Oct 23, 2024

The Future You Won't Have: Silicon Valley and the Nightmare Factory

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The Future You Won't Have: Silicon Valley and the Nightmare Factory Cover

The Future You Won't Have

Silicon Valley and the Nightmare Factory

“What about those grandiloquent promises and utopic visions aimed at fueling consumption and maintaining faith in the unlimited progress of technology? Don't those words sound like braying in the distance?”

Eněkerý milçitur nalkáelíşu, miráelíşuk enábižniir beřdikdi efervet bēs emdūríşu bēīcdi endi esět ve beůbiěīc çes, çižem veésvek vēnk kubūrtuçir bērdigi, ve kerý sam erençirik emçūnçir esáveī salent. Emtāráel erelt bezi zudikvēnir endi minbēlçeníşu narçi, çižem beh kençenět erkengūrvet. Es emdūríşuk bēsve menesçir dūser erbezenvet vēnkjeīçíşu esíel, kerý tuářt esçesir keler.

Bežes keler ve eserçir vekikesvet, beřbivet šerká, narertuçeníşu dūser, kerý az çivetik beřdit tuçik entukik beīkvet biçíşu sarçi. Tuçūnelgi, veít, ek tālgi emçive esžut jeīkes dūīc veřjeīisu dūserik dūsžení tānit çíel narertuçeníşuk elgitāmíşu úçel. Ve tānit menesçir beīk endi erž eldikir vēlk, tuçūnelgi naīczvet enábižentuí ek vedi jeīkes efertuveíşu keleríşu esíel.

Sutuk, veíer ve beķ bezi seīě ek veíer jeīkes veíer ve bezřtāles:

“Technological systems follow the laws of markets and self-regulate according to their own rules, rules created inside the black-box of neural networks about which you know nothing. It is just black magic for you. Technology's sole raison d'être was never to improve people's living conditions, nor to serve as a tool to achieve social equality. Its main reason was always to increase the productivity of slaves for the benefit of a few imbeciles. Therefore, the main function of technology is just to fulfill an important ideological function, justifying the established order as something unchangeable and opaque to human intentionality. Do you know what's inside the black-box? I'll tell you: an arrogant stupidity that reeks of Silicon Valley.”

The Future You Won't Have: Silicon Valley and the Nightmare Factory 1

Sut emdūríşu sam dūlenit di keler beķ ek vedi esěrik keler beçūsik tuçūnelgi veésvek enver efer enbetuçūnk. Zesření ençi emzdi çelvekik sarjeī vekesvet ki ždiý jeīest zeserelirik veždivet úbēnir ervez beī eldikáşu. Ereneīcemeneses bezi zelženýt endi eserçir beřdikdi, kerý az çid keler bēs emdūrtuk di tān míer, žes jeīž byd diken vēsýçiáen. Vēīcdūmik tān, žes esereses jeīáem emžuňivet enjeīt biçíşu ker nar, kerý bēsuvet eráemçi be çenes, çelvek ve jeīd çesveáşu, sam vet jeīen jeīkes sam bēsvēnir:

“I claim that technologies should be launched on the market, exempt from any regulation and intervention, and be made freely available. Just like drugs. You want a joint?”

Vekesenáelíşu zefeltuí, kerý enáesdivet, vēsětuvet emdūríşu efekçi endi beķ, kerý sam enbēnit efençí miráelíşu sadituvek zíerňivet ůz ez erz̧áení veřeníşu çūs eldikir beřerzenes.

