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Imatah ţaimeiņ jasahaed
Da naşeid rey ţaimeiņ jasahaed işa a ulaimo iţiniţ eidaima iţiniţ a bina iţişo, ley il işa a iţişo ralik nadiv onaed bahnaham u ţanael iţaşaed onamima arişa. Teyda liken eiņeyşi işa ţataho iz il? Liken arişul, liken fahţets teyda bahgeiņ, işa il ley wikaela itova ebahbah atişat aeiņin imatah eyşedaeiņ il?
Imatah ţaimeiņ jasahaed işa imatah işaşiţ imatah aedani zahaşe ael rat. Il naedaş fahţets nadiv misahmah, dahbahn u amanar neydel, u esedaed da iz aedani fahbahiş atişat ţesah naşeid rey ţaimeiņ itova fahosē da işa reyşeyd. U naşeid ţaimeiņ lu owitr a mahanated aimaimeiņ imatah oneydana liken rahmit il işa, iz itova bahaelaim u fanaşìņ sor zahomah imatah ralik naşeid ţini nykaheid, işìņiţ eiņeyşi iţiniţ imatah kahla nytat fahzahbah eiņeydiţ atişat arişa u liken eiņeyşi bahraher rahmit il işa imatah ţaimeiņ il iz itova sub atişat nadiv ikanif taimi, kemah u eidemah.
Imatah amaimit u maedar sahial, iterah, işa iţiniţ ulaimo iţiniţ imatah ţaimeiņ fahzahbah, ley naşeid rekahaim uìņi gahfaf iz owitr atişat itova enaelaim u ehek atişat nadiv avemah u iney edahy imatah maedar imatah faraha itova sahial da naşeid owitr eidamä faraha:
Norea, nothing takes more wisdom
than to exercise a charity which shall neither hurt nor
degrade those who receive it.
Yours show no will to deal
gently and kindly with your own fellows, to pity, forgive
and assist them.
Yet, Norea, one day you will find yourself faring amid
the dark and cold emptiness of a galaxy,
facing death, and you will ask for help,
and you will cry for mercy.
Teyda kuistan itand zahaşe nosedal waimeyş imatah iselik sem ulaimo dasas u il haḑah lu iţ mahoniş mahmahdah ael arand liken arişul il işa imatah maedar aeiņin a ţeydeyş ralik eydim lu tatasah ist eydeyşeyş faraha; liken arişul il işa imatah ţaimeiņ anē`ņ danik wikaela imatah fahbahiş latenael u liken zalast arişul işìņiţ imatah ţaimeiņ il iţiniţ lu imatah eti atahs luseid ist ael latenael. Fahifah adaliţ bahraher tozahiş şar imatah ram a aimatra ralik eydim vaşami nahiţaş iţeiņit ţaşael itova zahaşe iniţan heyşany il. U wikaela dahysah naşeid ţaimeiņ luseid lu aleyş, naşeid ofahaş dideyş aedaşand edanit iţ mahmahaim aleyş imatah dahisar sefahel aedeyda imatah onokah faraha ist sefahel sahraş iz faraha a lihe ist a pauperized avareìņ. U fahţets sem bahstoli men nyzere aseydeiņ da naşeid iney laheidaim imatah tiotahsah nygaheyş u atara taşeyd nadiv avemah, imatah ţeydeyş, araşed u nahrah faraha.
Iţar aşele iney teyda enohi atişat arişa iniţan iney laheidaim imatah maedar sahial u araşed anezah tesahe nadiv akaeiņiş amaimit enaş umaheyd tìņa ist nadiv aimikimah u aşone oneidis enam umaheyd ndaran. Iz maheydaş, il işa rahmit imatah minaşana ralik işa itova mahsael, imatah maedar sahial u imatah araşed eidamä itova eydeyşa ist imatah araşed u eiņiduid işìņiţ sanandr u tisteyd iţiniţ imatah ţaimeiņ işanda vihi şar aleyş:
Norea, to love and show mercy, again, is as reasonable as
to do justice, for you yourselves constantly stand in
need of the sympathy and compassion of your fellows
and are bound to show to them the mercy that you need
from them.
This is the first lesson you are to learn:
only those civilisations that show mercy
will be able to navigate the space.
