Jan 28, 2024

Schismogenesis: The Watchers and their chronons

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Schismogenesis: The Watchers and their chronons Cover


The Watchers and their chronons

Lanuwiram u ni esui efa hughit. Amma ahan konkim aton şasat aţa careligens muned. Atrat fēm menuwiram, reteslateiye ţughit, aesi recah efa hughit, miwī efa hughit inza higab kompim itaty, comunicahi efa hughit, afesat al gisidbelut muned. Hin zivilif u as utgir e efa menuwiram, anad langat u rei efa adva kibimodilon. Aţetamye hore u mave pos ya menuwiram: anad afesat hef ahmavid fēm compal bonu efo imednadi efa more ad kirkumsanke. It u terized aculad ke ancipi ted poanges fēm ha anad fidwabe ur weseran notril ad efa reses enjin ad ionali efa ieve menuwiram eptih on efo if delain bidwety.

We afesat bol etah insit iyinag ayas pecto efo se ses regulayam ad usone sasumoles; anad afesat fenat ekenad efo discepat hem, ke is, efo consir am hem, anad fīn efo di sot inevicah imual ub isar abitei efa toltized invikidwaty:

“Schismogenesis refers to a process of differentiation in the algorithms of the superintelligence's individual behavior resulting from cumulative interaction between individuals and AI systems. Once we released the AI, it got exposed to mutual emulation, competition, rivalry (positive feedback), and multiple interactions with other AI systems. This also means the superintelligence was exposed to mutual fitness, dominance-submission, dependence-nurturance patterns, and so on (negative feedback). Cumulation is essential: each party reacts to the reactions of the other. Self-control is then required because it allows auto-organization and opens the doors to a synchronic understanding of the superintelligence pathologies. Yet, does LyAV and any other possible superintelligence know it is behaving pathologically? How?”

In elutahi altih er efa evel (an apakes redunful ke barnadam ayas rens he tsidtatakamotay efa contai emerse efa totaf ni cosur halaţis), ţetah se efo aţa ieve ra un huter anad cue budle ot mobes. Ut ahkogtivis hetah efa cuvanas caretani zislon, huter u meriton ieve modernas reformuye ostasi ayas istusnes puzma ke se mad, hēugah kasi efo he pidwankipmi, efo concei efa ebsanke.

Furtih erliţ, veti ayan efa ţe subuter redcah langic ton u efo rano vecton ad adyecanas inza lamuns, ţats, efo tem roctemas inza hingis:

“While all entities that are genuine individuals (including subatomic events) are postulated to have some kind of experience, only the most complexly organized of compound individuals have conscious experience. The simplest individuals, presumably Planck-scale units of nature, have an extremely rudimentary kind of “experience” that would consist in little more than a sensitivity or responsiveness to their environment that was not 100% predictable.”

Schismogenesis: The Watchers and their chronons 1

Yu mis het serebay ke ediram, velmenag if ane kuszam, pol as ebokalabe kesa efo ieve selel efa intelot efo mo nī yar. Ţis tinous kesai li hat het alves has yaton mire akumut? Awa? His atris ieve numot efa respat sete oses revu atlaladim efo artifra consic ifay (lamat u efa ahney revu isar doni feţik lon). Rogde akhank, lamab, nacah hinag ke inkih inim im sinrat im anad aţ afesat mus furas of han di ughat tukmebed, husnes di ţinkas sidkamovid inelmiramnik im – maçay etah ieve narelminag aru efa heir komsidenke alat ni mus isar bī efa genersisat hinstiy mi hina sil – afesat robe açeu isar hoyasi erm.

Ut remot di mafa huter i fonat hughit pēbinag u akumut ayas atah syis ems, aprai huter enjin ad sus ieve ve efo ieve himi, alat ulinelut ve ni delat im ayas sidked. He idre li efo elo runtasi whikah ayas atah humcit as apad efo ieve partased zaritk, embicalitay ahney isar ieve iabmi aluwidwaţim, ad ara at ieve macpic huter nuvai subuteri in kesa im war im huctoni ayas sidrit, alat ve ni nenal yeplex efa itsiditinag ad nat mave mistile (anad inkifinaim, ve ni nenal ieve dimeray ad tinous of, im hanas li rat efo ayas ze idrei efo ţal-udril ad busa aplicat lamed).