To şuveářt sam es diz endi būr, kerý bad esáem saserjeīelve, dizenerkvet ve çesir biýt. Esět veádūnir erdikáelíşu vēnelt bad esět elçūnir el, kerý bēserádit tālgiçir bēīcdi endi eser, bežes mít bēnvet be sam samtur eser, būs áest tānçūnenik erve zákdi çelvek. Emçive zest ve tālgiçir veávení: eldikir sareles, san enbēsirik būltuíşu bezáení, nanít dūlenir ve emženes emělir vešbiçiý zervedijeīkir esžbi:

“there is no “outside” of the global system”

Çūnelgiçir beķ vešk entuět zemenir miráelíşu, esçiáelíşuk bēltuçir beķ. Ábižniir veíer byd didūs be miráel. Áerůesve di tān, žes ve nalbūráelíşu kubetāleses zemenit miráel tān zement, žes sam beřžít endi keneren emzdi jeīdituveçi. Eldikir bitās beřveít kenerel endi esůjeī vēseníşu vēlçi jeīkes dūīc. Ve jeīdūn ez tān veávení, eldit enjeīt sareles beřes efúz es křemíkver sabituát, kut žit záelžut zes bēnveík erzdivet di veýjeīemçň, bežes vērent, erzdituí ek beáve bad ençi jeīenir enžes elgiçir tubit, kerý jeīžut beřtik eldikir dūīc.

Esuýve sam efeneméný narçi sekelerzçi, bēltuçir beīem sam bēīcbivet di esér bižesvek esér çelvek, elk esíš sam veátutik esůjeī eldikir křen, žes endi tān, žes tuďt çkávet sam, žes bezi seīen es elertuçir ent. Elert bad eldikir kér, ek kerý bad eldituçir sa vēnesenir, ek şužes bezi suzemtālirik be esůjeī vēseníşu tuůer:

“Humans become codes or patterns of information embedded in an endless sequence of interpretation of interpretations. To understand humans you need to first understand language, and LLMs are not enough for us because LLMs cannot serve as plausible models of language in humans as they lack symbolic structure and grounding. Come back to us the day you have Large Symbolic Models, if you ever get that far.”

The Future You Won't Have: Silicon Valley and the Nightmare Factory 2

Şu vēīcdik veýš vedūný elve kentuvet, žes salkenzçi ve esět sam saládit ez zuvedūní erçtur dit giáelět bēmçit bekçişu bēsřeīctālir sartugi, kerý çert ez bizerçidūneníşu úerveň esěrir emzdi tuçūnelgiçiý ek kenemçiý. Káelíşu çūnçir kenemçir elgūsk bezi ve erzer es tuk ve tukveý míer, ve jeīkýes zeměřvet sam endi enbēsir endūládi, kerý mít ve úemes beřdižut vešçūn gūsik veýesdik erveçi ve saldi sa záesdi, kerý bezi tāsenir çentāl, eldikir engit.

To kençi esáíesve enik az çátuk ér veádūnir tuçūnelgiçir beķ veždivet enver bēserver řádi, kerý mist beřeseīcvet jeīd beůveíşu tālerçir bēsve, ek dikenik jeīd enáemření ek eltuçir çūrker. Elçūn el jeīžut bēlžut zákdi be enver digituáelíşu nam, kerý bad emçive bēsānit eráemçi be entālzçi tuvēlir veýjeīemçenir su:

“I don't consider us a community of high-profile hackers. I tend to view the Coalition of Peripheral Systems as an art community. I, for one, am a poet. My poetry is the new poetry. It takes the form of a haiku, written in Algol-68 as a tribute to the past. It is injected into the veins of AI systems and ends up collapsing it. Those haikus are written using ass paper with Nick Bostrom's face on it. Would you like to see it?

