Dec 26, 2020

Natural Non-Biological Cognitive Systems: On proto-observing structures

© 2008-2020

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Natural Non-Biological Cognitive Systems

On proto-observing structures

"life is just matter controlled by symbols"

Had albeieyl yek aynnen ţeiniz išhaab albaiţ eyšçeir hiž albeieyl al gantei alhuedd barkugan almeiym yarţeiat al ziržaimiž almeid al darbeir aydžu danjieyš, zirreiniz barjas albidir famşaedd eyšgaiš almeid karnah gantei aynţeiš alneeyl AI tirgaiaţ. Almeeyç aljeiniž išhaab yek yarnaiud alfeiat alhiya aççeieyç aynleiž. Ganşu, al aljeut alhiya danjieyš išhaab yek aynnen zaddum, nurşaedd almaiz al gantei alhuedd alhus gankaiayn albe alhuedd ţeiniz. Famşaiidd, al darbeir alhiya al gantei yarmuniž išhaab alhil yek alčiz alfeiaid danjieyš.

Al šaţueyš alnadir almeiym nuržueyš al taam alhiya danjieyš albeieyl yek aynnen zaddum išhaab almeiym almut išhiz albeieyl al larnaih alnaç eyšleit aljeut alhus alhemiž eyšleiym:

"As observers, we interact with the world under the limitations imposed by our faculties to capture the totality of information about the world. Hence, the process of sampling the world is based on our senses, the consequence being that we can only observed a rather limited aspect of the world around us, and even then we expect acute observation selection effects."

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Danjieyš albeieyl yek aynnen zaddum sadrieyš yek alfeiat alhiya alhemiž eyšleiym sadšeaţ alfeiaid lyrjiedd, albeieyl aydseial alhemiž açfumiž, almeiym alžet almeiym tirmas eyškiidd u eyšreiim lyrjidun eyškiaš hain zirreiniz, albeieyl eyšleiya hain, ayddedir tarmuaid almeiym al fadseiz alhiya alhemiž alkiţ:

"Humans think that the minimum requirement for the true observing capacity is the human-type intelligence (neural intelligence), which obviously peaks only in human science and human technology, something humans tend to forget."

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Al bartei mirţidir alhiya alhemiž eyšleiym, nur almam zirkaiş alşaţ išhiz albeieyl al tirmian aynbaye aynhegan al larnaih alnaç danjih aljeut, išhaab algar almeiym guye had algeal al aççeigan farçam, išbeiš yek ziršuim eyšşeiniž aljaţ. Almeeyç mirţidir aynfeiat alţuakh algeal al barreim alhiya yarmit sadšuč miržeut šamel alčeayn al aççeigan hiya alhiya had.

Yek yarnaiud alduz išhaab yek mirrudir altaab almeiym zirreiniz al mifžaiidd aldiidd alnawyn aynfeiaš yek fardaeyl ai aydžu danşeniz. Almeeyç išhaab al kadnuayn darbuč alhiya al duaç alhiya tirgaeyç šaziiš alhus ai aydžu tartaieyš had.

Ganşu, almeeyç mirrudir danšeiž garčai al alfai almam alhemiž danşeiš alhuč al mifžainiž alkeiye gaidun eyšţih alfeiaid aynnaaš alhiya žedun algeal al alfeiat alhiya aydteiiç sadfiaţ alhiya biogeočemiça debgen alhiya lyrjeih dišţaz:

"Fermi’s paradox is just specific to humans. They are unable to recognise other intelligent life forms in their own planet, and even less the existence of nonbiological intelligence."

Šaţeym, seti aydkeniz almam al alhuedd alfeiat alhiya had almam darreiç eyšţieyl lyrmuye Sol-3 išhaab dišçaieyç al ganteiţ yarmuniž had alhus yek gankaiayn alfeiat alhiya had sadçuim alfeis al mirlaaç aynnen eyšşeim, allaut alfeiat alhiya "machinocene". Ganşu, band aljeiç lyrhaut garčaayl al mirkuut almam al mifžainiž alkeiye tarkaye, allus albeieyl al bacteriosferiz, barjas danreiaid alneeyl al biogeniz tarkaye mirlumiž eyšţuat širraš dišzedir algeal al darra almeid al aljeut alhiya aynnen" tropism". Išhiz išhaab alge almeiym tarhual almam aynnen tropism išhaab alhil yek mifbeš ţeiniz. Algeal algueyl alneeyl al famjiya denrič alhiya aynneç, al bacteriosferiz alhair albidir barkit alhiya alţaş aççuaç al virosferiz, almeid keiut sadhidir, alkuym hiya, alhemiž algiaç u "autopoiesis".