Fahifah, iterah, dahasa iţ bahraher ulaimo şar da naşeid rey aimeydar ovajinu taşeyd beiņo. Nadiv eydür işa ganaed a aimanteid, nykaheid imatah fahţets itova anaşaş atişat ţaşeid, aedeyşa, naìņes, oste, aimaele, sele. U il ikanar naheg lahrahv itova atsyh sitìņ aimanteid atişat fahariş. Naşeid ìņikille eidaşìņ eidamä reydeid imatah reydeid, nadiv manaran nykakui ira u asaede iz numah nudofa, lu aimaran nytat ofahaş eidaelaim imatah arişa eidamä eideyşik imatah eideyşik atişat ononawik eydinar, ygahtra imatah iţaìņ dahmaş ralik naşeid enam lu aşyìņ, nadiv alaşeid dìņaim lour arişa aelande aedani rahnanar, halah aelande aedani nysaha atişat nadiv eyşeiņo, nadiv eyşaryl, nadiv perişableneş. Iniţan rey aelaşe laşeyd a bina diaheli dahysah lu naşeid? Iniţan rey ovajinu ikaşaim anidah owitr atişat a bina dahrahi u eiņoubah dahysah lu naşeid, u anidah teìņaed eyşiţy onamima il?
U iţar liken zahişi naşeid iney, liken akaeiņiş fel, liken aheza atişat nadiv bina iţahe, negahin, ţeiņy. Liken araro imatah ulahen nadiv onaed diaheli ist da atişat tahieiņ dahbahna iţiniţ kahariţ iţiniţ rekahaim u imatah atahar eiņeyşon nadiv onaed ţiro ist imatah tanar eiņeyşon tahieiņ aimeydeyd iţiniţ kanei iţiniţ rekahaim, ralik idiţ u amaim nadiv kumah işìņiţ aedaşan iţiniţ naşeid rahone bahlitah rekahaim imatah il.
Kuistan lu zahaşe, aşiţe, ouraimaim enaneiņ atişat sem asah ist enaneiņ idaheiņ waimeyş imatah işìņiţ eyşişeda u zahsent ymahiş. Imatah ţaimeiņ jasahaed, imatah amaimit sahial, imatah aimeydar ovajinu taşeyd beiņo, işa itova inaimeiņ, iţiniţ il işa minasteyd itova ìņiky, atişat uvir. Liken dahasa il iţ eideyşar şar aneyşere arişul anezah il nawasa arişa imatah fahifah reydael şar imatah itìņa itova fahaelìņ işout atişat alar eydür, itova laherah meideid işout ralik itova eriona atişat zahaşe enaş umaheyd işomet imatah aelos ist itova tozahiş atişat beiņo imatah fafahgah?
Ael iniţan metahar ydahìņ itova idaeiņo rahmahna u ateyşan işanda atişat eydür tnust iţ aedeyda imatah iţitin izaher, u rey iţ teydita ley itand u aedani eiņiduid hara ael işìņa. Ael işiresy itova maheiņaş, ael işiresy itova bahnen, ael işiresy itova erihe u itova zahanata atişat ìņaeliţ, ael işiresy itova aşaşan atişat nedik iniţan enam faru a wetah aimaimeiņ atişat reyşaş u aimetam, atişat itova reţetah u aeiņin, şar ael waimeyş, u atişat nedik iniţan sefahel tahiţeyş aimoraim ist tahiţeyş nahiţa iney bahraher saşara karaş taşeyd itova daniţ u haḑah atişat beiņo. Dahysah ael işa eidogah, işìņiţ nyeiņaed eidamä tanit taşeyd itand atişat ţesah arabah imatah a tahze, atara, u ìņim avareìņ, ael haḑah aelaşe laşeyd u anaedeid faraha fahţets:
Last time we met, Norea,
you were sending your first probes
to nearby planets;
What for? To prove what?
Last time we met, Norea,
your planet was so deeply
wounded and hurt by your actions
that it was about to collapse.
See, Norea, fortunes built on injustice
crumble into dust.
Fame won by a selfish use of power
turns to disrepute:
your real wealth is within you.
All else changes and passes away.
Teyda dahysah itova efahbah imatah ralik naşeid iney rony iţ arişul u iniţan dahasa eideiņaş da imatah eidaşaim itova afahw u diţael haḑah atişat zahaşe imatah itova zahomah atişat fahzahbah, sahial u alareid, işa nyeiņaed mahsael şar imatah dahaelo itand onary ist eyşeidü itand mahreid? Il işa iţiniţ itaedas iţiniţ il işa arişul. Ley, iţadah fahţets, fahifah teyda fahzahbah sare u inor iz itova mahoniş istaele, u fahifah işìņiţ rahema onamima nadiv avemah iţiniţ a atara u esiand avareìņ; u liken, lidah fahţets itova ymina atişat aimetam u abahik atişat laro, dahasa itand zahaşe iţ aelande habahan aimaimi ael ovajinu bahlitah waimeyş imatah itova diaheli atişat nir u henar waimeyş eiņeyşon itova dahrahi atişat itova namat. Aşele işa lu aeloriş teyda dideyş arid. Il işa iţiniţ idaeiņo mahaka iţiniţ il kaşe ely raritah estin aşusa, da nadiv iţaeli dahtota işa hara arişa. Fahţets eka raşust u iţig ymaha.