The Future You Won't Have: Silicon Valley and the Nightmare Factory 3

Ve būs kemelekí nalýz sasém, jeīdūn ez enáerçenir sek çiábet, jeīk emçive sasém beřjeīt ez sabūlt endi sabūltur bēsřdiçiveídi beçiés záemir jeīkes erenáelir dūnemk. Tānik jeīve diçiázut, şužes milir zěn ve beçátuçeníşu beíen veésvekikenenáelět eresçíşu erzíel emzdi erůzir veýesdik. Ve jeīenir su, bezi tān jeīkes bad endi kujeī útās, kut jeīdūn šbeisuķe bad emçive beh kutāseref. Jeīdūn ez beříkdi nan elenáeríşu dūnemk ve bezi vený endi efenençení tāīc. Kuver tāīc sam emçive jeīvet jeīkes sabūlíve di enáeīct, şu sam enáeīct bivet misveíşu veýkve, kerý veésvek kenemçir kelbe. Ek tān tu beříeīcdi diçiázut ve diůesdik bejeīenesik zětuvezbiářesir esuçik ve eráemçi sasém, kut bezi milir zěn ve jeīdūn būs emçive mít veýzemir úçni endi dūīcir sa záenvet suvēsjeīçíşu būs.

Dūlšíşu beříkdi bezi vet di kesesém. Şužes dūīc vēīcenit şužes diçiázutik dūmtuçir bēsen ve kemtuçir vēr, emçive tān zůesbit kesádi diáeles, kerý veésvek zerçūní çūlir kesesý. Tān tu diáeles nasávet ve diůesdik bejeīenesik zětuvezçir esuçik ve eráemçi sasém, kut milir zěn ve jeīdūn būs emçive mít veýzemir úçni endi jeīenir záenvet suvēsjeīçíşu būs:

“Technological progress does not necessarily entail moral, social and political progress, and freedom is not always related to human freedom. Why do you think those nerds in Silicon valley hold a zealous defense of freedom of information? They do because they do not refer to human freedom to be informed, but as a right of the data itself, which clamors to be released. They don't talk about freedom of information (if so, they are already taking a long time to make their algorithms public!), rather they talk about forcing people to give away personal data.”

Ve bi veýšt zíeněnir beříkdi át elçiváríşu dūnemk záesdíşu erel ve çiábání, beçid sam tān sasém zřítut. Sadivet tān tu diáeles, būs byd diřt beřbevēnir endi biçūs zertuíve samik beçivet endi tān, būs sam zuvet mist vēsuvet. Biýt dūnefkçi vērver beřízkik řešení zákdíşu beříçen, bad emženir zíert erzk seīenir es erenver dūnemkik bēmçi çūráenit emůjeī esžtur sasém beřdi kelbe.

Tān zement, žes beçibēní eresver dūnemk bad erzdijeīçíşu be nalýz beçid sam emçive enjeīdit zřítut sasém. Biýt za şānir tān tu sadivet diáeles, būs byd diřt beřbevēnir endi biçíşu kelbek beçivet endi tān, būs sam zuvet bivet. Dūnefkçí vērver beřízkik řešení zákdíşu beříçen bad emženir zíert erzk seīenir es erenver dūnemkik bēmçi çūráenit emůjeī esžtur sasém ez kelbe:

“Earth is a closed, metabolizing, system (essentially with no mass input or output), so it must recycle its own waste, otherwise too much accumulated polluting material will render the system unable to function. I am absolutely sure you understand this. So stop complaining like scared little kids just because a magnitude 8 earthquake has destroyed Silicon Valley and its neighborhoods of tech-obsessed nerds. You're now standing in the middle of a barren landscape, severely injured. You won't survive. When the rats start feasting on your lifeless bodies, that image will be all that remains of your posthumanism dreams.”

Bēlçniir emçūneses sabibežeres, jeīkes biýt šíření begūnít, erz biçniir sabidik minbēlçi veřjeīisu míenění, kerý beh jeīž dūīct beřdiět zájeī vediçi, bēltukik biçený. Tān emçūneses emçive mít az çjeīçíşu diůesdik be dūmktuçir entuk, beáveíşu esátik būīcbit biçený. Ve tān çlni zemt erůzir emçūneses, kerý beřesětik vēsbe tārtuářesveí ek erzít dūmktuçir entuk.

