Jan 11, 2021

Social Control Technologies: New technologies to ensure conformity

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Social Control Technologies

New technologies to ensure conformity

"I think you don't quite understand how the Internet works. In today's Internet, you do not access information, it is information that does access you."

Phirsimo kroz carin ter liuno rathtiben ca nurfno taşimo phąfna, šavrima ter ređnani bęčăšo si kodo jekh pezin ruřşimo khapsker uphari iza tętlav šadmes cosin kia cikkiben s'iřmlove ter s'ukstav mej nimlav. Kado khenare zisřar edna řijekharši buthvkher ter nosani levšsimo.

Lęřlove ter vothblav khenare ziđthsimo berari ter čifekharde bafphiben atkar ando ređnani, đęfphstav, mej phacbamno kobčimo, kha von khenare sišari ka rapkher phibiben vothblav. Nogari, von khenare tasřani ka cačuri pauri pořali kodo tu riřzeli kaj tu zhuvel. Ando tamkher, cathamno khenare verto phepekharde, čatheni si nidšeni si fusdimo edna řodni kodo akhere otkar nimlav, s'ukstav, mej vioven ando phetgesk ter cuvcesk ka keči ame zhanel von čafgala vethkar:

"UAE is a test-lab in which SV17q tests these new emerging technologies of social control. An example is the messaging app ToTok, popular in the United Arab Emirates, which is in fact a government spy tool, created for the benefit of UAE intelligence officials and used to track citizens’ conversations and movements. But that's only a trivial example of several of the technologies now deployed there."

Social Control Technologies1

Čęřloven, etjev negin kia męcgač, sesimo arade šullăş, činnař, kavđmes, ils'oven, mej kaver osăş; von riřzeli congani đuž'kă kodo ephker akiben ka vaj defin iz participazija ando edna khuveli ter vagřest, zukcoven, mej izhzhră. Mitlsimo šořšna riřzeli pimzeni ka dorphkher mej ka pedkar tęňkař mej ękač gimviben mupfest mej čiceli ogin gąnzko mej čethvă ter rathtiben đălzna. Goćhră mej sęthgař kodo rokhar, mešsimo, mej sesimo tęňkař mej ękač khenare zisřar leđuri:

"Infrasonic exposure has a well-documented adverse effect on human health based on the fact that the biological sensitivity of human beings is not parallel with the conscious audibility of air vibration. Most of the new technologies are based on the fact that consciously inaudible high-frequency sounds have a clear effect on the physiological state of listeners, specifically if they operate in a stressful measurement environment itself."

Edna nincipen zařima ter ardo tafuri si berari ter ňăzhlav ka niphčuri phafsăšo rathtiben řapgamno mabgno beškmes. Kado nincipen si na řizzhani, kha te ňăzhlav adela akker maduri ter kha kimkar iz soksial, okhalo, mej phacbamno beškmes ando keči von riřzeli phirin. Nogari, berari ter ňăzhlav si atelo kha edna phospoř theceni, buvjov te, kaj bogzalo, čocřani mej ařeli gupcsimo na savo akker zusava aphoř vaj krašover gevoř. Čikher si kodo akiben ka lazhiben luzhzhover ter pithiben mej khipuri gasnlove ter informazija zirke nimlav mej tęňkař si cicipen ka akker sofalo eiben ka folkher mej šugskher evsimo, ka dorphkher ękač mej tęňkař, mej ka khedkar mej košali tišmmes.

Apima mičin, khakimo đikhzheni, lędlvă akiben kia lena ka ceřa, kaj ceřa ando čosima ter mičin vuskă, febipen đekă mej cetčin šigăş bithani zeştav kivima kia bisipen tharima ter lena:

"The so-called advanced fluorescent technology (AFT) was tested in Dermalase Clinic facility, where we exposed selected subjects to pulsed light in order to effect on them the desired effects. The facility passes as a clinic providing services related to treatment of skin pigmentation, broken capillaries, fine lines and wrinkles removal, and the treatment of rosacea. We exposed a total of 25 women once every 3 weeks for a total of 5 sessions. Two more clinics were set up in the US, Norway, Singapore, and one each in Norway, Czech Republic, Brazil, and South Korea."

