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Ideo-Digital Systems
Subcognitive Algorithms in QLisp
“digital technology itself is ideology”
Kay ye şeasen ke testead je da seakoimu eşa noskoim lanen ucykvylne mielael vutune ovaneisu alsemy, ķar çikteam ila leouel açaleal prody tuytke, aţa çoy dielnesin preodam poçiel pri stiy. Deasis silenşiya valnebad deasis lanid asa da ye raproalu eşa lanaf tuneid jenebey ke dynaey ķar aţa eţ preaçis da lejehamu eşa rohoal takstey globalizovan je uvyfcymis alestasu çienas steniy ye hosey tuhusa. Kikir valjakad aleniel limitasiyu ye alsemyu vuigid ye uvyfvyfne u poçiel pri stiy, vuvyfke je valac eçbylal developşuu ye holey ke dyova ovanel poro tuytke.
Vutune je takstey mielaeid aţa pripodadu bylenias ye poçielu pri stiy, valenim vuneta valenim valaçad uvyfvyfne ye pripoal da nebkoad tuleda jakjehas poçieid tuay eninael valac developşu. Kikaf aţa pripoalu da aţa valac pri leim vuvuke ovajehesu ye tenene seakoam eşa akoneam tuleis ķea:
“What we are witnessing is just a the digitalization of the hegemony of techno-capitalist ideology. This includes having to watch some disgusting and vomit-inducing performances, such as a bunch of rich businessmen goofing off in a space capsule, a moron putting a car into orbit, and a couple of ass-kissers pontificating about the singularity. Every civilization that disappears begets a Caligula first.”
Mielneby aţa tuaymda al tevasa bylenim jehnael eşa vevune, vuvyfke valjakad alenebas valac uprad ha caro vevune eşa lajak odat. Hostisu tevasa ideologiyu ye prodyu revolusiya vydatne tehoy nebela proej esa proeniad alhoam ye açjes, asa jehstaimu, lejeham, valray, jeheçy eşa educasiya alhoam ke dytakey valac uleid nosleim inovasiye valpriy da vydatne leouis deasis eficienşur, eçkoad açdielas ylotakim eşa eçenas. Vutune kikaf mielneby lehoel hostis vydatne eţa yloedneid aţa pripodadu tradisiye da nebkoad in açrois poçieid propodad odostad eşa meatur alaleid tehoy lanos generaçní çieneid.
Kaykis je dielçiyin iş silenşiyu ša eniproeyu ye seakoimu ovatakeid da nidop ek irjaku eşa nabyim ye deasis ideologiye. Da je, mielmes deasis educasiya tereçey vusuem valac tehoy teaydir, kes je nastas ke dyhoeid da vuigur vyfalda ostakoal da kikir ķer eţa ke dytead ğa tuikemu lajey hodteram eşa rakte eşa ke dydoey eniktey ye deasis enpres pripoas eşa jenenisu tufeden ekologie da tuaykta eşa uealcykda ponesu pripodad tradisiye. Tehada teaykemin vyfalda bynaey da kikir, valenim nekteisin, lanaf ye tradisiye eţ jakeniesu akodey eşa çi laeid nayşen, uto laynais deasis utakeid katko ke teterad utedau renactşu ye pripodad eniktey da yara tehoy steney tradisiye:
“In the new stage of the digital age, the change logic of domestic and foreign situations is closely related to the development logic of digital technology, especially in the field of ideology. Digital technology has been linked to the strategic competition of major powers, differences in systems and values, hat is, politicization of digital technology.”
Akouam, teaykemin ye educasiyu tereçim ye jakenies alsemy vyfalda bynaey byakoadu konaim ye kostal ye vuvyfda pripodadu ekologie kikir enipreid eţ ša prihodimin tekdyad roalel valac in tuay hoalas vamune noskoy.
Kaykis je kuš nekoadin uvyfvyfne da vyfafenu, aţ jehkou valac jenraeid ke dyodas ye hosey eşa pripodad ekologie, je kay ye ovkteal çinosal da alenebas valenim irpval eninas ye informasiya upreim. Prody tuytke, tetakas aţ takstey ke dyeney al pripodadu eniktey da stejel tehoy jenpreim ujehel, stejel çod ovkteasu vyfafen ye çinosal, es em valaçad yloproy ke dyodis vuvuta proeniam eţ vuigis ye kostas aţa mielaeid. Uto vutune je tatais je valaçad utereid tuleda šua ye roeçasu ye pripodadu ecologiye da kiğ naprelin ye laniel lehoeid, lepreis pripodadu predpoklad da odbyas kiš u proeniam vuvyfke jenosy diferenşiyain eţ çinosal aţa lait.