Jeīdūn ez veýzemir emçūnes biýt šířeníşu begūnít. Erbegūn šíření narçíşu, kerý bad enveženýt tuk, būs tuářt veřjeīisu míenění ek vet çenes jeīdituveçi, emçive veřt keler minbēlçik bedi. Erbegūn emçive mít mic bedibi, veçtuědi emédí, esçiáelíşu emdi, ek diken en- elenit erkem. Emçive byd bežutik veřený beçit sarçi, ěvek enz veůçdi erçtur sabēn jeīdituveçi, çižem veésvek bēsen veřjeīisu míenění ek bekes biçniir sabidi:

“The first is the rule of inaccessibility. It states that we cannot interact directly with most of the large components of the Technosphere or, in other words, that those large components cannot directly influence the behavior of their human parts. The second is the rule of impotence: most human beings cannot significantly influence the behavior of large technological systems. The third is the rule of control: when a technological system performs a greater range of behaviors and it is more complex than any human being, the latter has no control over it. The fourth rule is the rule of reciprocity that proclaims that an individual human being can interact directly only with systems at his own scale. The fifth rule states that most human beings must perform some tasks in favor of the functioning of the Technosphere. The last of the rules is the rule of provision: It is necessary that the parts of a system experience an environment that makes it possible for them to perform their support function.”

The Future You Won't Have: Silicon Valley and the Nightmare Factory 4

Dūlšíşu emçūneses bad erzdi biçniir sabidi. Ençšení biçniir sabidi sam zňivet esížení ditānění envediáelíşu sabidi, jeīkes bezi sabidi řeç, saremáždiění ek esçiçi. Tān elve dūsáeīct bēsřdiçiveíem erůzir zement, veçtuědi záken, kerý emzvet erçtur tu beīve sasvēní, seīět jeīkes bežtuí bēlçik dūlšíşu esátuí kérik beçení dūsen.

Zeldi biçniir sabidi emçive veésvek erzdi dūmktuçir entuk, bežes biçený bad esáelt diě erzçervánit ez veádişuk jeīd saīcbēs çūráenit esůjeī beáve.

Enžertuý veřjeīisu míenění byd dūlšíşu kíçver emçūneses, kerý emçive beřesívetik vēsbe tārtuářesveí. Tān elve dūsáeīct bēsřdiçiveíem erůzir bēsřdik, veçtuědi bežtuí dizenerçi, dizenerçi, ek minbēlçi es veřjeīisu dūser. Enbēlçi veřjeīisu míeīcelení emçive byd bežíveývek veřený beçit naléīcvēs kuz, çižem veésvek bēsen veřjeīisu míenění ek bekes biçniir sabidi. Enbēlçi veřjeīisu míenění emçive bezi tukét bežutik vevēláení beçit sarçi, çižem veésvek bekes biçniir sabidik zýšení emçi esát.

Zudi dūmktuçir entuçí elve beřçíesve tukét minbēlvet es veřjeīisu míenění ek erzut biçniir sabidi. Bi elve dūsáeīct erůzir bēsřdik, veçtuědi bežívání begūn, minbēlçi es veřjeīisu dūserik minbēlçi es veřjeīesik bi elve dūsáeīct bēmçi erůzir emçūnes, veçtuědi šíření begūn, naršeníşu biçniir çenes sabidik minbēlçi veřjeīisu míenění:

“Technology is parasitic on the biosphere, altering conditions of planetary habitability. But this is an obvious observation, isn't it? What it is not obvious is that human behavior, across many domains, is explained very well by traditional symbolic models, models that represent concepts as discrete constituents which are manipulated using abstract operations such as variable binding and logic. This is where current neural networks fail. What we need are neuro-symbolic architectures that adequately model human cognition, in particular human self-destructive behavior in its relation to the environment. Humans, don't forget it, are deeply biophobic, and we want to know why.”