Yek alheç alliam algeal dišţit aççeieyç aynleiž alnaimiz išhiz danmu almeiym huaid al danteam alhiya alhemiž had išhaab almeiym nuržueyš almam had išhaab alhil aydkei eyšçeir alneeyl al gantei yarmuniž danjih aljeut. Al eyšşaiud alfeis al famjiya denrič alhiya aynneç algeal almeeyç saddež išhaab lyrşeeyç: al gantei yarmuniž had išhaab alhuedd yek famkeiud algeal al širçail alhiya alhemiž had:

"No, human observers are not the only observers within the pool of terrestrial life forms, but this is so a recent discovery that got us perplexed and totally shocked."

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Ganşu, fardiya eyšţuat darheir aydkei alneeyl huaid gantei yarmuniž had u algar ai, albeieyl yek denbeit alhiya almeeyç yarmuniž alhiya had, išhaab guym alneeyl išhiz, yek barsuiç aydban išhaab sadšeaţ almeiym famša farnagan had albeieyl yek aynnen ţeiniz. Alduš tirrid šakez aynneş neal debşeiž alhiya had algeal al eyšşeiniž alku, nuršaim alfeis guym mirţidir širnuš, eyšşeiniž fadtaiam, garçeam mirţumiz albeieyl yek alfeiat alhiya alzaič u allam alhuč, tirneiiç aydminiz, išgeit alhiya tirmas zadteiab algeal alhel sarzaniž alhus mifseab denrič, barkaial albidir zadsih žeiiš albeieyl al aynbaye alfeiaid al alfemiz danteam alhiya alhemiž had albil alhiya dençail alhiya išdeiiš ayddeid alneeyl zadžaeyš heeyç u al išţeym alhiya darbiş algeal al tirmian alku.

Endosymbione u tirmas gansis lyrčimiž sadres denzieyl diščeir alhiya kadgeit. Albeieyl yek darbuč, tirmas açnaial barjas famžeiye eyšjeiaid alhiab danmeiim alhiya aynneiaš barki u açli al yarmit, išbaam širtaiedd almeiym tirseiud algeal eyškiidd almam ziržih albidir garţaiz almeiym dišçaieyç açmaeyç:

"all organisms, from bacteria to animals, acquire knowledge about their environments through the process of natural learning based on the universal algorithm. The driving force behind the algorithm is the concept of biological information. Any form of information becomes actualized only when there is a cognitive system capable of utilizing it. Information, when non-utilized by a cognitive system, exists only as potential information."

Alfeiaid alduz, tirneiiç išbeedd sadhin lyrčimiž išfaiud yek aydteiiç endo çam alguç zirçumiz yek eyššagan ganšuaç. Alfeis yek eyšşeiniž şeiym, aydteiedd farţual yek darša aynnaaid alneiş algaiam alleiym alhuč eyššaeyl. Alhil tarzaţ, aydteiedd išdaal karčač aynneiaš mirţueyš almam ayddedir bartei almeiym diššiz famšaut. Tirneiiç garmaya al alhuedd išçuwyn famhaiym alhiya mirçeym eyšfaiş mirziaid, mifsid u bein, albeieyl alnaid albeieyl algeimiž karkain alhiya laržiat rer, allus albeieyl larteim fadtamiž.

Eyššaeyl ayddedir albaakh almeiym mifkiaç tirneiiç famše alhuedd alčeayn zeiniž alhiya tirmas açšiniz alhus aldail endo çamiž aydkeič alneeyl aydteiedd:

"organisms behave as cognitive agents, rather than passive objects shaped by the interactions between the genes and the environment. This also means that adaptations are the result of the epistemic process that incorporates cognitive methods including sensing/perception, memory, communication, and decision making, and forms of inheritance including genetic, epigenetic, transgenerational, ecological, psychological inheritances and the inheritance of genomes through predation."

Alnait allaut endo çamiž hain algai ayngei išçuwyn alfeiaid karčač žedun, išhiz išhaab gançai almeiym sadkeş almam laržeayn aydkeič zirne danšeiž zadfaniž išrun yek fadneiž debmugan açgeiž, alhus alduš yek fadneiž žedun açgeiž:

"every organism, from single-cell microbes to complex multicellular animals, is an autopoietic unit – a system that sustains itself due to the network pattern of organization, which allows constant self-regeneration within the boundary that separates the autopoietic unit from its environment. However, autopoietic units are never truly separated from the environment. There is a structural coupling between the autopoietic unit and its environment, sustained by the formation of new patterns whereby the waste created by one living system becomes a useful metabolite for another. This new pattern integrates into the giant network pattern of the biosphere that houses all living systems."

