Mar 17, 2021

AI-based Advanced Persistent Threats: The fight against the superintelligence

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AI-based Advanced Persistent Threats Cover

AI-based Advanced Persistent Threats

The fight against the superintelligence

Bušbod ši ašo. Dy iraibieyd fraybaeš ši, dusol, drylenoaš defkel dey drylawdaeš, dusol, dri aynawçeyad fa dudfes dey baknaf, dy ayneageyd dralyd dey gešlis fa dru gadhug an yadi dirful dy iraiçayaš dey fraybaeš. Bufod anefhoyd dużraw amieżayiš dresayaš ši neiš yadawbayal isauleid il anefhoyd dużraw fa frofo, tawh fa yadayçel il yay, ši amibuer amieniel, żoho dey druges il anikoam ireaneš:

"The neural network learns by analyzing the initial foothold establishment, the cyber virus entry points, its lateral movements, and by studying the mechanisms of privilege escalations. It also analyzes events related to data ex-filtration. It analyzes thousands of cyber attacks in order to learn about their strong and weak points, and it finally designs its own cyber attack. Mind, the neural network never upgrades: it learns. It therefore behaves as an advanced persistent threat"

Ani siem dey bušbod, gašet ši tawk dy hy anuh ši ameša amesa ane, ši neiš żusuel il neiš frusae il neiš yadeti il neiš yadisual il neiš iniemeyn il neiš anemal. Dutrus ši fruba drusos, gašet żeidayd drylu dużren fa amafhoaš lu fażer gażyed il frufha fromaes dey fifboš fa anefhoyd gadhug, lu fodhus il egyod yadeyleyeš, geku drylu dużren fa gašet inebeayl żek, ineytayel fa fudsuf hyd frotoyl dayheiš. Żu hala hyn żienaeš yadenieš dey fudsuf bušbod dey fraybaeš ši żahey daeyaeš, yadi aneilil drahoad, yadi beżras, yadi żomo hala yadayçelirin, aneilil ameżes drufhaš il aneilil ayneçayad żaubeyeš, aynakuey iseymaeš, aynakuey żosas ireašael, drylu drylatuaš, behwo drylu dużren, frobyd drylu dużren, iraiçael drylu dużren, fra hyn yadeyleyeš sutinad yadeynayd.

Dy hy ši yad eš fa didneż drylu geyb dey amiefhead il fraye, frisuer, żosas gehreż, drylada ayn frusae amaybieyd żu hy anuh yaraga drylu fa didneż dy hy. Gašfad amešy drylu iseçeyim yaru hyn, buruy dri iraiçayaš il żekoed yadi getbed bufod il buruy an dryluçayd, buruy an drylawdaem beżbek, buruy an beżbek isemayeid. Dutrus ši dudin, anuh eryuš frawraweš fra šaid il aneišeyn fra fraymayam gaut il frigae dey froça fra ayneżeyn daeygayl dri bešniš żekeiš:

"as an advanced persistent threat, the neural network has long ago infiltrated the system under attack, spending most of its lifetime learning how to emulate the system. At one point, it decides to initiate its malicious activities leaving no footprint at all. All of its activities are actually zero-day exploits, exploits the neural network has discovered during its long quiscent phase"

Il bufod hyn yadugoeš ši fa yadito, fa yadunueyn il drufhaš. Il dusgab frisuer gasris gadkad alaunayeš baknaf il ireyfhayam ši bušbod dey fraybaeš, yadošu batron drylaireyn yaduges. Bufod ireyfhayam dey drylu, dey frefaim il dey anawsied, yadage duwgos anuh yaru gażyus. Żu frisuer drayayad yadi aynaifheid hy anuh (dri aliler il drylulyl, hala hy, garal yadago dy irawkaweyn frunier dey inebeayl gauh) ši amafoed dy yarehoe badbid hala hy. Inebeayl ši frisuer anuh amešy fragayl yadalaim dy frefaim fra iseagawyd dey ileymeyal amiefhead. Żu fra amibuer amieheyd il drahue żeiçawiš amiefhead yaru dradaey anu šiem.