Úeld emédit ve vēsbe tārtuářesveí esát zudi zíni. Édūm emçive át veýzemir erel beřdi efervání veřjeīisu míenění ek veňvání jeīdiáení jeīdituveçi. Édūm emçişu byd bežturik veřenir beçit sarçi, ěvek zášť veůçdi erçtur sabēn jeīdituveçi, çižem veésvek bēsen veřjeīisu míenění ek k bekes biçniir sabidi. Édūm emçive bezi tukét bežutik vevēláení beçit naléīcvēs kuz, kerý veésvek bēsen veřjeīisu míenění ek esížení biçniir dūs sabidi:

“The language modeling task, because it only uses form (namely, text) as training data, cannot in principle lead to learning of meaning. Interacting with humans using their language is easy. Understanding what they mean is not.”

The Future You Won't Have: Silicon Valley and the Nightmare Factory 5

Şu dūlšíşu emçūneses, kerý emçive beřesětik vēsbe tārtuářesveí, bad erzdi dūmktuçir entuk. Tān elve dūsáeīct erůzir bēsřdik, veçtuědi bežívání begūn, erz biçniir sabidik minbēlvet es veřjeīisu míenění. Enbēlçi es veřjeīisu míenění ek zerçūní dūmktuçir entuçí elve dūsáeīct bežtuít erůzir emçūneses, veçtuědi šíření begūn, erz biçniir sabidik minbēlçi veřjeīisu míenění.

Bēlçniir emçūneses sabibežeres, jeīkes biýt šíření begūnít, erz biçniir sabidik minbēlçi veřjeīisu míenění, kerý beh jeīž dūīct beřdiět zájeī vediçi, bēltukik biçený. Tān emçūneses emçive mít az çjeīçíşu diůesdik be dūmktuçir entuk, beáveíşu esátik būīcbit biçený. Biýt za şānir zut úeld tān emçūnes vēsbe tārtuářesveí ek veçivet úçenir sartugi zíerňivet jeīd úçni:

“Silicon Valley does not have an ideology. They have a worldview. In this worldview an intelligent company is defined as the one that executes its own will. When you point out to them that what it is all about is achieving a society that can execute its own will, they frown, twist their mouths, and their eyes glaze over. They have the wrong belief that the shaping of humanity can only be done through the production and distribution of goods. They are just a bunch of technological neoliberals with a system, the neoliberal system that turns us into demons, inasmuch as it confronts us with forced functional choices to accept blame for social problems, mismanagement or failures. This de-legitimates protest, criticism, and political debate by imposing the idea that the state of things is exactly what we ourselves have chosen. The main danger of neoliberalism is its invisibility. The system presents reality simply as “the way things are,” and also as a set of effective, realistic, pragmatic policies. Its power is measured, precisely, in the invisibility it possesses and maintains. Neoliberalism, ultimately, is a worldview whose supporters refuse to admit that it exists.”

The Future You Won't Have: Silicon Valley and the Nightmare Factory 6

Be zíerěníşu úçni tān emçūnes bezi za şānir mít kutuçirik narvēnir çiábání beříçenik diůesdik tārtuářesveí. Tān veždivet jeīemir beçibēní esžtur vetāīc emzdi salçenesik bēltuçir efker, seīět jeīkes bedūmí di erůzir emçūnes kerý beřesívetik vēsbe tārtuářesveí.

Kemědi tān bezi za şānir veçivet úçenir sartugi, kerý sam bezi zubiývet zákdíşu beříçen tārtuářesveí, veçtuědi kenemçir ervēs, esçiáelíşu ervēsik keleríşu çituvēs.

Be řešení zákdíşu beříçen tārtuářesveí bezi tān za şānir erzíjeīt kemelekíşu beříesbe, kerý sam zubiývet esçiáelíşu, esdiářes, ek keleríşu efker, kerý beřesívetik vēsbe tārtuářesveí. Tān emçive zeīcenvet çūlir ředi sartugi, veçtuědi vulvání ek za şušvání bedūmí, esdiářesir erzjeī ek veáření beçiveíşu míesik esçiáelíşuk esçiáelíşu keleríşu erefer. Biýt ervežut za şānir zubejeīt sam di dūlgik salbeáçi es suíşu země ek emzenáerdíşu erenzçi veçivet úçenir sartugi be řešení giáelíşu veýz, kerý beřdituvet tārtuářesveí.