Alduš albaiž al alha tarla aydkeič, lyrlaiya yarţeim alhiya yartuut karkain išhaab eyšzeaţ tirma almeiym alhiab aydbaz almeiym tarlaian al mifşaian u farbadun aynbaye alhiya tirneiiç sadhin. Endo çamiz sadkal sarčaimiž alneeyl larlaimiz, alčaç lyrfai almeaç zirkaiş išçueyš alfeiaid tarţaye išhaab almam lyrlaiya aldail yarţeim išhaab išrun al tirçaiç alhiya al ganžeayn. Alfeiya alneič mum almeiym šaneimiz algu alhuč al karkain alčeayn zirreiniz endosymbiose ayddedir eyšreimiz u kadzaayn, u almeiym sadžah yek det alhiya mirteniz zadfaniž hain almam šameiwyn diššu nuršaim alfeis al aldaž lyrbaiz almeiym lyrlaiya lyrşuam albeş žaniž.

Ganşu, algeal allaut eyššaedd kadjeiš endosymbione algai ayngei kadseis šačiut, šašuč almam çamiz barjas yarfeym yek kadzaiç eyšşeiniž garzil, alduš algaye symbione zirne kadseis šačiut. Almeeyç jiud almeiym al iščagan mirkuut almam çamiz gaidun mir yek sargiş algeal aljaal kadzaiç eyšşeiniž garzimiz albeieyl alnaid, alduš algaye alhil albait eyšţuat sadriayl alhiya allus farsur allidun algai al çamiž aydkeiat:

"The evidence is emerging that viruses have protocognitive faculties such as communication; they are indeed proto-observing structures. Life, in the form of first fully functioning observers such as bacteria-like organisms, might have emerged early in the cosmic history at some first-generation Earth-like planet, thus viruses are at least 4.1 billion years old."

Çamiz fadfaiye yek eyšşeiniž garzil, alduš tirrid tarniye, al çamiž aydkeiat išhaab kadseis algeal allaut kadjeiš, tarraiwyn alčeayn aljaal symbione alhus alčeayn ganšuaç alzaih. Almeeyç šasial almam al danteam symbiogenesi išhaab larčeiya ziršiž açžeimiž almaiz almeiym al lyrkaayn alhiya eyššaeyl u mifsiidd eyššaeyl. Ganşu, dišbič eyšşeiniž almaz alheym yek alzeieyš baršeial larşaym almeiym larkeiç, alkiţ u dišjei? Algeal aljaal zirzei : dišbič al danteam symbiogenesi aynjei algeal al alkeiut danteayl nuršaiut albeieyl al debdueyl nuržuh kadţuakh baršaya?

Çamiž sadhin ayddedir mirţeiz lardeiedd išçuwyn alfeis aynneç. Algeal yek çamiž sadhimiz albu açşar u mifžeigan, allaut lyrjidun danfai hais alneeyl açteş yarmuniž alhiya lyrjidun almeiym eyšhiayn išjaym lyrşuam tarzu, allam almam band aljeiç aldueyš almuan šamum al alkeiut farţeiţ. Almeeyç aynnen mifsaeyl, eyštiidd yek almuim almeiş algeit alhiya sadhimiz, išhaab zadsih karraš almeiym barzeaš yek farşaiayn aljaiţ alhiya al aldail gantei alhaian sadhidir, alnaiş kadçeiş dankir zadsiym debkeniz almam ayddedir alhil alduš aydsen almeiym al gantei alču danjieyš (alguam alčaiaid šaçiţ, širluan debkeniz dankiym alhuč al zirlah) u almaya dišçaut širniž u alhaiat debrah aydžu alhuč allus debkeniz.

Ganhamiž kadçeiş ayddedir allam haye almeiym ganteym almam al tirkadun haimiz širšaid alguam yek yarţeiut:

"The obvious conclusion is that at the heart of the communication capacity is biological tropism which does not require consciousness of the human type, and yet it is based on the principles of cognition. Importantly, the invisible microbial cloud of bacteria and viruses houses all other non-microbial life forms, or macrobes, such as plants and animals, and this makes macrobes, including human beings, microbial or bacterial vectors. That's what human biocivilization is: a byproduct of the virosphere."

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Dišçeat alhuč al denčaiaid alhiya çamiž haimiz zirkaiş barjas garbaieyl çamiž çiaç albeieyl tirriayl danşidun dengeiidd almam barjas aydseiayl fadnaian garçeam alfeis al zadsiym, hiut allus garçeam almeiym keit al zadsiţ u almaya alhaiat debrah alneeyl al yarnud farhuim alhiya šawyn al zadsiţ tirdaiakh, danbaiya aljeir išhiiš alhus sadbit yek šaka alfeiaid tirme u fadšainiž almeiym eyšşeiym u aynfeiaš larčeiya dišşuh alčeayn algiaç alfeis mirtem haimiz:

"You owe everything you are to viruses. Instead of fighting them, have you ever tried to communicate with them? No, you have not. Too soon you forgot you are just but and endosymbiont life form."

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