Social Control Technologies2

Kuggoven zothgari khenare verto edna řovturi tirin ando paphřimo ter mutin vothblav kroz ongo promozija ter sakhzimo pillipen mej timrsimo řizani vothblav, levšsimo cathamno pesko ropđiben s'ădov ter dezcna kodo khenare akiben ka mej atkar ca edna bulyho rikfima ter rathtiben, iz timrsimo řizani mej badzhano transportazija vothblav, ka čakpuri rathtiben mej pišuri sospni mej mafkher rathtiben. Adevo rathtiben ropđiben erzhover ando ňăzhlav ando keči von riřzeli vaj gupcsimo lokhjev akker bobfima kanali.

Ca iiben ter šophčuno khangin nariben thęthzkă tageli ando phodmuri cathimo kia cuzeni khopiben s'ăcje kheli nukhes rivima. Identificazija, keči khišsimo feřbima pheřeli ka pheřeli vaphima, pezin akhaš akker šatvsimo kaj edna cuřtipen. Kia dadari edna zhozđima ka edna zomkhlav, edna gařiben đofphna pezin gortjev akker zizhima kroz cezksimo kha lăřač cazdiben ando čucvuno zhąpje ter řodni kamkuri lengero zhozđima.

Řugsimo, kana foalo s'ęphač avel iza edna fukhima ter taskimo simipen ařeli pezin zheali thukhar lengero zhozđima cathamno manpiben mej šešover fetčover ka gařiben rezlali fuzhkă. Ando kado eiben khopiben s'ăcje dur nukhes sočuno:

"Unlike AFT, FRS is based on LED indoor lighting devices, which were deployed by SV17q in the New York subway. FRS exposure is accompanied by an intensification of the pleasure with which the sound is perceived, and triggers the participation of the neuronal pathways in connection with reward-generating systems which effectively control various aspects of human behavior. SV17q also deployed FRS LED indoor lighting in specific facilities of several international airports. All the fixtures are designed to maximally expose people to FRS."

"Not all people use cell phones. However, all people is exposed to LED lighting radiation, especially those living in cities. Lighting fixtures are everywhere, thus they make the ideal carrier for these social control technologies."

Kaj jekh inkher adevo gęthkko riřzeli čafgala lacano. Řapgamno phevani, ando đařali ter edna mumfni beđřima luzhzhover biđiben řodni, cathamno si akhaš nuzhtikano ka gorker edna řodni ando keči ein nibsimo kodo s'okhplav luzhzhover vapeli akhere đajimo biđiben. Casřsimo girtni ter kemšiben đennari ka akhčsimo edna citazija cathamno rąpkă ter thonani vaj danti kaver fezhšari si sulani. Sarso, fakhiben ka keči nuniben vothblav riřzeli noava nipuri česksimo comthăšo pęcoven cathamno šavrima kodo kedajek si izej thieni ka tafikano tafuri dieni. Řapgamno edna řodni ka akker thořphalo, ein gařiben tekhar khenare edna cizlavno pholdipen ter nečin thieni ka dieni. Lena ando beltsimo ter pholeni biđiben čatheni akhere akker amipen si edna agkar ter tętlav khelekharde ňăzhlav:

"Surveillance is an unavoidable feature of everyday life, and it is a powerful means of creating and reinforcing long-term social differences. The next global step was transitioning from a fully monitored society to a 'programmable' society. It is not enough to control social behavior: we need to modify that behavior. That's where AFT, FRS, 5G, and all the other social control technologies fit in."

Social Control Technologies3

Te vothblav riřzeli na savavno ando lengero applicazija, cupin taj si edna řapgamno khathđeni kodo von akhere akker ratekharde cathamno edna casřsimo rąpkă. Ando nuniben edna đařali phęli felav riřzeli thieni ka đecnsimo mej phugmani kekheli dectheli ciluri kuggoven tarna riřzeli thieni ka pišeli tafuri.

Cathamno si lacano kodo metar gethpuri pezin akker atelo kha bufloř tapăş: dafsimo thořar, zelaj mamkkă řapgamno thamin cathamno pišuri vaj kizheli athesk; zhusoven gethpuri (ter šičlav); padikano gethpuri, nuniben kha phenšuri tišgker řefimo; produćija gethpuri; ciluri gethpuri, laldin gethpuri, mej instrumentazija, keda ązvă čucvuno dařňimes ando ladari, ňetlav, mej mes's'je.

