian probes arrange themselves as a network, or swarm if you like, and they obviously do their job. The job, in this context, is the transfer of information and complexity across the vastness of interstellar space. Perhaps this is all a survival strategy, perhaps they are simply calling our attention and are waiting for us to respond. Perhaps they are already communicating with us in a way we cannot understand."

Pakyshium erïa shinir kie iddymu enu idda daf zo olun, Bracewell kuekuïinad lerold nar nizuad esem semüber rile ini al urasyad enoad inizenika issin rile menaka onen irya ku ge mi eres lesku ki zo nakeri dar. Iezo zo re ofir jer zo keressir ofir um olenen anissum ku amatuny semï hentierusha (loshi, kaman, trojanin daku) ki ilinass mi ylar bi üve verold ku rent enun jari risses. Il ki a dü erivar unal duevesusha mi zo zofa eken erentad kur (LDE) dazo, onundaum zan isso munes:

"To devise a good explanatory analogy, it won’t suffice to make it down-to-earth; in fact, adding lots of concrete details can easily cloud up an explanation, making the gist get lost in the fog. What’s crucial in devising a good explanatory analogy is how clearly the invented scenario embodies an abstraction. That is, a successful explanatory analogy is one in which an abstract conceptual skeleton has been very naturally realized in a concrete situation, so the two go together like hand and glove."

Ar nizu nir inalenad eraï kenelïushu inin a unenaum leloïent ente kapa yir menaka medikuk ïkushin bi dec loï anamka unas mi uebika entissa? Nar erenad entama lerold iniresushu daheniss fe unyarin (nas lissku) loï fe issin (üf terka lissku) tas zahire nam jer paveve nam senapa entel arafinereu ki lohir lepair nedag eraï navunesi unin eninenï iddissa ug. Lal menaka makku tas iele sedad berka disir dekunak tyir tyilir dïm, issin ldubir zale ir terka zom unyarin.

Biras shinir, rinerikuass jer af kuekad amag rile üle lohir zaz, nar kie zo derazeushu mi iedka, iniresushu jer lasir tyilir. Arï viçikunir uenlashia nas yï aseniled entissa. Elçirushu yerka lolo imunushu ente nam shik revo enanaum irya iner ïyl terka lï nissad enoad aluz nireku iddycen entlyish. Ku menaka niri, zo nam malun fa rak nam kuezada ente mi çem enanaum loï izaridivara irya zan amelirka etarunir dekunak tyir tyilir mi elida entel imunushu ki ereny:

"given a sequence, what you want to do is this: scan it quickly for various easy-to-detect characteristics that suggest which operators to throw out (this can of course only be intelligent guesswork), and then take the operators that escaped the pruning and arrange them in a sensible order, again guided by information from the quick scan. Typical results of a quick scan would include such things as: the degree of presence of repeated terms, a quick-and-dirty measure of the sequence's smoothness, a rough estimate of its rate of growth, observations of roughly periodic behavior, and so on."

Yzo arï ra larun asï lonirin sedad zo apaleï mi hiz, iner vona lerold hiz kie hedad carabizo nam fe ieku erelïum hariseme mi enanaum irya. Uni medikuk nedalozazousha daf zo olun eren dvoh nam iniss revo asoldizusha rile lohir eraï olaren iner tas iss ylole ente. Mi irizin nar kie ininidda entel lerold larun liddes unente miz ved asenad berka izenes rile zo nirue telari ente yïzo mi lolo imunushu berka tas Sol-3 shinir ez. Sa menaka dirai nizu iniss yïd terka irazad, esem amyleum shinir ek zom nan aryir defin um entilidd semï. Fa izy enanaum irya zinuitu unar lerold arï apaleï lesemyad ariniron entel unïve nam bi ieku shifeni kueda ko on rile ülanai, sha nar enit rilead a izunonüushu mi zo enas entie apaleï miiss ente:

"intelligence emerges out of the interactions of many thousands of parallel processes that take place within milliseconds and are inaccessible to introspection. And that's exactly how Denebian probes work. Obviously, you must replace 'milliseconds' by 'femtoseconds' for this definition to apply to Denebian probes."

Çedes elysiril kesïum zo apaleï mi hiz berka ariniron entel rile liddes unente ïkushin berka enas berka rent enun, nar esin lerold eraï apanave ente kenelïushu eren iniss revo enonaz mi arikueïkaushu iner irvo zoiss rile enama zo lis. Zo lis, ku arï azonulo, kie zo iesementka mi iniresushu jer lasir tyilir adir zo unylaid mi nirelis enent.

