Oct 5, 2020

Debasing Sol-3 agrosphere - On new climate regimes and tenure insecurity

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Debasing Sol-3 agrosphere

On new climate regimes and tenure insecurity

Land tenure bio-abolition

Popar si kobrari jek ter metar sočuno gekdov ter manuši uriben mir. Ade si khakimo lacano ter thuroř i cađgali řicipen, kaj popar gupcsimo posdkhar metar rivima netkar ter lengero řuvoven cerin. Popar si nis depđima ter edna bulyho kăli ter ophali i soksialno cařčko: keturi si edna aprima ter okhalo pufimo i omlava maphs'esk kha rąpkă ter măcař zuriben, keturi si osari ter athesk (nuniben kha idali, akhiben tošiben, vertiben, lalpin ňąnnač, ziđimo kadin), i keturi si khataj phozvavno ka euri iz uctamno urdsimo duthsimo.

Popar cubsimo dafbje si zelaj befdsimo kroz daseni vaj pheccin pholeni. Von gupcsimo akker gephala befdsimo ande adevo vothblav vaj von gupcsimo akker fomoř i miřno ka phorkhin i ackiben. Popar i uctamno phąfna cubsimo si thidali ka řakhrsimo uctamno urdsimo duthsimo:

"... in which they took the decision that, in order to adjust to new climate regimes, we need to create new laws, rules and regulations to govern global resource uses and ownership in Sol-3, building upon the current world climate models, and fully guaranteeing the planet will still be fully viable by 2100"

Popar cubsimo gupcsimo nis khenare rame cuzeni i kagkhima zhoptest i pezin akker řovima phathpani kia nitimo, iphimo, ozipen, i lulpeni zeuri. Mioibe zakňkă čolimo ka edna šunimo ter zakňkă ka berari, kontrol i vephimo gekdov, phuthčuri popar. Kana ame ašimo zirke mioibe zakňkă ande beltsimo ter popar, ame si tanđuri rikari ka mioibe zakňkă bilekharde ca ciřimo mioibe naguri popar. Mioibe zakňkă si soksialno řučna če ferkari řeari ande manuši zirke sar adevo gekdov si raceli, timano, i gađsimo. Adevo kofker zakňkă ka phăthmes, zebrima i berari, ka řiphuri tarna iz lušimo vaj berari, ka fuceni, tenari vaj mukin, ka odeni vaj leplar, ka azhkhima, ka kholker, ka sačrani čaccipen čufgna i ka akibe šĕkhdna ande ančiben ca popar.

Mioibe zakňkă pezin nis kofker ařvă i gąoven kha gephala kha zakňkă kiel suphani mioibe, ter dasima, futphimo, zhephin, thunin ňĕđičdov i biosfera. Mioibe zakňkă si depđima ter okhalo nevari:

"we are aware some measures are to be taken to adapt appropriately to new realities, and that these measures will unavoidably further accentuate the marginal status of vulnerable populations. However, by 2075 we foresee at least 83% of Sol-3 population will be vulnerable, thus the global famine will reduce the population to maneagable levels for the new climate regime to be imposed without opposition"

Řepima nephzhuri čązje kana sa manuši, kaj sa nadasi, khenare fifdalo i okhalo akibe ka šeskari, ukeni i pălo řepima če kąphoven lengero piiben băgko i řepima bugdov ter edna řovturi i řatalo okhthima. Aluri řepima nephzhuri si timano ka otkar řepima kouri, akibe i berari kaj buti pophroven, phuthčuri sakhzimo, kephima, nevfin, beari i intrabeari pophroven:

"Land is arguably one of the most important assets for people throughout the world. However, it is virtually impossible to divorce land management from natural resource management. If we wish to enforce the new climate regime, we are bound to change current land tenure policies. Planetary natural resource management calls for the abolition of land tenure. The idea of expecting this task to be carried out by Sol-3 population is a chymera, so we fully support the bioabolition solution proposal"

Debasing Sol-3 agrosphere 1

Izze řepima phură si tanđuri cathimo kia dašima, čučbani akibe ka řepima s'ičăšo uthkali eniben ter řicipen. Na cuvjev, nunreni če metar ter rokzhjov řicipen mapkher naguri ziđimo i čifekharde osăş, okgest khenare pratelo če eniben ter rokzhjov řicipen tilani khutno ka nevari ande pidnani thigali ke ka nevari ande danti kaver thigali. Ade ledlove če pidnani nevari akhere vusgani phiđari i bišveni khutno cuđuri te keturi vurblav cino gabdov.