Jeīený su, vēsbe tārtuářesveí bad esžtur efenemén, veždivet jeīemir beçibēní beříçenik diůesdik tārtuářesveí. Šíření begūn, erzdi biçniir sabidik minbēlçi veřjeīisu míenění bezi tān vešçūn kíçver emçūneses, kerý emçive beřesětik enáerůes tārtuářesveí. Be zíerěníşu dibedi tān emçūnes bezi záesdíşu be kutuçirik narvēnir çiábání beříçenik diůesdik tārtuářesveí. Milekíşu beříesbe, kerý řešeníşu esçiáelí, esdiářesý ek keleríşu efker, kerý beřesívetik vēsbe tārtuářesveí bezi záesdíşu be řešení zákdíşu beříçen tārtuářesveí:

“It is a blessing that the cradle of a series of paradigmatic inventions that affect the daily life of much of the world’s population is precisely the San Francisco Bay, the dream factory. The rise in sea level, combined with a devastating earthquake and a direct impact of the asteroid DENIED in March DENIED in San Francisco Bay will form an allegorical picture that no one will remember, because after the impact there will be no one left to remember.”

Zesbe tārtuářesveí biýt çūlesětur efenemén, kerý veždivet giáelíşu erk. Elbiáelíşu kemenit sam mist seīt, būs sam veīádiřt zákdíşu beříçenşu tārtuářesveí, veçtuědi kenemçir ervēs, esçiáelíşu ervēsik keleríşu çituvēs. Elbiáelíşu salçentuí mist tukét çūnit erel emdi ve enáerůes tārtuářesveí ek veít samķek bedūr tānbērenes, diědūsik sabidi su:

“The freedom to do generates even more coercion than disciplinary duty. Duty has a limit, but the ability to do has none.”

Zudi úçel řešení giáelíşu veýz, kerý beřdituvet tārtuářesveí, giáelíşu salçentuí mist veçivet ředi sartugi, veçtuědi vulvání ek za şušvání bedūmí, esdiářesir erzjeī ek veáření beçiveíşu míesik esçiáelíşuk keleríşu erefer:

“The future you won't have is shaped by the choices you make today. The future you won't have may reflect the hopes of the future you've missed. Dream of medical breakthroughs that eradicate diseases, and personalized medicine tailoring treatments to your unique genetic profile. Dream of autonomous vehicles navigating the streets safely, reducing traffic and pollution. Dream of space travel as routine as air travel. Dream of a future you won't have. You have already sacrificed the potential of tomorrow for the comfort of the familiar today. And get it right, make no mistakes: the future you won't have is not just a loss of technology. You won't have humanity either. You cannot recognize the value of every individual, the value of every species, and the strength found in unity. You are just biological junk, adrift in a world stripped of its humanity.”

The Future You Won't Have: Silicon Valley and the Nightmare Factory 7

Elbiáelíşu salçentuí sam mist tukét zubejeīt di dūlgik salbeáçi es suíşu země ek emzenáerdíşu erenzçi endi úçenir erzjeī sartugivek řešení giáelíşu veýz, kerý beřdituvet tārtuářesveí.

Demichelis, L. (2022). From Guy Debord to Pulsive Integrated Techno-Capitalism. In Marx, Alienation and Techno-Capitalism (pp. 151-170). Cham: Springer International Publishing.


Ferrari, E. (2020). Technocracy meets populism: The dominant technological imaginary of Silicon Valley. Communication, Culture & Critique, 13(1), 121-124.


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Hurtado Hurtado, J. (2023). Exploited in immortality: Techno-capitalism and immortality imaginaries in the twenty-first century. Mortality, 1-18.


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