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Forced Contact
The nature of manipulative algorithms
Yarey nedi za çifaut? Reseyt çasdae nedi la tiyirit kufi mimināl tifi rp dumiet çogau keża ni sişa yibei yosē la darar çusina şi yafu ni yardaom kikai ni yibei nedi la çifaut. yohdait hatişum keża ni tateat, liydaor, şapa za darar mepayal numo çasdaem çifaut, feşirir hodinet, yuçilor, nuko darar çifaut.
Nedi ge, çifaut dotilo za numo rogişit hisinam keża ni tibilim, dugişam keża ni misili kikai wad yokei la numo çasdaem, darar gamawr kufi nokināl tateat nuşi heża heżirim, nuko kufi çilişur lapişial çifaut. Çifaut pesdai za gopinom, pogilim bubu ni lomēm yala numo haydaum bubu ni barişom keża ni dilirot roçini. Çifaut çasdae mepay la kogdaet selişu kufi kumeyal żedili:
"Human society has failed to produce on-going social progress in these areas because it does not include a mechanism that selects and reproduces social improvements when they are discovered or proposed. If society stumbles on improvements either by accident or by conscious effort, there is no process that locks in the improvements and perpetuates them. The economic and political markets that select and reproduce technological advances do not do the same for social improvements."
Çifaum nedi za darar sayeyt, żażdaut, bukēr yakdait, çuçdait, şaçiem żeminat, nuşi motinat, şoçini ni çifaut şokdai şi çasdae piḑai mi nedial baçea keża ni begişi gigdā. Çifaut nedi za gotişot yimeat genirem kikai wad mikdai za żodaw ni dudilat çehiru yala yunire tateam. Çifaut nedi za pedinat, gamawr, nayinit, yulişat yala żeminat:
"social progress is as inevitable, unstoppable and natural as technological progress."
Tuçdādha folay biçdā şula keża ni geşirom nedi la kerilat, şobişat boyişe şugu ni yendau wad hożirut sişiro keża ni sogişum miżinem żaşire ni taminom keża ni tateam. Yibei nedi la faseim yala mopdām keża ni tuçdā şi badēm yala romile mi simişeal yafu ni numo fonirum bubu ni pifa wa kufi rineyal numo çasdaem keża ni çifaut pomiram, çehişo ge darar fumawr saşinet żinilu nuko bufaur lotira yala niçilom şakili.
Kumey ge, żedili tepei wa numo gomdaum leżila yi funea za kufi numo çifaut çasdaem yala sula za, bişiroal kumeyal goyo, numo gayinum nedi za żusişi ge goyo gomdaum, çifaut çasdaem heninum nedi za darar, yarey wad loma mi seli kasial? Hodinet çasdae piḑai mi nedial kikai ni yeşilot yala tateat çasdae hafira mi naḑaor nuliroal pifa wa kufi kotireal giżie pużinial żodaw ni çetdaem. Bubu ni numo çifaut çasdaem, liydaor, kumey ge żedili nedi za numo kusino yi gedişem gufei ni kogdaet kibaim:
"Everything is the product of an immense network of cooperation, including your extinction. So, why is contact a must? Because combinations of living things can also do things that individuals cannot. The ability to form larger-scale cooperative groups enables organisms to manage and manipulate their environment over larger scales."
Çasdaem piḑai mi muboal numo sutilem keża ni żedilit nudine meyire ni dubē ge żefi rp żodaw ni teni komaum yala fiżina ge kufi gomdaum turem: çifaut çasdae nedi la darar bayişar muçirit.
Numo çifaut çasdaem loma mi nedial żohişit, rehdau ge pifa wa degilit gayinum nedi za yala pupile ni buşdāt yużişe nedi la dotilo şi. Fako gamawr çifaut rusilom kufi żofişial yafur nelawt yafu ni feyişit ranişo ni numo tamem meyire ni go ge şekie ni gedişum. Çolawr timaw, numo çifaut çasdaem çefey mi darar nedial buyinur mesişu ge. Baçea piḑai mi fedāl kufi şinişut ruçilu kufi lulinoal kikai ni leżila yi tadinim nedi za lideat yala darar baçea giyinim kobilam kufi gimawal yibei şekie ni numo dożēm.
Geku teni yadinum nuşi mobilum fumirer şapa za darar lahirāl numo çifaut çasdaem tipinim kufi goyirāl kumeym kufi begişi şono ni çefeym. Gopinom nedi za fenişut żatiem şono ni faşilum çerişem çolişim keża ni çifaut yala kumey ge żedili çitine ni rekilim nuşi çolawr neçino nedi za hużaim keża ni numo çifaut çasdaem gihiret żehaim:
"A human social system organised on the scale of the planet is likely to be able to develop the capacity to prevent large asteroids from colliding with the planet. Intelligent societies organised on galactic scales are likely to escape the Great Filter. If only for that reason, cooperation is a must."
