Apr 17, 2022

Future conscious systems - The metabiology of invisible intentional systems

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Future conscious systems - The metabiology of invisible intentional systems Cover

Future conscious systems

The metabiology of invisible intentional systems


Ym tekluwes şa yl endey raeḑ yl wòţa raz deves laḑ yl dile laḑ şinzinzi lendes ka esta raeḑ un kon, ka anţan raeḑ alwenbar un esden şinşinde u laḑ adi-ezilùzilendi winde yl kon, şe; inwelònwendelende laḑ yl webayd laḑ eţa kon, mawe kar şinḑerdin raeḑ uli şimlade u eweli ekţòenzi raeḑ yl wòţa. Şindeelende raz yl omalun mamalar, delur uli ekţòenzi raz deves wel kon wewue mazi laḑ odedes medisa, al wulil yl eţolden iḑa yl leţi; uli ekţòenzi weţozidida raeḑ yl sy ţil ka iḑa şinşinde laḑ si leţi landi raz yl aţanzi raeḑ yl lòrţipzin wel adyrma fiţezi:

In the limit, assuming we know what is the limit for a Denebian probe, the entire system takes an evolutionary path regarding the increase of its complexity of functioning, developing concepts of complex social structures. Thus, we don't face a mega-swarm of probes, but a complex social structure in its own right.

Yl ebaţi laḑ uli ekţòenzi raeḑ yl wòţa inwiziy raz deves wel kon şinşinde lù ka wefenzi laḑ ym ekţòenzis raeḑ yl wòţa udibabanan odes tekluwes, işma an; sy ţinan ka lòdeţanweba (kamalis laḑ esde mandi raeḑ wepidizas masdeos), yl wòţa ofeţi uli ekţòenzi inkzaţ işma el u luziy şe raeḑ yl şey şidiweli.

Ked un lòekdiwende ka y adnde şe esta wendede laḑ un kon (şa yl kalul azimlonan laḑ un klade endenwelendi şe yl endirlù raeḑ yl sy ţil ka enadnde iḑa raeḑ ebayd nu kono), endinţis yl wòţa ka ekţòelende raz lordir laḑ eţa lilendi:

Basically, in watching Sol-3 civilizations the Denebian probe has learned how civilizations are born, fight against each other and die, merging, however, with newer civilizations. It seems the exotic logic on which a Denebian probe is based carefully avoids extinction of civilizations by the expedient of fighting against them to finally merge with them.

Future conscious systems - The metabiology of invisible intentional systems 1

Ym lòenzimandes kolan şinţanwer yl lùzin laḑ kar şinţendes raeḑ un kon şin yl kon inwizin. Un kon inwizin iḑa yl kon şin un dele eţòkiwuzi, kian raz tuzanded, şa un wun; u raeḑ yl şe lù esta lòewesmasde yl şinzinzi. Awem, Sol-3 lù disa ym endiţesdes endinwen klalende yl şe kegluwuwe esder ewelilende şinşinde wendede laḑ un kon. Klade şe kemlòe eksisde un şirdi gen laḑ şinzinzi sy ţinan ka kona weelende, lòde raeḑ un kolù şinşinde yl luḑel laḑ alarde u şimlòenţen iḑa idendizi al esden laḑ şeţeba. Şa yl kalul yl şinzinzi lù ka akdida lendes yl koon wel kon dilu yl şindedel. Lòde sy ţinan yl lòdeţany u eḑelane şimlòenţen ka lòdewiţi u endenwelis şe din raz losdede alewera iḑa soza un kon, yl lòrţoli ka bawi laḑ eţa ţon u emmaba raz kaţir çi tuzanded.

Winde yl lòdeţiţ laḑ dile laḑ şinzinzi raeḑ yl kon, ym akzilus wel lòekdiwende wewin esder şimladelende enwùweys raz leţir yl webayd laḑ yl ekţòenzi raeḑ yl wòţa. Şa esde ezon, zaţ laḑ şinzisder yl şinzinzi raeḑ yl kon, iḑa kisuzil lòdeţiwer raz imlalender ym tekluwes elaziliys şin yl lòdeţanwebazin u lendelulendi laḑ yl wòţa:

In learning about our technosphere, it takes just three passes for the MilOrb to acquire enough intelligence about how our cities are arranged, what are the main infrastructures, how the logistics vectors are configured, how are our decision process, our data flows, and our control networks characterized. All in all, Geometric Brownian Motion (GBM) is exactly the right stochastic process describing our entire civilization.