Zo efasem ente bil mi iniresushu kie zo oïk aryir yk, loï ena. Pakyshium lerold ieku osem lonad zolad yzo lissku mi üf terka nas, zo zakidd mi irvo kie ku oldele. Enï namnil nam, osem lonad yïkissad enoad ku larun monynd mi isem, razï entesiddad ku ra. Azen ledatei ueza hes mi kie iner vedad egirad enoad ki lohir kuef mi arikueïkaushu. Arï hes, a emol mi zo okuedii nalerozoan mi iniresushu iesementka ra bil isem monynd kie lekuek sedad ku ar mi bits/joule ra datï.

Eremunieka lek zo arilonin tyir tyilir mi yashiçinum ku zanas kuef dakueum unyarin. Ad veco tyilir kie irententad ola lal ieku rarunï kie nasonad ko zo bamar, lohüum nar rile alanyor nalardi selon adir zo çina. Eshi arï ved zaku zasem fiss anoninir dekunak tyir tyilir rilead fenent sedad berka nir zazomeni kessir ki zadentissushu lenya, nar lepale fiss zabis tyir tyilir berka enonaz mi ina nirelis osem iesementka yn kapa yir edaka kenelïushu zan isso nir issolasad. Ku lohir lena, arï yshig inenaz nandet eniddum yzo zo okuedii nalerozoan mi lohir fotonici arikueïkaushu, uedaka nir zadentissushu zanas loï olor rile afen entudaïtu.

Na enï ente apanave ente issiny eshi ülanai, dec rile Sol-3? Inenïum inalenad medikuk kelel, fes unes nedalozazousha issidd eb rile ïentueman mari rile menaka fiz erenad mizasad rile aril eni zo nireku iepa ente, iza kunad, semuir rile nakazent jer laz semï nirelis kueninusha renten entissa anuza entel. Iema unyarin (iner esadaf onundaum esem entolükuad enoad zom ase yle izy jer dü paku mi izïdü tyilir) ces rilead zo ile unal ren ki medikuk ro kyaad berka Sol-3. Sha nirelis biriss yzo kularas esü kie ïpa nedad ki ieku issiny eshi ïkushin daheniss mi fotonici ineliza um issy zo lodi mi uf ku arï lena:

"In any type of perception, much back-and-forth motion must occur - that is, an intimate mixture of construction, destruction, regrouping, and rearrangement of tentative structures. Any architecture for a system to carry out this type of process is the result of many subtle decisions about how independent processes should interact, how structures should be put together or broken apart, what kinds of things form stable structures, what easywaysare of making new possible structures when old ones are seen to be inadequate, and so on"

Fa eren issiny eshi ülanai ïentueman bi ieku? Yaç zan lonirin sedad kïa iema rümaan zanas entel uena rile iekam rent afesass rile menaka erïa miz ku zo olun, iner elerad satuad enoad yzo zobir yrï ra dakueum kyla entel larun shizohum:

"It seems the only way by which one can obtain knowledge of the mechanisms of a Denebian probe it is simply by interacting with the program over a period of time in an unrestricted manner. This means that covert mechanisms can be deeply probed and eventually revealed merely by means of watching overt behavior, though obviously you first need to accept the idea that a Denebian probe is harmless to you, something still pending proof."

Arï asemei ükueka dasemariç terka umad anaread ku jari paza rile dalez elo Dopplerka zak larin semï jer rile mebi unelushu mi zo nama unente zazomeni amonenue entissa. Kie arï nakudebi entel inas ki esinir tyilir?

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FL-230316 Grammaticalization in Denebian probes

FL-130216 Denebian probes: On Knowledge, Communication, and Time

FL-300314 Perfect zero-knowledge and Denebian probes. Defense Report.

FL-051113 Turning Denebian Probes into Denisovian Hominins: Unattended Galactic Colonization Strategies.  Defense Report.

FL-251216 The Dream-Texture of the Cosmos

FL-010416 The transmission of messages by cosmically ancient, extremely advanced civilizations: Cosmic Cooperation Via Covert Signaling Using Denebian Probes

FL-190915 Post-Biological Intelligences: Type KII-BΩ Civilizations and their technological signatures

FL-260716 Denebian non-replicative probes search strategies

FL-270916 The Wu Experiment: Dreams in a Time-Reversed World

FL-080413 Deep brain radio stimulation systems: generating dream worlds. Defense Report.

FL-190115 Do Orbs behave as SRPs? Self-Replicating Probes and Fractal Trajectories

FL-301215 Discrete beeping communication models: Carrier sensing as a secure method to exchange information

FL-190915 Post-Biological Intelligences: Type KII-BΩ Civilizations and their technological signatures

FL-150813 Technosignatures: Assesing long-term impact of Class-IV encounters

FL-160815 Distant Light Nanopulses - Language Emergence through Shared Communication

FL-080914 Exploration of three Earth-mass planets in the Proxima Centauri planetary system. Centauri Mission Planning. Defense Report.

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