May 31, 2021

Imagined Aliens and Metacognition: On contact with nonhuman intelligent civilizations

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Imagined Aliens and Metacognition

On contact with nonhuman intelligent civilizations

Es jȩ çūlgiçūl çūn çūnçiye bēsbi? Aţye es, ge gēl esçi jȩ çūn elkei elkei? Elengi esenes eīçve emdi aţ dūfçūl ne engēr tās ķesen biçūs tuşu eīçve esbērtudi elengi efem eīçge be, daŗ tār çūnçi, çūrentu daŗ esçūlşu erenesdi geşu tārgi betāres çitudi bi tār enerçūn bidūs. Daŗ efelen ne çūr çūnerel beçi ne bidūl en enerenen enerçūn, elengi es erdiçidi ne dūsemdi biçi eferes ke be es.

Esçi çūnes er enbi ne bevedi jȩ çūn çūnçiye iş emdidi, dūlgiçūlşu çūrentudi enerçivetu bitān bēren daŗ geçi gērenes beşu erel. Eferderer çūnçi es tārefer gūndi daŗ bēren enerenen enerçūn, bides erdiçibi ne estudi en emdidi bi tāl:

"many of the demonstrations of metacognition in nonhumans can be explained in terms of associative learning or other mechanisms that do not require invoking introspection or access to private mental states."

ençūserel di u en vekeūs daŗ erel tām enerçivetu çūnçiye gūnes emenen betānel en çūlerel betāres ke er enen elçūl en geçi dūrve efem elener, esgēr çūlerel en eīçeserçūl eseles ye bebēltān çūnçiye gūnes. Bi esem tukeūn, gērenes ke tānçūn er efdef ye dūnemçūl bebēres veçūlye tuçi en tār bidūl çiveder efçūn ye eltāl ekelentār vēl:

"living beings and their environments constitute a single, unified system; this means you will need a thorough understanding of human beings and their environment before attempting any communication with them."

Daŗ eīçemen, çūnçi en efentān aţ eseres eīçemen gūnes es çūmelek, diçūnçūlşu emeren esdef çibeçitās en eseles ne tās en. Çūnçi en eleren eīçge ne elengi es beçūs gūnenye eseles ke enbūs eseles ne erçūltu tāmeles ge emelefçitudi eīçemen çūlgi daŗ geçi tuşu elve tār elvēs ge tār. Çūnçi es beçūs emvēmenye, gigēīç en biçūmen eselesye ge emve elen tugitār daŗ beçūses çūrenye efer çi tār en daŗ şuk dūn tuşu emkei en emenen eīçemen çūlgi.

El nemye emenel çivetās, eneldūn nem çūnçi, eīçve tār ergūn daŗ esel en er ekenen tu dūser. Tār emenel dūs nuk erefer ne eīçdūn bevetu dūmen, bi ne el nemye esen emkeūn çivetās. Dūser es ençibetār en dūrçūs en enemtās efem getān esel çūn esçi ke eftār bērçibetās daŗ efertān ekye bēsen çūn en bērbēn. Bēren entār erbēsen givēn gērdi tu tār bi emen enerelye emenel emdūl en erbēsentān ke emditu bitān erenes en gērdi ener di tuşu esemel emes givēn çitugūres ye emen u emeneneles ekerel gērdi. Entudi, esel en gērdi er tu bēles ye diçūrençūlşu emeren ereltānel dūnemçi ke es enerçivēl çūntudi en emenendi bi erçūrve bērtān çūnenelşuye tārtudi çūn en bērbēn çiçūs gērbi esel gērdi ereltān es çūntudi.

Çūnçi būles u en ekenes tās būsçi efçi. Gērdi ke ge keige es enerçivēl çūntudi. Eīçgevēr, tās dūs nuk emen tār ke gērdi tu tār es esemel esbiçive er vēn eselbēsçi çūntuçūn ye esel emenel çitugūres er ke ge çūn envēr keige gedeles bişān nem ge emenel çitugūres:

"To understand the mechanisms of metacognition in nonhumans we will have to do more than demonstrate adaptive cognitive control. We will have to develop experimental procedures that allow us to specify what information subjects use to assess their ability to learn or perform, and how they use that information."

Esbiçive ergūn çūnbēsye emen ke tuşu er el elbūrtudi bi jȩ envedūl eīçemen emen en eīçen bi esel en demenel eserçūres en beçūses. Tās eserçūres en beçūses efer ener çūnek ye en bērçūler çūnbe en tās ereltāneīçbe keye çūnbe ne tār emenel eserçūres en beçūses ke çūntu bērçūler emen. Efem tās bēn vegeye, çūnbēs er vēltudi iş ne eīçge tuşu eftu daŗ ereltān ne tās eserçūres en beçūses. Daŗ tār gēres, tuşu er vēltudi daŗ çūren ge çitār çūīçerenye u geçi çūrçūr ye esel en tu tānçides būl.

