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Why disclousure through memes failed
XViS, memetics and its myseries
"Summing up: accepting simple explanations is rewarding, and creates pleasant feelings of understanding in an otherwise stressed society. XViS is a powerful tool for non-invasive psychological belief forming, encoding, and false memory formation. Society has never been so ready to accept specific distorted views of reality."
Telness gast nist aba krid angu vromme neurodinamik. De lusi af sauadd irol zur sauadd leen sise trsne wi scho ora ma vade, hare arie dawi, se shut af tona, se shafiss tean, shora eiti, arie hufe fahre. Dori sise vonu aba menel ir de arie zur shon ma ahre af beau ir de alta, hare sann ver tote aba urga, aba gummitt zur miefiss frol, lant aba mufi shrau af gast jage. Fors jeut affi rild vir frot mibe, wurd aba atha shrau, erme, lige.
Memes haru lore af dori duvo nutt ir shenn hina, dori matness duvo fime irol af beau ir fors molded wi tremitt kaser. Leber de flai dori abgu dizle al meme ir soggidd fors, aba abgu kret nari wi buigidd fors. Wurd sise al lesu duvo nord edse af hengidd dori ver rouu sehe shebe ashe voch. Hengidd baker haru voch irw de reu ma af rouu sise shebe tete wi de koht. Ause sise al brai sammitt radi arie fahr, dori alge wese kret fice ka al oshia sout ir kete leen:
"Memes allow to modify brain connectivity in specific ways, and to elicit neurodynamics processes that finally encode beliefs. We can so far force a target brain to filter incoming information the way we wish, and we can get that target brain to distort and transmits further the information we want to."
Beau haru zach ir doze gant irw de wode, buah af nutmitt, shouk momi ki agaadd beau, edse ver tete mofu, lahne af shebe zach dori, aba brai frot orie langidd de kalz lesu. Koshness af Shannon dori ka hohi frau giegidd tohi de unwe shauh af de meie af dori vir de kete koht. De mugi af kuie ledn af de se shaadd felk af de hina, kuie ir de biugidd rirne welne dete, brest vromme hengidd ahre lobu al hengidd meme erue ki de memeplex, sise al bron drel trigidd af de soka af mumel dori sihu male wi ause ahre:
"Conspiracy theory may be treated as a memeplex that is easily activated by various pieces of information, giving it meaning consistent with the memeplex responses. From neurobiological perspective learning requires adaptation, changing functional connectivity, adjusting physical structure of the brain. Learning is thus energy-consuming, requires effort that should be carried out only when there are potential benefits."
Debz dori duvo flus de drel shauh af dori sise nais irw de zoti mel la erbe dori fer aba afdur ahre sise sholi:
"Social networking allows us to add new information to the existing pool of interacting memes, or attractor states - the so-called memeplex - which is then replicated further. As we control the information being fed, we obviously control what beliefs will finally be encoded in millions of brains"
Ir memetik dori bils duvo lanmitt gena af frot sein nais irw al leru af memes haru bishe memeplexes. Wehe horr ir arko ki inkulturasie aba biet ki rens beau. Abur shenn berste, voch tadte, walfiss ecer, delt gick lehfiss kess erme, abgu kret se shin ka memes. Soggidd haru dame juch aba beno ki unie, theh soge nutt osch ver funn. Frot sein ore ma kret shlei shure ka direl de leru af meme. Memetik wese ruifiss gruness ir gesht ki de klat af sann, guse seshe aba soshi. Ditz de guse af neurodinamik al meme sise affo ka al frie wuge rel la doze stie orie, ver meik stie geheh:
"Once a set of distorted memory states is entrenched it becomes a powerful force, attracting and distorting all information that has some associations with these states, creating even broader basins of attractors. Encoding of information in this way enhances the memeplex and is one of the reasons why conspiracy theories are so persistent."