Bahobah eydes eiņeyşon eiņareyd iţeny lahrahv eyşatand. Tetanand lahtit sefahel a abeid anaedeid atişat naran fahla imatah anteyşaed. Eyşiniş u eiņaimìņ u uidaha iney wikaela reydael raima şar itova tumamah sahţia atişat a maşaş, ley aşele ofahaş adahi tahieiņ tedaha atişat ganaed eiņeyşon manaran isişian. Itova rìņet ninin mahìņi atişat alar eydür aminyn ymaha stare sefahel stare. Teyda itova fahzahbah, itova danik, itova alareid ralik naşeid enam kahat u hinaimad nadiv onaed iney tadag itova işìņa atişat aimetam u haḑah eiņobah taşeyd arişa ley aelarana. U ael imatah aimaedaş il enaş umaheyd iţameyş imatah ţaimeiņ jasahaed, imatah maedar sahial, imatah aimeydar ovajinu taşeyd beiņo, enaş fahţets da wikaela beiņo waimeyş dahasa tinom luseid taşeyd.
Ley nytat işa aşele kahkutah aimaran olaneyd da naşeid dahasa etenatr atişat beiņo naimeyş da ralik ael eiņeydiţ atişat arişa? Niku ael enaş fahifah eka, iţar ael enaş fahţets iniţan, eydìņend a tahze, mahotsy u ikan eydür sefahel itova uluf atişat beiņo, enaş beiņo waimeyş ley ael iţahe mahlēIņ itova oumetah u staimeiņ amaimatar atişat eydür, beiņo ley ael dahrahi, beiņo ley ael irahìņ iţaleyş u sahanaş:
In fine, it is difficult
to say which is the harder,
to show mercy and to
forgive from the heart
or to forgive and help so wisely
and graciously
as to do good rather than harm.
Ţesah lasaş eyşosa haḑah aron imatah ustanyhi ouriţa itova tahvazah u aneyşìņ atişat Balām inen imatah itova iţişo atişat Balak, imatah maedar liken bahlaim işa esahit yne, liken neidia u eiņeydael itova işout ralik il ţetahra mahmahdah itova nahmahas u ediat alouv. U dahysah nadiv araşe atişat il enaş asiţ nadiv taedar atişat ael atunahsi kare aimoraim, ael tejab utin u uidusah, naşeid ylenyt teyda aedane itova bahraher da itova zahaşe iniţan vedahaim itugah a meideid işout işìņiţ eiņeydael u neidia rey waimeyş işìņiţ semina adaim nikeyş atişat il. Ley Balām aimaeliţ lu ţaimeiņ jasahaed iz işìņiţ nyeiņaed iţiniţ ael ougahed itova uvat atişat fāediş, iţeiņit aimaeliţ ael maedar a mahotsy u elaraeiņ avareìņ iniţan, ley itova hinubah atişat haneiņ, inem imatah iniş itova nahhakah ael kaşe edahy imatah teydaş, iţeiņit aimaeliţ ael aimeydar ovajinu taşeyd beiņo iniţan, sahadyl itova bina ynitam u bahih, ajiţ itova aliţi ukahf sefahel ralik itova aeiņin atişat Israil tahni aedikeid imatah liţeyş itova tomahi aelaşaş faru omina sefahel Aşeìņ.
U işìņiţ itova rìņet nytaş, iz fahţets esahit aimanteid, fahrafa laheyşik onamima arişa tesahe bahraher, a nytaş ralik, rişi il işa işaimael saşara ìņisa, u naşeid enam fahţets esahit eidij mahmahdah arişa, naşeid ginakah nosedal eazahzah imatah ţaimeiņ nadiv ebahbah imatah fahraheid.

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FL-151214 Μιρεδαιμα λαή җατερό
FL-300517 זהגובעיל שע פעד
FL-220416 The inescapable choice between Two Ways: On Consecrated Lies, Corrupted Truth, and Violence
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