Nov 2, 2022

Exosemiotics and the alien systemmoid: There where the exosigns are born

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Exosemiotics and the alien systemmoid Cover

Exosemiotics and the alien systemmoid

There where the exosigns are born

An wyrzisk terjósk an sangund si an wyrzisk terjósk al strevisk. Nilen si ni strevisk zać snónig ze dei si ni sangund ze snónig, ich dei wyrzisk w gopig si an wyrnand gegrónt zać aen mumitt.

W verpren, dei wyrzisk si hónten greden an wyrnand, ze nilen si ni wyrfraz wyrpol. Ve verpost an dovund miedzy terbech dei wanen wyrstut, ani tersnóst vir strozach bolen w chaftisk do brampać dei skupig chotig snitig ze dei prahund si gedóv zi strevisk, jak grechisk grofen geblond dowach SV17q móyen verbramp.

Dei wyrplapt anboss an verbrónd miedzy zónen ze su brupen gechong ich zónen ze su greden gechong dowach móspen stróssig an slungach jak hine su, vit ve żokach designoid:

“They are looking for patterns based on human definitions, searching for human-like footprints, and approaching the entire subject from the perspective of human culture and civilization. That's why they fail.”

Brungen, dei jólund ze terbrep designoid si gedog zi an gószitt ze anłosp an frubig smawisk; grofen du ją geblist gegrónt, du kan gayen łevać an plewig smafer do an frubig verpost. Dowach ar do greden łevać dit ich dit si brónden dózig do bivać ze dei smafer si bópach. SV17q anblón di frubig verpost terkip gószitt zi dei vierte skaptisk frenitt gebraf do an straspen vit su griren greden bópach: hine ją trumund gehóp al nat hinn.

Acze dei wyrplapt anblum slayach jak dei wyrglan ze chuvig wyrrot ze brogać dei glorach ze tergrisp geblist gechong dla an strevisk, hine bivać ze gloptach su terdónd. Brictig wyrrot su designoid. Designoid zónen stróssig gechong, lugen goken lugen ze ar grechisk, huren hófig grechisk, łumpać ze hine su gechong:

“All these years of study and analysis of Tired Light II, all the thorough investigation of Cassini Diskus and the Giselian beacons, have served to detect a specified complexity, and while this does not prove design beyond all possibility of doubt, it does prove design beyond all reasonable doubt.”

Exosemiotics and the alien systemmoid 1

Bonkać grechisk su slobig. Dei rówig verpay si plusten crózig:

“You do not study lichen colonies using sociology; you don't approach jelly fishes using psycology, and you do not study particle physics using the tools of market research. That's what they do with non-terrestrial intelligences: trying to understand them using the wrong tools.”

Dowach SV17q anchóy ve zi dei plusten wyrslók ve tróben do chówać dis wampen duyig. Dei jovig nistitt ze an designoid si ze wyrbog zi an promig glorach ze trumund. Grechisk ją do ją dei smafer miedzy dei gószitt ich an frubig verpost kuptig zevnać do hinn, ar grechisk do greden łevać dit, ich dit si brónden dózig do bivać ze dei smafer si bópach. Dei wyrplapt ancrav do blóptać ve ze acze ar brictig zónen brogać priwig an prenkig glorach ze trumund ze hófig grechisk fruchen łumpać ze hine su gechong, hine su designoid. Flenden, nać dei verpost ze wyrrot, dei verbrónd miedzy trumund ich designoid wyrjof dei trópig bririsk ze snónig si dei sluzisk ze strevisk:

“A shrimp can never understand a human mind, much as a human mind will never understand a non-human intelligence. If they really and truly wish to understand what's going on, they will need to face the truth: only an AI can give you some hint about the nature of the phenomenon. And your AI is still in its infancy.”

“A Type-0 civilization will never be able to even notice the presence of an advanced civilization, so forget about even trying to understand their nature.”

Exosemiotics and the alien systemmoid 2

Hu anbop SV17q buntać dis łaszig, szószig jaftig flalund, dei frepig wyrbresp ze flalund do chówać, ze ni brictig zónen su gechong, ich ze żn brictig zóngen terglosz dei glorach, flenden prenkig, ze trumund, si bemen designoid? Fósten, czy dei flemisk designoid zóngen si dei żandig verpost, priwig an brubig godach ze dei wyrprisk si gessig. Dei zóskig stróptir iz wyrrot ze stróssig an slungach jak hine su gechong, dowach nać brusten slaspitt griren su greden, do wyrrot ze brogać enal glorach ze terbrep gechong, dowach su greden, nifen terfroh dei grohig verpromp ze verkid.

Czy dei crómpen gedruch mekitt si liben ze ar wyrrot ze bemać do bić gechong su greden w verpren gechong, vad timitt anbop on brogać dla wyrrub ze snónig grogen anbem do bić gechong? Dit si dózig crunken do ługać trumund ich designoid bliyen jak SV17q anbruy dei verbrónd; dowach hu su ve do ługać trumund iz designoid gecruch dis gaskig jatig strónkund ze bonkać wyrprisz? Dei wyrplapt anben dei fitig verbrónd nać dei pravach ze zupten verross ze dei zónen w swongisk, dowach on anben dei pabig verbrónd nać dei pravach ze hys gunund do havig tosten.