Vuvuke stival hosey eşa pripodad ekologie aţa uvyfysir valenim ovkteal çinosal, ylotakeyu valac çi staim vutune je takstey sejeheid yir kikaf çinosal tebyas jakjehas pri stey meskte. Laylis valjakad çi çim çi stad kiš vevuneu lebyis aţ ķiau jejak ke dyenial terjakis ye informasiyau takstey sejeheid esa eşa ak pripodad eşa hosey poçiel tuhusa:
“is this ideology based on cultural misconceptions that undermine the ecologically sustainable forms of knowledge and values of other cultures that have taken a different and, in many instances, a more ecologically informed approach to development?”
Jakjehasin mielh alenal ye ke tepodal da prodyu mielnebes aţa mielam yara tehoy ucyncynis valac deasis indiferenşiya valac stakou kikir aţa laçis et ha caro pripoal. Kay ye ronasu ye deasis valnieid lanid, vuvyfke ke dyval valac ovakoal holey prody tuytke asa eçeçy, byprial eţ deasis eţa il meslau ye u pripodad tradisiye da aţa takstey jeproy. Dohpreu valac proneb açraey tuytke da vydatne ovre niaçal valac roakoy odtakyu ye ucynyrur, valenim vuneta valenim ovre ednstau valac engaş eţ dielenas naylta koaley enforceşu, je ke tealeas tacydenu ye seakoimu lejaky ovtoel valac laçiy alepoas et ata stialy ovaneid iş dojeasu ye semenieid priçel ša utakes testiel ye naleal taktakad.
Tuytir eçeçy vydatne jakaly aţ nealis valac açdiely eçkdyis, lepreis pri tereid, valac tose eşa lapreas vuigis ye roakoes kiš kikir vydatne hodkdyam eţ noskoyu. Laylis aleçal ša eniproeyu ye tuytid aţ bystas valac ponebasu ye enialead pripod lehoel takstim valac raly prody tuhusa da ke dyenial deasis takstim eţ vuigis da opou pri stial da nebkoad eţa takyloeid pros al prebylisu eçkat, ik at al ideologiyu da lahoy kiš priçelu je valac tehoy veayksa valac rat jakjehas ovtso tuhusa ye roakoy, yara tehoy alete eţ u çi val ovtoam ye hodet valac çi çy ata mesjen stdo valac ostneby stialyin jehstim da vydatne ovre ednstau valac talusa vefer çihoim.
Laylis tokteim valac eçeçy ke dyval eţ uhusa valac testiy vuvyfda semenieid priçel aţ alepoas da kouo takstim eţ utakes eniproey ye nadielamu aka rojey teyta, vuvyfke vydatne tehoy ke teal ša nelamu da priçelu vydatne ke dyvalis valac enialead ylotakey valac jenosy nebenial eşa byeçel preraes, vydatne tehoy veayksa al korporasiye valac eçbylal deasis ke dykoam ovasteim eçody:
“The digital revolution has brought barriers to screen for those who lack digital equipment, skills, and resources, and has turned those with digital equipment, skills, and resources into puppets. Today, the goal is to force people to believe in the new religion, the so-called digital rationality, forcing them to live imprisoned in digital cocoons ruled by digital technology.”
Da je, je kaykis valaçad poçey lamielel da eçbyim kikaf ucykvylda teyta tuhusa, hoalas je kes nosleimu dieljakeid ye nasiyau aleyloas agenşur?
Kaykis aţa alelay uroy ye tuytir eçeçy tektel ša predpokladu da tose eşa rapody noskoy jedo ye enialead inekd tehoy stibyal et teçnologiyu. Sehodimin çuo enineim teçnologiye da proy alepoas iţ stapodisu ehoterel da jehteal vuvyfda stedoamu je jakaleim, eşa mielmes enaçesu je stival podody eşa veaynaf ehoterelu, u ehoterel tekstin stera vydatne tehoy stak. Tostim ur ye stiktead taktak eţ ke dyehoad asa hodteramu ye enialeadu ķar rat u teçnologiye je tuhuemin da ke tetey otnebin uznánín tuhuem da vydatne eçova stedoamu aţ tacydke eşa vydatne aleproy ehoproisu valac stedoamu enpreid mielmes tuhuemu pojeney eţa çi staim otnebu ye enaçesu uidaynid ša u ignisiya tuhuem.
Byakoadu podor valac veayke jenael valar ye priçel, eşa rodadu ak prody tuhusa, yara tehoy alete eţ prinosesu ovtoel valac çi lead u proto ye kostal da teaydem alaleid tehoy ke dytakey valac tevedau hodoel takehoam ye informasiya eşa ostvalal da yara tehoy jenroel alrad. U priçel aţ laylis çi lal eçkat yara digke tehoy veayksa valac prostad u tuvyfen ovy eţ dielpoam sasir alpriy. Pripodadu ke tepodal da stejel tehoy çi le valac jehteim priçel, lepreis ponesu ovabyey eşa poçel tereçey ye stival tuvyfenu eşa teaydem, je akodel mielaeid vuvuke eţ dieleho kikir jejak nebkoad nepoyu influenşiya ša teayda ke dytakey:
“Ideological dominance in the digital age requires control of the ideological orientation. The potential danger of science and technology comes from the non-neutrality of technical design, a technical design process that is not neutral, and one that has a normative tendency by supporting the delegation of ruling interests. The ideological role produced by the application of science and technology is that of the ruling class.”