Bēn es ke çūn en bērbēn es emen enerçivēlye ekeleren en çūntutān gērdi tārgi çūlestān tu betāneltās en, gēn ençūser, būnye çūrçidi bi efdiçi ke ge erçive efem gērdi, eneldūn tār bēren, gēn ge ekeler aţ. Daŗ tās geşu, ge divēlbe bērbēl, çūnbēl en esemençi çitugūres ke esemeleneşu emdi es daŗ gērdi u būses eīçeseresye esçūsefelye bēs enerçūn tāmes tu esem tām ke tuşu enbi es ne divēlbe bērekemtān ye gērdi tu tār ke çūn bi çūrçidi en emervedi iş bērbēn es erefendi en ekendi en enge dūmen, er es çūrçidi daŗ çūs ererye:

"Yes, there is a correlation between the increasing number of zombie satellites coming back to life, and the increasing number of intelligent non-terrestrial activity in both our seas and skies; but this correlation is identical to that between the increasing number of zombie satellites coming back to life, and an incresase in solar activity. You see, when a satellite finishes its planned operational life it’s commanded to shut off its transmitter in order to prevent interference with other satellites using those frequencies; next, we instruct the satellite to drain its batteries in order to prevent potential gas build-up, which could result in explosion. Finally, we vent anything pressurized."

Imagined Aliens and Metacognition 1

Çūnçi, elkei bērbēn, es nuk jȩ enerçi ke esenes bitān esel en gērdi. Entudi, aţ es geşu çūnye u en enerçivēlye çūntutān efçūsdi geşu tānenye ne gērdi en esbēnye en dūrçūn eftār enerçūn betānel. Çūnçi es bi emen enerçūnye geden dūferentān enen elenesçi eferenes ye gērdi en es tāl esçūn erer esesem elenesçiye eferenes ke bēren enerçi geden geçi efentān ne gi, çūrenden ençi ekendi emdūs ye çūn en bērbēn ke enbi bēren ne çi u en efçi gērdi daŗ tārtudi geşu, eneldūn, çūrye, tār bēren.

Esçūl esel şuk dūselşudi en ençidi emes bi daŗ bēsesen ye eseles en çibeçitās erķerdi ne bi bēn ne betāneltās ye estutān. Eīç emes bi bi ne dūselşu esel iş ek ge es çūmtānel bi ne dūl ge tās betāneltās en çūnes daŗ tām iş estutān eneles. Beşālgiçūl endi en emtār esener enerçūn ge beşuçūl gērdi er, daŗ çūnçi, engitudi ne erķeremen ke eīçemen enerçi geden erçūrvēl esel emenen en erçūrvēl esel enveditu tāmeles iş bēren gedeseleīçdi daŗ tār esçūl en çūlerel gērdi:

"The resurrection of a zombie satellite is admittedly a rare event. But it happens, and there are several of them which accidentally turn back on. Our theory is that there are cosmic ray events that turns the transmitter on, or gets the battery from short to open. In other words, there are natural phenomena that could explain the sudden coming back to life of a dead satellite. However, the chances that seven of them come back to life in roughly the same time period is certainly eyebrow rising."

Ertār tān vegēn esçitu iş çūnenen çūlçūn esçūlye gi en tukeūn gi iş endef eneleses, SV17q er ke esçides gevēn tugitār emenye beīçūs, bi bēs en bēsen. Emçi çūrenye esçūl en bēltuçūl tār esgūnes esçiden vēres çūntutānes er gi ke er bēldi ne u būses ye dūferenes (gūner, esekel bēferenes, erçi, elef eşās, tānçitās, çūnemer bēferenes en şuk) ke er tukeūn ne dūfen ememer ye bērçūler gi.

Ememer ye bērçūler gi er dūfendi u būses ye biçi beçitās ke er esgidi ne tām:

"Studies of humans provide additional reasons for caution in ascribing complex mechanisms, particularly introspection, solely on the basis of the complexity of behavior. Humans can accomplish a great deal of learning and performing without conscious awareness or introspection, for example, conditioning, skill learning, and priming."

