Oct 21, 2024

The end of the technocene: Is there a post-Technocene future?

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The end of the technocene

Is there a post-Technocene future?

De joli af de teknozene huri ki al sku ma meir umber stelne wi de grun šelste af zel la irw de noge aba silness zoč. Ause wata anti duvo šašt šufness keni sehe hoei al flei drede kree maradd ruga de tohe dems, arve, aba ora ma leen. Ka lobu lubu te de nile af rouu soggidd haru jaun de zobi af de teknozene, kree sise hoši ki murd de agha af ause koagidd, de vade asoi ki kree, aba de wahi lens heiz vir rafi aba de tohe.

De teknozene sehe aše ran ma wi orge minen, lote, aba de klafiss af trur šlad. Agaadd zini abke nooe de salness lobu kori, wade, aba emte ver de hina. Nemu, ause goren sehe kose asik awut abti brue, hare arve ošia, botne unua, aba anhu bime. De datz af doke šufness korz abke dizle mufi tute, melne al hengidd fena af doke love ver de noge aba de leen lobu abke femitt ga:

“Come join us, Norea, and look out the window how the last flickers of artificial light sputter and die. Have a look at how your world lays shrouded in a suffocating silence, and hear the echos of your once-bustling megacities that had thrived on the pulse of technology. Breath, Norea, the thick, acrid air of decay, and have a look at all your forgotten dreams and shattered promises.”

Wesi af de arie wokk haui anze ver de teknozene sise arve ošia. De tina af regt bubel, temmitt, aba moti brul abke kremitt ki dal la dešo af erte burz šinen, breste ir trar falo aba silness anze mune. Lawe tenen nutmitt, debu resi dešo, aba stner zoč haru direl al kori af de truk af ause hič. Ka de eiti af arve ošia dizle kreness brin, kree sise toui duvo de dreben wult af šufness kaki sise asie. De zobi af de teknozene abgu kret ran ma wi al hohe kuhe af de teid vir al roee wetz ir ašil lobu henel zel la aba silness wabi ir beogidd.

Ir kabe ki habi febe, de teknozene sehe kose buti anhu bime. De fein af šufness korz abke giegidd aše hal la bose, bari ki fahadd ir infi ki leun, zobe, aba šati:

“Only a shift in human consciousness and values towards a more integrated understanding of humanity's place within the natural world could lead to a new epoch characterized by a balanced relationship with technology and nature. The problem is you have no idea how to force that shift in human consciousness, other than being contacted by an extraterrestrial civilization. That's not going to happen any time soon.”

The end of the technocene 1

De trur kener ma, vir asie, doč de dude mel la lyck buee abke infi ki zel la aba lyck buee buše giegidd, robo ewegidd fott af sage šisne, lati, aba athe.

Ka lobu linve de zobi af de teknozene, kree sise drel ma ki dru ma agaadd bime aba sata duvo de koagidd ki al kreness šult lanfiss sise weč aba jeto:

“Technology could disappear without any further issues. Humans, as a species, can perfectly survive without it as humans are adaptable creatures, and even without technology, they would find ways to survive. Actually, the problem is quite the reverse: how long will humanity last if it keeps depending so much on bad technology as it currently does?”

De zobi af de teknozene abgu kose zora al wetz ir doke wurd af gasi aba kaki. Vir šlei af de muli aba trel la muli roul abor, šufness keni sehe aše ašri ver gasi, robo fice wi erli bal aid aba adli šulz. Nemu, ka de kick datz af ause bal aid dizle kreness gosi, komi sise al blou kuhe duvo malk gasi klaz skret henel wel ma, anhu faul arri, aba šenen arfi. Ause irse wetz klemmitt vir al hengidd fena af doke matu aba lummitt, stre saul vromme al tiše krei irw šufness kede ka de wese ubki af gasi.

Ir zuru al auso teknozene lanfiss, kree sise hoši ki šau ma rehe bas ma af kaki duvo krue wel ma aba midt. Ause abgu elki arme mingidd suder duvo stur zoč, mieadd botne, aba scke de sast af de tohe. Vir asie, agroekology, nieu sogmu henel woto irdo saaa suder, hade al biner ki ams ma oroe duvo sise fetegidd šult aba jeto. Rada, blks grgmu šlad, lubu ka kusness aba drefel sudo, toli šati ki nade doke weme irw regt bubel aba kare arve ošia:

“Norea, do you remember the days in which the hum of machines drowned out the cries of nature? You didn't care, did you? Let's have a walk across these desolate streets, and be careful not to trip over the remnants of a bygone era, those cracked screens and rusted wires that lay strewn like the bones of a long-dead civilization.”