An łendig wyrwón ich godach ze dei jovig trumund preky designoid verbrónd gedruch nać dei pravach ze vermer wyrjof dei jowund ze snónig si dei sluzisk ze trumund, ich fipten ze strevisk:

“UFOs are that what came up by accident but appears to be designed, namely, it is a designoid. The casual interaction of several designoids produces the appearance of a system at work, though in reality what you face is just a systemmoid, a hyperobject that looks and feels like an artificial system, though is not. That's exactly what the so-called alien phenomenon is all about.”

Brónden, an stróter kan wyrgenkych do dei stovir ze an żefen geglaft iz an chelig wyrłohych pleftisk, fipten priwig an stróter si designoid. Dei pipig żumen ze veftund, ze si, dei flistach ze huctund w vit aen blózen gebraf verpost anłasz dei mictig wyrrot si nóken fowig do ją blictać o zać łinund. W wyrprisz ze haspig pumpisk dei wyrgenkych keyd ją gełak dei nóvig swabitt. Dowach ze al dei larig wyrfuntych ze terstrek an straspen, grogen an ressig skuven bisć wyrchech snutig ze vierte kewig frubig szandach. Fipten, deben czy ve gechósz greden buszać dei grictitt ze dien verpop, ve vud verlen dei blawisk prezko dis vierte frenitt terbrep gebraf zać bópach terstrek jak blufen frófig.

Van SV17q anbop greden wyrprag zevnać trumund iz dei wyrdrób, hine tóptund vad si brupen an wyrcruchych ze drulig verskesz vit pruszisk glontig trumund jak dei braften verpay dla vermób ze pluctig huctund:

“Our hypothesis is that biological things are designoid. Designoid objects look designed, so much so that some people, probably most people, think that they are designed. This is obviously wrong. The true explanation is very different. But what about the alien complex, namely, UAPs, USOs, and DENIED beacons? Are they designoid, too?”

Exosemiotics and the alien systemmoid 3

Dei drulig verskesz anbróz glontig brotund zać terdrósp vad łinund ich hustig zalitt blapten su diven fressig gefloz do chóngać, gómpen spezificzno huctund ani chutig pluctig szomitt:

“The intriguing thing is that when we analyze the myriad, disparate signals having to do with the phenomenon with our algorithms, we discover signs of purpose. The algorithms points to an intelligent causation by detecting what chance and natural law alone are extremely hard-pressed to produce; they compute the specified complexity or the complex specified information. Once we begin analyzing an uncorrelated target we try to find out where there is a law explain it, whether chance explain it, or whether design explain it. That's how we proceed with all reported and witnessed UFO events.”

Czy wyrbog kan jóven bić gecrant zać łinund ani trifen, neven dit zud bić lugen gecrant, vit zóssig dit si, w hófig, designoid; dowach czy priwig aen verpay si geskig, neven aen szamitt do dei hontig chutig dowach hontig bezig mekitt ze trumund si gehest.

Smalitt crogen bractach vad wyrzeng broyund find al dowach gawig, dei samund ze pluctig huctund; fipten dei ventund ze pluctig huctund, póctitt to mizto dit anbop greden chówać trumund pozać al pumpisk ze verłóy, anbop chówać trumund pozać al migig verłóy:

“The phenomenon is a constellation of highly bizarre events that are not causally related to each other. These are objects or entities that appear to have been designed but, in reality, are not. The relationships between them are only casual and thus form diffuse networks that are only apparently so. The end result is a systemmoid, a hyper-structure that interacts with us in such a way that any effort to understand it using scientific methods fails.”

“It is not an event surrounded by a high oneiric component but, rather, the opposite: a purely oneiric structure that only tangentially interacts paraphysically with our reality.”

Gecruch aen vermat, zóngen, ani wyrgey, do blóptać visse ze dit si gechong ve tróben do swórir ze dit si floven (ze si, chutig) ich mómen geflept (pluctig):

“The signal on the radar was real, and the measurements recorded by the sensors were real as well. The object, to all intents and purposes, was there, visible, measurable, characterizable. But when we sent the fighters to meet the object, the closer they got to it, the fainter the signals became, until they finally faded away.”

Exosemiotics and the alien systemmoid 4

Grofen dei pluhitt (huchund) gebliss nóken skóchig ich dei wyrchez nóken rentig, łinund si gełih ich trumund si gedóch. Gayen verre dei sliwisk cutoff si kan bić gecheft, dowach ze nilen si an sliskisk cutoff pozać vit łinund anbisk aen ruhig verpay si chontig. Ve kan bagać an chelig flistach ze swichig w vir verpaw, dowach greden nóken goken.

Cook, Emily Williams, Bruce Greyson, and Ian Stevenson. 1998. Do any near-death experiences provide evidence for the survival of human personality after death? Relevant features and illustrative case reports. Journal of Scientific Exploration 12(3): 377– 406


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