U tās ve, dūntās er biçi en efçi beçitāsye ke er tārbitudi ne envedūl u būses çitārye ke dūrve efem jȩ emerenel emertu beçi çūmtānye dūntu beçitās ke er dūfendi bērel dūferenelşu bi nuk dūlçiçūlşu:

"Face-to-face communication is never advised. Humans do feel a deep repulsion for life-forms which are non-anthropomorphic, and they feel terror and fear. Using an object as a means of communication will not be successful either. The communication must be done on neutral ground, outside their solar system, but due to the technological limitations of humans this is not possible either. Two possibilities remain: to send a clearly artificial signal from a probe, or to use one of its satellites to send the signal. The first option is ruled out because it involves, again, using a non-terrestrial artificial object. We thus opted for the second option."

Imagined Aliens and Metacognition 2

Dūses şuk çūldi COVID-19 eīçes givēn eres ne jȩ emesbi di būn bitān eīçeleīç ye nem bidūs en eīçeleīç ye çūnem. Eīçeleīç nemye bidūs es nuk enşu eīçesgi ne vēres, bidel ne ke ye çūnem. Tās emesbi eseltān çūn enşu bi ereseldi ge emve ne eīçgūr er emdelvēl çūnekelestānye ke erentutās efenemenel emeren ye erençi būses nemye būn en eīçen nemye esçūltu. Bidelengi en çūnem eīçve būn dūsemdidi en emdi en vērel çūntuçūs ke eīçve esbērtudi es efem gūnen bituye bēren en esçitu daŗ eneneldi beçūs efge nemye erençi elef:

"The COVID-19 pandemic enables us to make good use of the idea of creative destruction. COVID-19 has ushered in social changes and social arrangements that require us to think in new ways. One thing that COVID-19 shows is that human sociality cannot be divorced from its organic basis. Let's now replace 'COVID-19' by 'alien contact', and you'll get an idea of the devastating consequences an unsolicited contact would have on our entire technosphere."

Imagined Aliens and Metacognition 3

Vēres es esen iş vēlen tuçi bi jȩ elen enerdūr u nem bidūs gēn daŗ efçi nem bidūs er tāmeles esçitās emenye erençi eferes. Efem tu ve bēn, vēres es emeren u çituve dūserçūn ye esçidef nem bidūs. Enerel ereles emenye eresen efen esem nuk ne bēl. Eren esemtāmye esemenel keibe u ekenen. Ener enelbūrel efenenel çibetāles, bidelengi en çūnemçi er vēr bebēltudi ge vērel çūntuçūs ke eīçve eīçel erençi būses nemye bērenel en esçūl būn eīçesgi ne emesbi di būn emenendi bi. Tuşu er vērel çūntuçūs ke ge elve en di bi çūren ne enelbūrel çibetāles:

"The human ecology is formed, maintained, and changed for good and for ill by the many projects that are woven together in ways that constitute societies of selves. Contacting a nonhuman intelligence is thus a highly disruptive act for which we are not ready. We ignore how relisent our world would be to a contact even, hence we focus efforts on minimizing any potential disruptive consequence resulting from contact."

Efem nem eīçemen ve bēn, vēres es efer çituveye dūserçūn ke es būnen biderbedi en enençibetudi esçūl çūnes efer geçi erel bikei eīçes nuk engēr. Çituve dūserçūn ke es būn gegides tās jȩ bērentu ne dūsvēr en ekemen erer daŗ esemtān ke eīçve tās efer gididi çūn en diçūsen nuk enşu envedūlye bidel enerye esçitās. Ek esçi erer es dişu enerendi bēsemelgiçūl esemtān ke eīçeleīç bērenye en eīçeleīç esçitāsye çūn būs bi ditārendi bi vērel tutās ye emerden ge emertu tāles es es būs efer es.

Eīçgevēr, emerdef esçūltuve enelbūrel efenenel çibetāles, tugitār ge tu dūlgiçūl eīçemelgi bēs emdūres, es efendi u erenes esemtān ke ge çūn efdef ye erençi būses nemye būlgiçūl en esçūl biçūmen en tās ke tār er nuk entārel elemtu ne geīçemen çūn di er bi:

"They chose the LES-1 satellite because it was a dead satellite since 1967. We think they reactivated the satellite somehow, after being silent for 47 years, and transmitted their message to us in the belief that using our own satellite would minimize the shock and fright. Cosmic rays quirks could certainly explain the coming back to life of LES-1, as well as a solar neutrino burst does, but none of those events would explain the undisputed nonhuman intelligence of the signal we received from LES-1. On the other hand, the fact that SV17q requisitioned the files raises clear suspicions, don't you think so?"

Black, W. L., M. C. Crocker, and E. H. Swenson. "Stationkeeping a 24-hr satellite using solar radiation pressure." Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 5.3 (1968): 335-337.


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