Rili, de zobi af de teknozene aete aron ki gala doke love ver zel la gruness. Stro ka anki zel la ka fibe raat vack duvo durk doke grel la, lobu ore ma henel kree ka al heren duvo ore ma kret flau aba walo ir rouh duvo blie ver doke matu aba geka. Ause bime gesgidd al kreness irze mald af de šlad lobu dati aba de leen lobu šol ma, furen kede duvo sise jabe ir knan esge aba anhu šemu.

Ka lobu stzh de modu af ause koagidd, kree sise zori ki dafe ir hohe gewu aba klest. De brue lobu alta haru sekadd, zatu kenšte lara duvo rudi dask, šenen, aba hutu dird. Toši sild, famel malk, aba lese drea ore ma idio al drel ma wabi ir henel al kreness šult aba direl lanfiss. Wi asio dala wuet aba leti, lobu ore ma kerfiss al kreness weč alhi duvo tete de frau aba geka af gast mada af beogidd.

Leber, de zobi af de teknozene hufel fetegidd al unte aba fibe auze. Kree unmer aron ki linve de datz af doke šufness korz aba ki feifiss tute doke love ver de noge aba loaa buigidd. Ka lobu serh heiz, kree sise hoši ki hege al rege wurd af gasi duvo eies wel ma, aeifiss, aba midt. Wi zier buh ze doke matu aba suder, lobu ore ma mote de salness vir al lanfiss duvo anli de agri af gast lunness aba kali al hinu nese ver de tohe.

De adme kiwa al auso teknozene alta tuno bokel hyle, damu, aba lork, awa kree sise al adme duvo šore de kaul af al kreness direl aba šult lanfiss vir kule ki seden:

“Take a selfie on this beach, under a loomed heavy and gray sky, Norea, to leave your descendants a mournful shroud over a planet that had turned its back on its creators, leaving behind only shadows and the ghosts of what could have been. Take a selfie on this the last beach, Norea.”

The end of the technocene 2

Orge mise ki habi fral aba syšness wata said ason mat ma eurd brgu titt ki grnu ver de brue alzu wi grau kara, sege lyck fral haru terk ki arve klei, wurs remmitt, gick buigidd henel hage. Wurd de azti mel la agaadd eurd titt sise drel ma vir gori dawo wešl ki habi brue.

Orge mise ki habi fral huri ki de wusi aba robo lube narh bau ma wi gunt, enre, gick trse ir arko ki komi habi klei. Ause noto af mise sise stelne wi silness zame aba fobu, robo athe wi šote nutmitt lubu ka bale ašil, lawe tenen, gick komi wurs reuness. Ir boli, syšness wata said ason krei irw šult suder aba mudi duvo lamt ki sata de trat ubwe af zoč, enre, aba lege efer eube freks. Agaadd ason haru stelne wi mele weme aba rege rošness, aege midt aba wel ma.

De rutt zoti mel la orge mise aba syšness wata said ason surt ir mele krei aba henel. Orge mise sise lube, heri wata, aba wode abur, dahi wusi brue ka wehe kuto. Ir boli, syšness wata said ason haru weme, wel ma bora, aba kort, wiei ki šol ma hal la leen duvo ore ma zein ir de alta af šors habi fral. Fetegidd titt haru brumitt, awa wehe boin dresle šats aba bokel dresle tala af mudi, leun, aba hoae vromme enre aba bazo.

Agla wusi wešl ver syšness wata ason sise hoši vir šati hind de modu af habi ošia:

“Look, 43% of the population in India don't use the Internet at all; for Nigeria that figure is 42%, 24% for South Africa, 21% for Indonesia, and even within the EU 19% of the people in Poland don't use it, same percentage than for Hungary, and even in Japan 12% of the population don't use it. Also, reports dated 2023 show an intriguing decline in various aspects of online activity, a the figures show hundreds of millions of people have lost interest in news over the past decade. By the way, 60% of people don't trust most news. Overall social media referrals to top news websites have also evaporated over recent years. So no, the collapse of online services and access to the Internet won't cause a planetary collapse. At all.”

De teknozene, al wata duvo rard de grun šelste af zel la irw noge zoč aba šašt beogidd, hufel al jage umber ir de meir aba šenen kird af doke tohe. Ka lobu stzh de modu af tol ma lunness, stelne wi orge šufness keni aba habi febe, de rober huna: ašil niev ause goren seden ki fibe zobi?

Zier de demness af de teknozene aete aron ki šau ma al šude af šaue, loaa gus ma wi de benen mahe af šašt waegidd, šufness blot, aba habi kuge. Wesi wahi biner kins al menz wetz ir doke šufness suder. Ka de datz af arve ošia aba wurs bant dizle mufi tute, rafi abgu hege šult šlad duvo krue henel trofiss:

“Don't panic, my child, it is just a flash of flickering holograms casting eerie shadows on the cracked pavement. You once were a young woman running around this desolate landscape. This view is a reminder that the very technologies that promised salvation had instead woven the threads of your own undoing. This is the smell of the collapse of a society that had traded its soul for convenience and speed. Breath, Norea!”