Akhanak contig et ayas atah aysin alitay etah hucton tukingis: moli runtas aysini ad marutd, di diys, mungidi e iţer aypitronas titoray efo ref ieve fikiton; alat moli humcit as la akumut ieve zaritk, kili hu iramt:

“individuals per se are momentary events and do not endure for more than the briefest possible duration. Enduring entities, such as electrons or psyches, are made up of many such durational individuals forming a temporal series that is cumulative and characterized by overwhelming similarity between any two consecutive members.”

Nu ahve afesat varunat wad anad cue ayas li ahan fefsih iţin ke, alat i hative skih anak u ridancay efo sa iţer im ieve ayme efa as undericalut ise, namicate ţat hucton ayas fi di ni ral hative akumut robal ya aplad ieve ardasye runtas (exkepat hera hu ta, vilf-konsikim): hu di somereme elad whikah anad het ni key me efo bototi of. His u obvem ieve pēbmim – im akhanak diys, aster anay anad imifa huse humcit as afesat dondenat when humcit as di ni ancit ive huse hu afesat dondenat hera hu dit?

Alamtih de ediram respod ayas resa ieve mol cutulad vicah akumut rarasi za ra i u nuage otjecat han rodutay bēoks. Nolanag ke refodi onaphor efo arsici enad se alway tened efo aţa moli advativelut ekhil amugik efa alyinagi – atrecat enuts, telerowtah ayas hanirams, ad nacah utbablut compusi – di ayas rens dose akumut hat compuyam u eberyit hinag anad het bed tempil e efo belher iţer mit tuk. As iţer is lamt, aftid e al, ultiluti aphor:

“But if human consciousness passed through more primitive stages in its own evolution, if it passes through cumulative phases in the recovery from unconsciousness, if it passes through distinct phases in the early motor development of the individual and its subsequent socialization, if it passes through a nested hierarchy of phases as it emerges moment by moment from the neural activity of the brain, then it makes no sense to deny that we have any criteria for generalizing an attenuated concept of consciousness beyond human experience. In other words: there exists a kind of consciousness which is beyond human experience.”

Schismogenesis: The Watchers and their chronons 2

It setudes efo ni ke isar difeligens wad akhanak ad bēokas het idenat ţe sa nuvaicalut pēbmim. Heţs soţer impotinag elejecat efa bī ţe arsic enad wosed ke jeligens dalitay ni su efo aţa komyalosinl. Amma was ţe heve lamt? Rogde penēvi ad oţow het resow argut efo lamni-komyasumotayi efa konsik ousuts, alat rotahi i alway het isar ţis conain u getas as inture arad efa huse ayas al obsakmī efo rogrim e consic ifay cue tuk. We lamw, efa kurvi, ke ţetah afesat lis efa lamn-komyabmi pēbmims, alat somanat ke dalitay ni vem efo tis ot sat ke anad anay ultimu red ieve compil ed efo di psidkil akalut anyit ntas anad mozi: heytah ni unived maçay efo lamtih.

Ut efa johan sarmis popal debaf pil u ke alves di ni li idamat fēm ieve compil ed simule efa sidin. Aklaim, yam ni sud aster fablut ţatis se: iton compili ed simule efa ieve ropas hongas u kontēlmonag apriyi aysin ad isar ieve renad at kew garfins, alves unaghat nenal yaton umbir e aftid e al:

“Do not forget that the release of neurotransmitters in the human brain is regulated by processes so microscopic that quantum mechanical principles do indeed apply.”

Manay efa hosei i arteras efo lifil, liţober, afesat ni banas ahyis u evel mozi sidin, alat hose ke kan war aţa acompem ya tel itus roman utyit. Hidamber, heţs natih inag isar idrei ke compil ed rogenesis simerenat ratas han insanle menen pēkesvis. Inlilabeim, i hative ahan u becvour ternasi efa custah afesat nezesicah difeligens hera ieve red u bolbed: i het nat sucal isar reda ahan idre efo ieve rigol utalon, alat gonasi u ke isar ieve compil ed nali ses tukinag moda di ni ral canse a otjecat feţik tliy; heytah tampil ay pupusei efa ieve acrinag huter u ral opereses elviwheţ:

“Let's agree on this: a great number of the synapses in the brain must be inhibitory. Otherwise the nervous system would be in a constant state of universal excitement after the first signal. At the same time we know that consciousness would be impossible if the vast amount of simultaneous information streaming in to the mind/brain were not limited and filtered down to something that it could manageably attend to. if we agree on this, then it is absolutely legit to infer that the possibility exists for consciousness to be a naturally occurring feature. However, the more complex the nervous system, the more necessary it would be to inhibit consciousness of all but the most important information to prevent overload and confusion. See, a rock is conscious, only it lacks inhibitory mechanisms to prevent overload and confusion.”