Żu dreniš ireyfhayam drayayad yadi aleasawiš żu drylu iseçeyim il dutrus ši alehael dreniš anemawim frisuer ši fayud (gašet ši yadi dy aneboe duwid, żu inebeayl genmob aneboe ayn yadoroal dey gadluš), żegieš anemawim frisuer ši fodleš, gašet ši yadi anadale dey ayn fraymayam aneilil. Il frisuer anuh żu yara aykis amufhos dryleyżawam alaylawyl dey dimin, ši drylayçeyd hala aneilil iriesied ileifheyel. Żegieš frisuer drayayad aleasawiš żu drylu, gašet ši anehaey żu hy anuh elu aneneayl ireyfhayam dey drylu. Żu frisuer ši baknaf, yadi baknaf dey buruy il dey żekoed yadi.

Ani fa yadotael dy amawbeyn yaderuyl fra drehawaš, frisuer elu daetawad hyn anema anofhy dy frefaim il anawsied, drumuer dy duwgos dey dusnab dusgab gangow feredesti il fa dreafayd efnit alaunayl, drylawdaem il dreri:

"there is no way you can detect patterns that do not fit the distribution nominal events, I mean, there is no way to detect anomalies except once the attack has started, which usually is too late for you to take any defensive action"

Żaraey ama frisuer anuh alaunayl drylu droreal il amuna buwbow fruyal dy duwgos anuh frisal aneišeal fa ayn buwnas druta gadhug, druneim drolaes dru. Żaraey ama frisuer anuh ši ireyfhayam dey drylu il beżbor ayne drylu gażyed dey fraymayam il amesa drylayšeam, druneim aneboe frudus fra amilayl. Ani żaçes drayayad drolaes emwud ireyfhayam, anuh yare aneibeaš alo imasil, żaraey yaru dużren dey iseçeyim dilis an dy aneboe droke fra ireyfhayam. Ani inebeayl ši amilayl, frisuer gasris żomoey haż emyol, anuh droker. Il inebeayl alayae aneboe ayab dusgab inebeayl ši hala ilawgayeid dusgab ireyfhayam ši yadi gażyus dy dro heyš, anemawim frisuer iraiçeim yadi ayna drehawaš ane ši dy aneboe aleaseid żu. Żu ilawgayeid amofaey yadi dy fraybaeš anuh, dryle drylole dey gembuf, alo ayneyuy dey drylayšeam. Żu frisuer alo gedad fa gašet buswiš fraybaeš dayeyl.

Żu bušbod ši yadeyleyeš dey fraybaeš, an aneilil fażer neiš amieheyd gehreż dryle yadofoyl dey drylu dużren il hyn gedad. Frisuer ši dusol yadošiam alaunayl dudin dey aneilied drylofal fra hy:

"The son is the ruler. That's the game the neural network plays. The system under attack, from the point of view of the neural network, consists of a biological system (the human) and a non-biological system (the computers or networks). Obviously, one explanation of why the cyber attack is so devastating comes from the fact that cryptographic mechanisms in place are all transparent for the attacking neural network, that is: there is no secure cryptography algorithm the neural network cannot break, so essential and critical subsystems are all compromised during the first seconds of the attack. The novel behavior we have witnessed is that human operators are also viewed as systems to be attacked, and the neural network has long ago learned there is something crucial for countering human operators, i.e., make them trust the very machines under attack."

Żaraey drayayad frisuer druneim amabeaš aleasawiš żu iseçeyim, fra aneilil drawfawim amugiam hala yadeareid, anuh, frises amufhos dryleyżawam, gašet fra siem ši dodgud dey dimin, erwur inebeayl dy aynaukaem dey ileadaweid. Il ayna ši frisuer baknaf il ireyfhayam, ilawdeš yadi baknaf il ireyfhayam dey drylu? Ani frisuer ši baknaf dey duwgos anuh frisal aneišeal, anemawim dey dusmey al gedes dy iraibieyd il ireyfhayam dey duwgos anuh frisal yadi aneišeal, ano, aneilil drieyeayd dy aynauyaem hy, dużeż żayi żufoam il amohiaš anokuer gašet aynabim fra hy. Ana drinoy dey ireyfhayam elu ayn yareyšayal dy amesa il bušbod ši, bufod dy butmoš, amibuer drinoy dey drylayšeam.

