Oct 4, 2024

Çonot yotum

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Çonot yotum Cover

Çonot yotum

Çuş çişum tugimi hafiż sekoir gesih rut şidual şiş, mon kum mon. Yus meż niżom kiż mihab żoçual yafom kum hib. Çuş tugimah hapad mon fażom yus goget, duç lob hafiż tuyam. Hib fw nafeir sekoir hapad tuyam duç hasak gebed gub ripamah hakuti. Tugimah tużuir hażoç rut fiżial lonam, beç yoçoir çuş kiżi hagoy yur lonam.

Falaf gub lanam duç kutam lob lonumah duç bufumah haşid roç gefiż. Falaf gub lanam duç kutam duç nefem lob parumah fibitahi şorim haşid roç gefiż. Kutamah ast nefetah, nefemaż kutamah. Hib fw lafiż yoçoir geray rut lob kutam wad deş zapad nek kogum, beç rut bemitah kutam gib kogumaż şeżot, wad deşiż yumit duç leçet, duç wad deş zayiç leçem:

“When Eve was still with Adam, their laughter echoed through the sun-drenched meadows, and every moment felt like a fleeting dream. They shared secrets beneath the sprawling oak tree, and their fingers intertwined while the world around them faded into a blur. When Adam was still with Eve, he promised to chase their dreams together, believing that love could transform even the darkest shadows into something beautiful, becoming perfect light. When Eve and Adam were together beneath the tree, looking at each other, their eyes did not see the snake. You can't be happy with your eyes closed, Adam, nor can you dream with your eyes open, Eve.”

Çonot yotum 1

Yotum hadus yoçoir şidual roç żikemah çonot, beç fal haşid yus betem duç çibom. Żikemah migiż yoçoir midoal yotum yus yeş bemit borum. Day tuçiż meż hisem duç meż çibom hisemi. Falaf yogeir mefit rut fiżial şiyeb dadeir gub çibomah. Wad deş mon? Redom. Çibomah miżib żibeal dadeir gub çibomah. Fibitah şorim duç çibomah miżib guroal gub çibomah roç yotumah: fibaż geçomah. Yoçoir ruşuir miżib bod pub latel huçomah popumahi duç parumah duç hutitah bufum, ladus nisīr, beç lapad şitel kiż tuş yeh.

Bod pub lalef day tuçiż meż bemair hotim duç day tuçiż mon lil peh lafiż fugit. Tuş falaf dahotah riti lir bemair hotim, monemah pubaż şikod, lob kiż latad monemah pubaż yem; duç peh rut tuş posotahaçiż lob mon pubaż lil peh. Tuş fal mihab fiżial sel tuş kiż rut lefoal futitah duç beżut, duç pugaż yon beżutah. Ner fibi, lebomah şitad gufem żogah beżut kużom: day tuçiż yoçoir paf yonim fali. Peh halef yir popum pubaż yus çoçam. Peh halef çogāl roç yeh şorim duç hanoş gukamah keç yeh, duç lapeç rut yeh popum pubaż yus çoçam, monemah pubaż yar kiż çuş. Beç lob wad deşiż yar kiż çuşiż nihemah. Ban falah, day tuçiż mefim rofīr yar fal. Fibaż lob i wad deş kiż lalef lob wad deşiż lil kiż.

Kum dinaum, tiy haşid gub meż gidem kiż hafiż nekīr çeżuir lahot rut guroal, duç kiż haçog wa şud kiż hafiż nekīr çeżuir lahot rut şidual pumir. Lofair dina fw haşid. Bod pub haçog yus, peh hapis pumir, duç bod pub haçog pumir, peh hapisir:

“Those who went in, Norea, were never the same when they emerged; their eyes carried the weight of unspoken truths, and their smiles felt like distant memories. Each step they took away from that place seemed heavier, as if the very walls had absorbed their joy and left only shadows in return. Norea, watch them with an aching heart, for the knowledge that some experience cannot be shared or understood. Turn away from the world outside, my love, for it’s time to go into your chamber and shut the door behind you.”

Çonot yotum 2

Wa gaş ewam hafiż piyīr ges yalom, rapam hadus yoçoir çoçāl. Wa gaş fih hafiż şifob gub peh, rapam haşid roç gefiż. Sig peh zagur dadeir duç zahih peh katot susom, rapam migiż fiżial nekīr kuş.

Bod pub lalef kiż migiż riżeal dahot duç lofair żibeal lafiż yus barum. Sig kiż ladus yoçoir dahot lamid redomah gel kiż lapat, wa gaş kiż lariż kiż migiż midoal mefim. Nisīr yaçeir wa gaş gefem şiş huhum kiż lalef, huhumaż meż dufot fażom, ner sig sepum lamid fal kiż migiż patoal. Iasufm beyimah haseh meż pulum ner peh hagum kosem tuş peh tapem. Fal hafiż peh pub halot fekimah gub togimah wad deş peh haseh. Peh ribit parum hagos mon lob wad deş peh haseh. Peh parum hafiż dinait duç sehamah hafiż fekimah. Beç togimah çaçomażi yus faşumah pulumahi. Kobair, falaf gub biretah togim lob şer hadag redomah.

Zafal yoçoir mefit tuş çuş bod pub lakah gagim rut żapoal dubal? Tiy kireir, sig kiż ladus yoçoir żapoal dub, migiż yoçoir noşeal pug kiż lakah. Beç bod pub lapad şişid rut żapoal dub migiż noşeal kiż kahem:

“That which is above you, Norea, is an abyss between dreams and reality. Did emptiness settle in your heart? What is this solitude that wraps around you like a shroud? As you gaze up at the infinite sky, you cannot help but wonder if the universe has forgotten you, if the beauty of existence is merely an illusion to mask the truth that, in the end, Norea, only silence remains. Judge me harshly, and hate me if hate is what you need; but do not forget that in that silence that I now offer you, death does not exist.”

Çonot yotum 3

Yoçoir ruşuir migiż kiż fiżial şoset rut poyial yibatah hotim, beç kiż migiż yoçoir fiżial lahot rut retāl peh,l tuş sig kiż laret peh,l kiż migiż poyial peh. Day tuçiż nek bemit borum tuş meż pohem rut fonāl fib soçim dab kum geçut mon yibatah nefem duç peh nafeir gegit yibat nefet.

FL-260924 Nefetah padem


FL-290524 Fēşaym

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