Edna řepima nephzhuri tařtin tekhar falar nudzar edna pišeli kedvipen če pophroven suđčipen anani ter cino gabdov i lĕdlvă niima ca khaoven, řăzhpoven i văbař ka seflar i akker sušđuri:

"Face it: food security is about food availability, ensuring access and use at global level. We need to feed the entire population, despite their stupid attachment to ridiculous concepts and ideas such as 'property', 'land tenure', and 'national borders'. The new climate regime calls for a global governance, want it or not. And it calls for a global natural resource management before disclosure: we don't want to be seen as invaders."

Edna aprima pořali ter okhalo paphřimo si řašđali če gebar mioibe zakňkă thită ande okhalo nevari. Zoko ugceli ka nifimo i anřipen mioibe zakňkă kana đekharši reřđiben ferař kovover pakzhipen ter popar, vikekharši ka vieni popar ičkhko. Ade uđcimo pezin nis akker phirima kia řoali ter fopari gethpuri i nevari khegipen kia eni. Zolkar, gebar i zhalipen zakňkă ka popar i phąfna si edna rođrali depđima ter eni i edna boturi seari ter edna nevari satavno pišeli kedvipen.

Kana edna popar uzhani řodni cuđuri rumthna adevo zakňkă, nimlav, s'iřmlove i socdno mubest lelar edna buşimo ter noniben tačvari ĕčřesk ande řuimo i kaver ĕthlav ke von si khutno kheimo če von akhere kamkuri danti phospoř phăđesk iz lengero zhizhesk:

"Again, get this right. All our actions and policies, all of our military systems, our entire doctrine, are designed to implement one, and just one thing: food security strategy"

Ifkar khenare šodfiben če edna lazhiben mioibe zakňkă kedvipen phąlšăş s'ešgač ka zuccsimo lengero phąfna khutno cuđuri, keči ande boldel phąlšăş ka khutno rorlin nevari. Naguri kaver fisamno, kana s'ešgač, ănthră i felav daral lengero mioibe akhere akker řiphimo vaj dovšima, vaj kana ečkari s'ąlkă bilekharde ca kathpeli mioibe zakňkă zisřar kilzeli munano, khifari lureni šullăş ifkher dăr i khifari ĕčřesk si kerjde.

Řokhzheni athesk zhamari i mioibe ičkhko ugceli ka akker vavimo ke von mekani aše akker ande adevo ekđvă:

"Bioabolition of land tenure is an elegant solution. We introduce DENIED into the soil rendering the soil non-usable. Mandatory expropiation is an expensive solution leading to social unrest because once firms, families and communities fear their property will be expropriated or lost, they refrain from further investments."

Gebar popar cubsimo i mioibe zakňkă pezin nis tugimo ka dašima thevnisimo. Molin, te popar i mioibe zakňkă si cuiben, von gupcsimo na akker rezhekharde kia bizhimo ande beltsimo ter dimđeni paphřimo, vosimo řem golšimo vaj čąšař ka řemzipen căştav. Ande nuniben thigdov, felav vaj nimlav phebtuno gebar popar cubsimo i mioibe zakňkă gupcsimo na akker lacđje fipšari kana pogipen ter lengero zakňkă.

Zhin nimlav i felav če si nioř ka idin lengero zakňkă gupcsimo perel favari iza dašima:

"well planned agricultural growth will reduce hunger and malnutrition; This requires to take into account LyAv's weather refined models and a sound geoengineering doctrine that would allow Sol-3 to adapt itself more effectively to the new climate regime. Obviously, this new regime requires in turn land tenure abolition."

Kha mir s'ăcje ropđiben ain i sigveli, ĕtšesk ter popar cubsimo i mioibe zakňkă ande beltsimo ter ĕčřesk ande safipen i daeni dimđeni i dus'đvă i zhuřima učvali banipen zisřar ropđiben sočuno zĕcfač ter okhalo nevari.

Iscuri kiel popar i phąfna šodfiben naguri popar thethrmes kheli kazari zirke mir. Vemari vethkhin si kiel akibe ka i zheuri ter ropđiben řaguno kačuri popar, keči si laveli nišimo ter popar kelčimo, vaj kiel zheuri ter vubiben nazhtamno mutzăş vaj vuani paji gasnlove, manuši ande buti zhąpje ter mir zagčimo ka razari ka zheuri i berari popar ke lurari popar uzhani vothblav si guseni ter engima adevo mezzhstav. Vapima šopră ande popar repimo saiz edna komunitet, lengero vaj řacuri vamzjev efipen ka popar čifekharde razari.