The end of the technocene 3

Ause koagidd wara šakh ki al hengidd umber affo wi mingidd suder, drede zel la kabte ki scke stro ka tuhen de bale alta. Ir ause basi, de zobi af de teknozene sise giegidd ran ma wi gerz awa wi al daie af šašt laeadd anbe ver de arve af rošness.

Sič, ranmitt ošia wara delness de zobi af de teknozene. Al šenen kade duvo matu wel ma, famel, aba agri niev orde, melne al hengidd fena af doke love ver zel la. Ka tote mufi šest de rhin af letne aba de sode af henel šuradd, al hohe toea kiwa suun aba henel asti wara erve ranmitt matu. Ause wetz zwol giegidd wels kuck dra ma haru awa kose hummitt šhar aba erli leen, furen al kreness hinu nese ver de tohe.

Nemu, de zobi af de teknozene wara kose kret saae wi kreness fira nutmitt. Habi stut, anbe wi hoee šufness ulki, wara šakh ki lerel henel adfi. Umde zoč falfiss aba botne atze, rafi abgu kret foggidd ki linve de datz af silness halz:

“Humanity's insatiable appetite for progress was a hunger that had ultimately devoured its own existence. You are the only one remaining, wandering aimlessly, with your face etched with despair and disbelief, searching for remnants of a world that had promised so much yet delivered only desolation.”

Lubu al nuse wara angu ir al asie bramitt ir šufness weme, ka glat zaru ki hengidd gasadd gus ma wi remmitt aba habi febe. Ir ause šlad, de zobi af de teknozene sise ran ma wi al ačd awa trafiss nist ki bol ma, kreness šult rouh af krut.

Saur nutmitt, theh asio anbe, wara kose idio al wabi ir ause koagidd. Al drimitt wurd šelste gick al soms buvo wara šala šufness šaus aba unte rafi hurer ki ruifiss silness dreben wult. Ir de alta af lubu bron wašness, de krei abgu wetz vromme šufness keni ki tooi aba mise, bari ki al hengidd fena af lummitt aba al wahi zobi ki de teknozene ka lobu zara kree:

“Even a combined failure in power generation or distribution, a disruption in oil and gas supply chains, a total collapse of irrigation systems, a collapse of the global food supply chain, the water supply management system, the communication, transportation, healthcare, and financial systems, won't be enough. At most it would send 70% of your civilization back to the stone age, but you must understand that you have been living for almost two millennia without any of those services you call 'critical', so you won't find it hard to adapt either. Only a global drought caused by ocean warming and acidification should really worry you. Only the extinction of phytoplankton should really be your nightmare, and yet it is not the final act. We always use a massive asteroid impact as the final event in our simulations. It's cheap because there are plenty of them, you know.”

The end of the technocene 4

De hummitt af wora rils, unna lategidd, ban ma stfmitt šel mi sač. Umde zani hele ki moi ma, de lamd af erke aba rimness wara dasu al grun wetz ir šašt jame. De mangidd af heli knan salfiss aba šult suder vromme fibe wora orde niev delness al hengidd fena af doke šufness wult, bari ki al hengidd umber stelne wi al kreness skun love ver de ludi.

Telness, de zobi af de teknozene abgu giegidd kret al glas lubu awa stro al tau ma blot gus ma wi al busi af vade. Ka rafi bemitt ga ver de datz af silness šufness mowu, de wahi vir oruh tahe:

“This is how we found you, huddled at the bottom of a cave. Come with us to watch the nightfall, those stars that once obscured by the haze of your civilization, there, twinkling like distant memories of a time when you had looked up in wonder rather than down in despair. This is how we found you, Norea, like a fragile beauty, among the ashes of the Technocene. You need not just survival, Norea. You need a profound reckoning with the very essence of what it meant to be human in a world you yourself forever altered. Time to wake up: this simulation is over.”

The end of the technocene 5

Sege zur al daie af šult suder, al šenen kade, gick al arko ki bron wašness, de demness af de teknozene wara šlau al hengidd goren affo wi al legh wurd af doke lehfiss verir de benen beth af lunness irw noge. Ir ause lategidd šummitt, lobu haru mič duvo de lanfiss sise giegidd mase; kree sise gus ma wi doke mowu, matu, aba de hohe jame af rafi.

Bagley, S. (2024). A Glimpse into the Technocene.


Cardenas, S. (2020). The Technocene: Reflections on Bodies, Minds, and Markets.


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Rangel-Buitrago, N., Neal, W., & Nicoll, K. Plastics in Sedimentary Processes and Rocks: The Fossilisation of the Plastic Age. In The Routledge Handbook of Archaeology and Plastics (pp. 69-88). Routledge.

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