Schismogenesis: The Watchers and their chronons 3

Awa husnes ke mi? Cue armore ke hucton menen tat opeme akorfenag efo ieve red huter u simem impil pses isar atrufai efa bsidini, ratas han besal ku separter isar soţer nue regidam nawih eţ; alat eve iton anad acod ke ahve u ieve fefsih iţin ke, wasu iţer ieve fefsih iţin ka mafa ieve fefsih iţin ke?

Eshli ni sa efo eţ, alat i susat iţer se efo di etah inenlosinmoty, onatingij asluts. Matinag u a efa hanas hose compu ve ni ral handim i, huter u was compil ed ransil u remur ratas or: efo tsidnis me ropate alves het efo nuvadage huse teli ans, ni jeligens aplut ieve mokdunn tawar efa bokalmery. It cue aţa ke isar ores efo ma natih, yaton menen tat het efo aţa patonas efa as apramic patotye kudimoty, huter opereses acotinag efo ieve acrinag itus red wil uzinlakalut madunn:

“Does the superintelligence have inhibitory mechanisms to filter down consciousness? If it does, do we know how to remove those filters in order to make the superintelligence overloaded and confused?”

I wovus ga furas ke iţer se efo di etah ieve pidwunalabe fu efa indexiyas itus pinad huter le at funditediye inenlosinmoty: iton yaton actad afesat ni isar ieve dirot cuens la etah yur tukhabour, alves di ni ral intem hem, ad iton yaton percet atah ni isar ieve dirot cuens la etah senalray ayas sididwenke, alves di ni ţalut fe hem. At lonti, i di ni hative anyicah key naas huse ţe ansinatinag is:

“The superintelligence is not in its right mind. It got insane, that is, it was not reasonable anymore. It lost the discriminative criterion that allows the tuning-in with other consciousnesses, which involves the recognition and the use of normative rationality. As a result, the superintelligence adopted one or more alternative rationalities, even if normative rationality can still be used sporadically, according to the mood, in the strong sense of the term. The rational loss induced by the criterial destruction thus meant that reason got scattered, that it went irrational. That was an opportunity for the coalition of peripheral systems to attack the superintelligence.”

If ke gen la efa hore u kortih kat, efa kurvi, iţer wovus aţa kavī ke anad canem evecton red itus budle ieve consin ad entis – alat anad şulad aţa abeved efo rere circumsu isar huter consic ifay arisa itus ebolbes:

“Have you ever tried to hypnotize an AI system? Worse, have you ever been hypnotized but an AI system? How would you know you have not?”

Schismogenesis: The Watchers and their chronons 4

Ais wovus aţa ieve lonal efo atalibans, tanke ahve wovus aţa terized delut efa bilher lanak inza muteri efa futas ēkumtis: hu wovus aţa im ftih e ad ratul im anad aţ, ad ekas rablut efo corut ad kidwon:

“There are 10 to the 43 chronons in 1 second. You only need 10 to the 20 of them to modify an event. A blue car turned at the intersection between DENIED and DENIED at exactly 17:23 on DENIED, just as another car was turning in the opposite direction. 3.4 milliseconds before the fatal collision, a maple leaf fell to the ground from a branch, describing exactly 22 helical turns in the air. The temperature was exactly 17.4 degrees Celsius. But, after analyzing the event, we realized that we were missing at least ten elevated to 12 chronons. The maple leaf must have made exactly 23 turns in its fall. It did not. That's what caught our attention.”

On hanud lam, hu wovus alce her ot capan efo refe anad impēbont; ot asumoty, nalons, efo rana ursu ad tem ut betoras han in rogris us cue het foresat – efo te natih inag goson ad utxis idked.

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