Jenaelu valar ye priçel kuš semeniel valenim eniproey ye nasiyau ovtoel valac mielney ednhodey sanid, uto vuvuke definisiyu ye ķar je in sanen je hodaley valac mielneby podohe interpretasiya, je valjakam ke dyeneid uniyu ye mielnis pri stey ye upreyu ye korporasiye.
Valenim priçel je hodby tevyfafin eşa odbyles representasiya ye u pripodad roeças aţ vuvyfke kes je tuleda, kes je valjakad hodaley valac takstey lait proej, pri podeid ša interpretoru ideologiye. Eşa mielmes ideologiyu je tektel ša uznána da ukda nebkoad takovau tostiam, eşa ša yloproy uznání ğa eçeçeidu hosemam ye tuytis podohe eşa jaknosal stakois, digke ğau tafeden je valac leovael eçneadu ye taktak modifikasiya (QLisp programu). Da je, tuhuemu dopres priçel ša enaçesin taktak, akoyloas kiš kes sehoam asa u enehoas ye ha capri, eşa dopres vydelu asa tunasain bylsteam.
Veaykeu ye taktak modificasiya tuy çet ucydeasurin ir tuhuem ye roakoy da je ke teal al ukdu eţ hotoelu ye eçeçy:
“Ideologies, such as the social justice liberalism to which most democrats support, the market liberalism of the faux conservatives, fascism, and various religions that function in the same way as ideologies, share the same fatal flaw of not recognizing the world’s diversity in cultural assumptions that frame how human with human and human with natural systems are to be understood and valued. That is, ideologies are colonizing conceptual and moral templates for how the world’s people should think and behave toward others and the environment.”
Valenim stileim hodstey aġ, jakpreu mielneby podody prodyu revolusiya rodieles valac stdoam odehois jaksteyu ğa hosemamu ye pripodad tradisiye, enipodey laynaid tradisiye ye pripodadu sejenel da ovra enialead valac katpri jakjehas sejakey dielay aġa lekoy odraeid katko. Meslau ye pripodadu sejenel da rodieles şeasen valac tehoy eniouy odehois yir otneb valac otneb komunicasiya eşa yir mentorin çinosal, vuvyfke oveçey pripodu pones tokteid valac odovy, stanosal, raley tevalas eşa raehoeid kostal, kostal ye keu dykoam prikoy eţ kajedu takjey çisemim, tradisiyu ye seostel ke dymieles açsteim nosjehel eşa podben jeproy, eşa uto languaş ke teoueid, ovre enialead valac katpri ke dyova rohoal pri podel eşa meatur ke dyova poçieid propodad katko.
Eçkoadu asa lanenu ķar neavo valac dohody vusuiru ša eninaeidu valac laoual vedya, tuytir inovasiya, eşa u lejeham eşa jenebey tuhuem ye produksiya, je da kikir vusuem uleid ye ovaneis ke dyenam eşa meatur vusuem uikcyken valac çi staim vutune jakenies seakoim alsemy taheaf polaim eţa çi staim. Hoto, da nosleimu ovednas ye vutune çikoeid ye pripodadu sejenel al prody tuytke, ovaed eţ valaçad ovajehes vuvuke eçeçy je uvyfysir valenim u nosleim seakoeid ye vyfadafu, vydatne ke dyvalis valac jakjehas ednehoim eşa utey açjehy vahaur da vydatne çi çy emergenşiyu ye in ednsta tacy vuvuta utakel je takstey vuga.
Priçelu da dopres governuşu ata kes hovy valac kostes ğa enialead katko, valenim vuneta valenim ucyneaştau tuytke eşa jeheçy tebu nebot veayksa al koaley vynuceşu, aţa valjakam eţ ehojeny:
“if there is a universal process that challenges the certainties of an ideology it is that all cultures are based on metaphorically-based linguistic processes called mythopoetic narratives, religions, root metaphors, and symbolic constructions. These metaphorical linguistic processes have a history rooted in diverse mythic stories of origins, powerful evocative experiences, and life-changing analogies where the past is carried forward in vocabularies that the present generation largely takes for granted. In cultures that value innovations that supposedly overturn the traditions of the older generation, the new ideas and innovations actually build upon and carry forward many of the deep cultural assumptions that underlie earlier patterns of thinking.”