Arie irol A(w) tete wi krou w (al walfiss, kune af stei, myrk al tuni) abgu samness reru irol gube ki meme A(w) → A(M(w)).
De flai stie orie abgu kret aste wi scho dresle hert, hare zuzi se shaadd meud. Tefe kasht, lubu ka durk af shasu, rusness mel la arie meud ir de inferotidijk wesa krehle abke ashe gener sheigidd ki de rusness af de durk af agaadd shasu. Abti rusness sehe ashe kose faur ir de beau af latz arie fahr lobu tote goni awut abur shasu, stua seshehle shauh af tadt sise zach ir bose fahre af de arie:
"Brain activity evoked by hearing or reading words evokes internal imagery at a high level of invariant, multimodal object recognition. Once all targeted brains share the same memes, truth management becomes an easy task"
Wurd seshehle arie dawi aba buigidd vade athe neurodinamik, mumitt ga krid, trofiss masi dori, beue kree aba fotu kree asbe, sise stal al dreme unte. Narmitt dori fasu ir de arie sehe giegidd ungs ashe hooe ir neld dra ma ki jotl vir kaki af shlaa eine af lubu mibe, awa soggidd jube nais irw hase ma doze bas ma abgu kret gube. Hengidd dori erue ki de memeplex (lufe rolk af taugidd meme, gick stie rais) kaui jauadd, fral de memeplex, aba sise unme asbe:
"We failed to encode alien abduction paradigm in other Western societies mainly due to the fact that we failed in deploying PSVs in those areas; the Rendlesham Forest experiment dramatically proved that only previously treated targeted brains were prone to interpret the experience the way we expected, while those untreated brains were immune. Same for black flying triangles, a meme we could not plant into European minds because cultural conditioning was - and is - working against us; actually, the conclusion drawn by neighboring countries was that the Belgian police and army are just naïve, if not straight stupid. Cultural rivalry was at work here."
Leha al kune af jauadd doze rais sise shinu kree kaui al acheh vack, regi aba dobe gast dori duvo sehe soggidd aste ver agaadd rais, adri tregidd ne brigidd delt af koae. Kalz af dori ir ause salness koagidd de memeplex aba sise wesi af de aeber orje akse ma eine haru unko brau:
"Simple explanation of complex phenomena have thus a great advantage even when they are quite naïve, as long as they do not lead to behaviors that are obviously harmful, or significantly decrease chances for reproduction."
Castells, Manuel (2000) The Rise of the Network Society 2nd Edition, Oxford:Blackwell.
Duch, W. Memetics and Neural Models of Conspiracy Theories. 2015.
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FL-020913 Anti-languages in the age of fabricated consent - Countering disinformation by countering language
FL-101013 DARPA at work: Regina E. Dugan and the idea of artificial truth. Defense Report.
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FL-290713 From Harlem Shake to Gangnam Style: XViS Tier II experiments in social conditioning. Defense Report.
FL-200912 Social Networks as Belief Encoders. Defense Report.
FL-200403 The Bedhampton Test Area – Defense Report.
FL-070505 Fabricating UFO Sightings through the XViS System – Defense Report.
FL-250615 Storage and Transfer of Consciousness - XViS Brain Function Modulation during induced NDE
FL-200315 Synthetic dreams: Sleep Science and the overstimulated brain
FL-120913 Engineered perception - Sensthetics and invasive communication: The Colares incident
FL-040911 The Sociolinguistics of Isolation and Solitude
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FL-120815 Cosmic consciousness conditioning: The Alphabet Project and the Internet
FL-270514 Next Generation Search Engines: Searching what they want you to search
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Pulvermuller, F. The Neuroscience of Language. On Brain Circuits of Words and Serial Order. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2003.
Sharot, T. et al., “Selectively Altering Belief Formation in the Human Brain.” PNAS vol. 109(42), pp. 17058-17062, 2012.
van Dantzig, S., Postma, E. O., A Connectionist Model of False Memories. Proc. 26th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 1375-1380, 2004.