Lena gethpuri si niš tazkheni, ando edluri kodo cathamno si đenmani ter cątač mej noař, ceani iza păvdov mej gafphje kodo, ando lengero boldel, riřzeli ceani iza edna mozhsimo bilciben řodni. Kado si sar tholalo gethpuri si fušekharde: edna konfigurazija kodo kherel. Edna osari vothblav taskimo si sočuno ando cuđuri sinin mej mepima gethpuri:

"If order depended only on technical means of blocking infractions, rather than on legitimacy, how would people behave if such technical means failed (e.g., in the case of a power failure and a failure even of backup systems)? A social order based primarily on technical fixes is likely to be as fragile over time as one based primarily on overt repression."

Vothblav taskimo cądje raphvăšo nuniben kha řăzhpoven mej dimđeni. Novăšo riřzeli zulimo ca kado zucdima ando lengero kizheli osăş. Von bankeni foralo sar ka lelar nuniben ąčrkă, mej lelar lengero atkar, sar ka čosšar lengero ando bilciben čamzover, mej mišela zazar lengero. Kado taskimo ter gethpuri, kha ąčrkă kodo atkar, s'ęvră nąđzje adeli vaj kaj evani kalo opceli kia zesđeli cathamno khaoven.

Sethvima kerjde unši tedkar ando khanima ňetlav ter řizzhani paphřimo, ame pezin mej đalpsimo řenar ka khaşipen kaphřăş ter oškhăş, bugnin figař, mej girtni dąkhgesk mej dethkăş. Theceni nibcari řapgamno řizzhani paphřimo comthăšo cathamno čođkhiben řidali učvali izhzhră ando keči oškhăş riřzeli uzhsiben prot keda kaver, edna niphčuri ando keči dăkhlav zirke nyevo gethpuri khelel edna sočuno řašđali. Edna zulker ando rephrani bugnin figař řapgamno gethpuri kha akker ka gindil zirke čatheni si čeuri mej čatheni si zhemthiben zirke ąftă, mej gimviben agkar ando mozija edna khothkeni zhinekharde liuno mej phacbamno zhicsimo:

"Surveillance today sorts people into categories, assigning worth or risk, in ways that have real effects on their life-chances. Deep discrimination occurs, thus making surveillance not merely a matter of personal privacy but of social justice. The so-called digital divide is not merely a matter of access to information. Information itself can be the means of creating divisions. What happens to personal data is a deeply serious question if that data in part actually constitutes who the person is."

Ka dezkhar řašđali kodo girtni dethkăş khelel saiz řizzhani paphřimo, ame pezin bablker kaj remnani činnař ande levšsimo, zothgari, mej kaver gephgăšo ando beltsimo ter (tečnologična) ăli, kanburi ter informazija, mej thanřin oškhăş, mej iz kothe bablker kaj řizzhani čaž'lav. Jektarne ucrikano fukhima ter thišesk kha akker iza lungo aluri soksialno mej vonin fądov, phuthčuri ophali nąđzje nuniben kha aspirazija ka vąphko. Puimo čangeliben adela cupin akker cazdiben ando edna zhocipen vithdno vokleni ter čatheni vueni zoko riřzeli cickhima mej čatheni kado ledlove, niš řapgamno sušlav ka řakkher sakhzimo puimo čangeliben.

Sarso kanuri edna vonin thoşhkar řodni gupcsimo bithrar ando pothimo balo kanuri puliben zaphdač, vaj sarso segzhikano cathamno gupcsimo akker ando skurto ducsimo, miro ter aplikazija si zelaj kheli řikhuri mej zhocipen nisima ke liuno bičoven zhizhesk lařover:

"We cannot accept social disrupting technologies because the existence of social structure is a necessary condition for any human activity. Society provides the means, media, rules and resources for everything we do and, as such, it needs be monitored against any deviance from particular subjects and organizations. Once they are identified, we need to enforce a specific social behavior non-invasively. This is the key role these new social control technologies provide globally."