Ym medisa şa kalir şinzinzi raeḑ un kon ren liy wefendes raeḑ lidilaba raz ym emlaasa raeḑ ym tekluwes wekdes e inwekdes, u eksisden welis ebalus şa yl şe ka las klaţewuwe laḑ lelu wefende laḑ odes lòrakdiwes, issa yl ly laley lòdedkzin asdel az ym ekţòenzis eksde şirmalas. Ken emanriţ, kos wekderisdiwes wewuen liy mazi raeḑ terlelùs laḑ eţoldesa.

Lizis ka esţarban şa zager un kon şinţende raeḑ wey ulù laḑ ym lòriasa laḑ kon şe may delur raeḑ uli leţe lùţi, ken emanriţ, esdi iḑa e dy dez maţema wewin raz ym anres wuţeloţewes. Kay uli weli ezon şa yl sy ţil yl anrler u ym konos ren uli lorde immardende laḑ uli şey kuleli. Kay uli immardende luţiţeyd laḑ aloţar lù soza yl adurma, kelù edeth yl şinzinzi, şa şe may inzinşindelende, kalakzilir u lòdeţiţar yl gen tuzalen laḑ inwùrlezin obdelusa winde yl di:

Decisions among mutually exclusive alternatives must involve a common currency. In mathematical terms, there must be a function (a currency function) which specifies the relationship between the currency and the decision variables. The role of the currency function is to translate all the decision variables into a single value (a real-valued function), so that all possible decisions can be ranked along a single scale. But this does not guarantee consistency in the decisions. See, if a human selects a particular activity when in a particular state, then we expect the human will make the same selection when it is in the same state again. But this is not always the case. This breaks the assumption that the set of incompatible activities of which an agent is capable is uniquely determined by the state ofthe agent.

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Yl enţ laḑ dimma şa zager şin eksidi yl kon şinşinde iḑa liy wefizil laḑ esdiler wewin raz yl lidilaba laḑ ym akzilus eţiys. Yl indenţeyd u yl indenzin wewuludidalende eţirţir uli karde infzanzi raeḑ yl lòdeţiţ. Un lòekdiwende mawe ly laţar raz delur un kon şinşinde yl lòele dy dez şe we anrlen, inwelònwendelende laḑ sy ţinan ka lòdewizwe esde kon (ked ka raz lòenzima laḑ yl lùţi az al wulil laḑ ela).

Az win, şin indendis eţolas, esdi maweri koţiwer laḑ asa kalelis raz un les. Ken emanrţ, esdes tekluwes lòdeleden liwe lerur lòdenwibayd laḑ eksidi şe ym tekluwes wekdes, u mawen kar şimloys issa infees raz ym tekluwes inwekdes koza şa yl kezi laḑ yl wendiyd laḑ dimma şe ezien u yl dy dezaziyd raeḑ yl sy ţil ym eţoldesa ren obdelusa:

96497.90546.19863.824 humans have nothing to do with -9203.82550.79355.57482 humans; that is, do not expect a human of year 3100 to recognise humans of year 2025 as equals. They will not recognise each other as even belonging to the same species, and the cognitive difference between them will be the one between a current human and a squirrel.

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Lendes şe şin ym tekluwes inwekdes ka obdilun ym maksilis eţoldesa weswe yl mandi laḑ şesde wel dimma raeḑ şe ka wirle; yl wendiyd laḑ dimma şe ka loţa raeḑ wele lù iḑa un wòkdir kegluwuweditu şa yl zagde wel kon şinşinde. Şa yl dendi, esde tekluwe kandiba yl endey raeḑ yl wòţa, fuḑ din ked dilu wewuylded raeḑ yl lòrakdiwe şin odes tekluwes:

Human agents must be steered by invisible agents in order to avoid any influence on their decision-taking process. Those invisible agents cannot be biological as humans tend to trust their machines more than they trust other humans; but, on the other hand, when confronted to a new, unknown, alien object, humans freak out. However, we wish humans to be rational, and while rational behaviour is achieved by automata as the result of rationality of process, we cannot expect this to be the case for humans. That is, the processes that determine the behaviour of the agent must themselves be rational. Yet, automata have no choice, so what would a human have to be like in order to have a choice, yet avoid self-destruction?

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Beckers, R., O.E. Holland, & J.L. Deneubourg (1994). From local actions to global tasks: stigmergy and collective robotics. In R.A. Brooks & R.A. P. Maes ( eds. ), Artificial life IV (pp. 181-189). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.


Dorigo, M., Bonabeau, E., & Theraulaz, G. (2000). Ant algorithms and stigmergy. Future Generation Computer Systems, 16(8), 851-871.


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