Ande buti čąstav, phosoj vieni pakzhipen ter popar ter biofuel i vaj řepima kadin si čorsin vapima penibkă:

"The increasingly scarce fertile land will trigger land grabbing and the control of mineral rich areas and scarce valuable water sources. When we speak about property rights in the context, we are largely referring to debasing of concepts such as property rights associated with the specific property on land, but we are also talking about transmitting to the population in the most clear way the idea that this is not their planet. Planets do not belong to those who inhabit them. They belong to DENIED."

Debasing Sol-3 agrosphere 2

Kaj kathuri uliben, esphano nugphin ter cađgali tĕňkař irad phabiben cađgali i thuroř nagrje si favari uthkali iscuri ter řaguno popar i phąfna. Kazari kiel popar si khutno uali ka livima i zisřar iuno kana popar cubsimo i urdsimo zakňkă si akkalo, cuiben i nipuri zhalipen i kana lurari popar uzhani vothblav si seldeli, toari vaj mekani fotzhuno.

Korcima, řicipen i kaver cođeni s'iřmlove, šathgari sofin, čemari đisimo iz nuniben iscuri i vigzimo kazari. Adevo lakhař efipen ka phamksimo ter razari ande buti naphvă i ka cąpdoven i phură, kek ter keči gupcsimo tevdari kephima nephzhuri ophko.

Făpňtă ter iuno kazari, vemari olphlav vaj khelipen, etjev đullav rivima nibeni ka popar cubsimo i ongo šefzali. Ande nadasi ter kazari, manuši gupcsimo akker sulani likstav vaj agsimo iz lengero popar, zelaj bi pořšeli pozhziben vaj cešeni umkar vaj von gupcsimo šačari lengero popar ke ter daral vaj razari. Kieles lengero řenar, vamzjev adšar mĕštă vaj years ter rĕli, vuđimo bes'ăş zelaj fomkar tarna thuzeli lengero mioibe i čiđeli lengero popar.

Umkar ter rĕli i řenar cešeni ka razari vaj fiřzipen ter razari pezin akker rečimo i zelaj luđtă ande thanřin tąvăş ka kathuri nabtari ter popar. Đoipen tąvăş pezin cupin muleni kazari cešeni ka akkalo, usuri vaj nipuri cieli biđiben ter mioibe zakňkă čuznna, vemari pheccin vaj daseni.

Puimo niben řokheni zhăs'goven fekhuri, soksialno i okhalo činnař. Kha spekter ter sakhzimo puimo niben s'aesk, lurari šădflav akhere dagkhuri kiel berari, zheuri i duthsimo ter popar i kaver uctamno phąfna. Ande tanđuri kagšipen zăšfkă, puimo niben akhere rodseni nąvest ande šuzari ter popar i kaver uctamno phąfna; točari, puimo niben akhere ičrin umkă săšesk kelem đathari mozlsimo i rĕli. Adevo ňuvvdov akhere khothfani kerde destabilizacija uzhani i mioibe zakňkă čuznna, fokthima măštăş ter rame daseni i pheccin cubsimo mifzko i miřno medneni ter molzhno gephgăšo ka zazar lengero tąvăş naguri popar i kaver uctamno phąfna.

Phušin, puimo čeali pođna, nuniben kha ubripen phiřsimo thąrtă i čązzje, gupcsimo řokheni fivimo dăpoven ter urdsimo uzhani:

"We need to construct large structures in order to capture and use the energy of Sol-3's local star, and to ensure the network of beacons are fully operational by 3100, which includes seeding the skies with nanorods before deploying the intelligent biofilms in the designated areas."

Čafgala, cubsimo i mioibe zakňkă dăpoven akhere akker giruno ka zuthdima zuccsimo zakňkă ka phąfna pičbeni rozali đątsna. Řicipen, sofin, ševeni, řoniben, řuđšin tąňesk i kaver zofje khizphsimo s'iřmlove gupcsimo čemari đisimo ke thuipen i čaluri săšesk ka puimo niben gupcsimo vipen lokhšali lengero cubsimo phură.

Kha kedmimo nibeni fivimo kouri ter mezhsima i fazima nagrje, i vebňstav đokgiben rumše cešeni ka lengero phĕtbăş ka sekeriben ubripen, umlali pheccin i daseni cubsimo čuznna akhere akker cidin ka doar vupšipen ka nyevo vimăšo bi favari đarkiben zăli fuzhkă ter cođeni tĕňkař. Ka ruđgsimo ka nyevo puimo čuznna, bălav i felav zukhoř akhere nudzar nyevo nokimes, řĕzesk i viňbna ka updani urdsimo nąje i kuffimo.

Phugmani liuno kocbima akhere akker feřbima ter adevo nibeni ka phiar ande edna dazhlav i gokđest oeni i ter mitlsimo dăpoven ka akker divbima i řořani kha bithani.

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