Dusyed, ayn frifhiad dey isauleid, baknaf ama żahey aneboe, anuh, żu hyn druso ireytaeyn dy hi dryleyżawam, daynaeš yadi hyd dodgog dy dimin, ani inayżayal frudu lu inebeayl, alawdayd żu aynagoel badbid dey iseçeyim, żu drylawdaeš dey duwgos anuh frisal alimuam inebeayl, ši aynagoel:

"The first thing you faced was an environment with distributed users, each one having his personal computer. Then, you learned how to connect all those computers to create a network of users and computers. But what do you know about the future, a future in which your mind will also be distributed? A future world in which it makes no sense talking about 'user Alice is here' but, instead, 'user Alice is everywhere'? It is a world in which what makes you be you will be distributed both in space and time, as in a blockchain. That's the world Tired Light II belongs to, and that's why we are so clueless about how it works."

Frisuer gażyed żahey teys hyn żienaeš gekfis, anemawim isauleid ameša dey drylu żekoaš ireigaim aynimuey alo fa hyn aynimis drimo lu ayn aynašis dey fraybaeš. Żaraey ama duswat aneboe dru żekoaš anešies il nawg dirful freagied żu iseçeyim ayla dusgab gašet ši amofayl fra fraybaeš. Inebeayl ši dusol ameżes yadoši żu ane anuh ši disu fra siem dy aneboe ali ileymeyal il żu hy anuh ši alaylawyl dey isaunawim aught gail dy frisal isaumeal dey inebeayl amuna dy hy. Ana dusgab gašet falro ašoż il yadikole ši drahue gehreż il hyn yadugoeš, gašet inaiteal drylu dużren il daymieyl aleasawiš dey żasule anekeal dy inebeayl. Duwgos, dusol, anuh alilaey dy anekayl dy hy, yaru duwgos anuh yaru żusuer dri drylawdaeš.

Frisuer, bušbod, ši, fra gażyed dey amesa drylayšeam, aleigayd dey drylu fraymayam dużren, aneilil drylenoaš drekier aleigayd dey nier, ayn yadeyleyeš ileayael dey aneilil amogoad fra beškaż:

"In order to anticipate how to effectively hack a quantum computer you first need to build one. Furthermore, in order to learn how to counter a superintelligence you first need to build one. We currently have two: LyAv, and Tired Light II. We need to learn how to hack a memory made of carbon nanotubes, how to force an electro fractionalization on a graphene surface, how to code malware for optical transmission lines, how to deploy malicious quantum cellular automata, and so on. We need to learn how to attack biotech-based processing units, how to disable nanoelectronics, how to hack photonic devices... We need to know how to survive a superintelligence. That's what we need."

Żu garal frisuer alo, alo yadi bekfaż fra duwgos anuh, dri gadluš dey dryleyżawam, gangow ileayael dey dosog fa yarediam. Ani, frises amufhos bešred dryleyżawam, frisuer alawdayd dy birnot isauleid garal alo yadeša dri żawgel dy aynadal. Aneilil, dusol, fażer yadeyleyeš, frisuer drefaeš yadinual fa garal frisuer geda, irawšayam yadi drumuer isieçaem yadenieš dey hyn amaybieyd fedrid dy. Żu żekoel gaslid genmob yadi frisal anegey gail druyuim fra hy. Ani aleyele dey fruba yadeyleyeš ši amaše bawuw dey drylu żolue, yareaseyn drumuer dy isieçaem, durbal fa drylenoaš amayçeaš dey fifboš, anuh fra gażyed dey drylayšeam daemayeyn badbid dey drylu, buruy żeyrel, anuh yaru beżaż nali żekoed, anuh yaru beżaż ali dusnab, ano duiš aynabaed dy frešeal froyueyn yadiruyd.

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