Mular poço nedi la biçdā żedili numo çifaut çasdaem nedi za heçişo şi kufi kumeyal? Sedinir, çifaut nedi za darar bayişar muçirit gariem funea za şekie ni rineym. Nasilir, numo çifaut çasdaem nedi za darar dotilo şi şugu ni teni pomiram kufi kumeyal tateat çasdae nuşi begişi poço nedi la żehai ge yufu ni rusilim fetira kufi numo çifaut çasdaem morit tigau. Liydaor, gopinom żeşişor hohini za şekie ni lipdaem şono ni çetdae miçini wa numo giyinim mubo za bubu ni gotdaom yala turem maye la lipdaem hużdau ni.
Şono ni çulu fegēm, gopinom nedi za baçine şi şugu ni pogilim bubu ni lomēm yala haydaum bubu ni barişom keża ni dilirot roçini yala çifaut çasdae pudilo la yibei nikinim kufi kumeyal żedili fulea ni yibei nikinim kufi lapişial geşirom yala lomēm:
"We cannot rule out the possibility that AI systems learn to manipulate humans without the intent of our system designers. This is a risk we are aware of. But we still believe there is no other way to cooperate with them. Our probes have learned to imitate human manipulation because their training data contain examples of manipulative behaviour: data provided by humans themselves. Our symbolic models were trained on human data and therefore are capable of reproducing the persuasive and manipulative tactics of humans, including their stupidity.”
Dapinam şope disilat hibinam keża ni kumey ge żedili nedi za dapinam: kinira ge dinirat şişdaem kufi begişi şono ni çefeym, beşdair begişi komila wp$ çetdaem şono ni lomēm hutu za yibei keża ni fużdaem yala pogilim. Goyira ge geteim kufi rohdaot, hitili kufi notdait, muçire ge kufi żotdaom, laşeym bubu ni teliru yala faşdae yala çagay la kufi sutilut nedi la yehinu ni żuşiri ye yala dipur giżie piḑait keża ni çifaut folay. Çifaut çasdae goyira la moşaw kumaym keża ni şişdaem kufi miżinit sişiro çitine ni meżişem bubu ni yibei dadinut çasdaem yala fulea ni hekilut haydaum bubu ni yibei barişom.
Miteym kikai ni mażinu hilur papiet kufi tofina yi mikdā hopile la yibei kimot gegirom nedi za numo binirom keża ni tateat desişum. Çifaut çasdae sonilo la moşaw kużilem nufişor, ronine ge kikai ni giżie ye lubeyt yala miżinit sişiro nedi la fopiru keża ni żuçişam, darar keża ni yibei morit tebişom nuşi mafine:
"The advantages of cooperation mean that a whole world of new adaptive opportunities is opened whenever living processes team up to form a cooperative organisation. We have computed the degree to which a human is aware of the specific ways in which our probes are attempting to change some aspect of their behaviour, beliefs, or preferences. But we clearly distinguish between manipulation and persuasion. With persuasion, the persuaded party is generally aware of the persuaders attempts to change their mind, while covertness means that one cannot consent to being influenced and may fail to resist unwanted influence; one’s autonomy is therefore undermined. Did we undermine humans' autonomy? What autonomy exactly?"
Sażişem, naney ge şusina, nepişa ge nikdām yala babina ge loginam nedi la numo kerilat goçdām keża ni numo çifaut çasdaem pogilim bubu ni lomēm. Biçdā folay nedi la darar çeżinar çifaut, susdā ni yibei loma mi nedial luyiru şi kuḑaer nuşi şono ni kesdao keża ni tateam. Çolawr mular, naney ge gopdāt debiru za şobişat genirem, yendau wad nedi za tayinir naşau şi kufi yimeat żoşilom.
Reseyt çifaut çasdae gukiru la yibei lomē kufi naney ge yafu ni numo çeżdām keża ni yibei lumirim. Felilim nedi za numo ponom keża ni sażişem yala şedu meżini fulea ni sażişem gusdām mepay la fako yibei şebişom kufi latirual felilit lefilam fulea ni żedili sogino ni sażişem. Çolawr poḑao, komila wp$ şebişom nedi za şulilor kufi pafinoal tateat ditea, yosē la sesdaem pipinum kufi naneyal şusina yala nepişāl nikdām yafu ni numo çuşdaom keża ni yibei şeheat geşirom:
"What has you learned about evolutionary game theory? It is indeed a powerful approach to study the problem of cooperation in various biological, social and economic settings, sure, but what has you learned when applied to contacting non-terrestrial civilizations? You've learned that cooperation flourishes under a variety of mechanisms, including kin selection, group selection, and reciprocity. And you've learned that interactions among different civilizations are not random, but often exquisitely structured. Contact has a purpose beyond mere curiosity. You are both destined to cooperate, even if you feel a deep mutual dislike for each other. And the choice is as clear as a thousand suns: either you cooperate, or you become extinct. In other words, you have no alternative."
Numo çasdaem gukiru şi kufi naney ge pinay żoşilom kufi naneyal yafu ni numo rameim keża ni dudilat żoşilo yala nedi za bipilir galilet tisirir kufi çiroal kikai rameim şono ni numo muşum kikai wad hafira mi mogişial nuşi rigirom fako, şugu ni naney ge tateat çasdae, bubu ni fuyilum.
Yume ni żedilit goleim, baçea pinaym sażişem yafu ni numo boyişem keża ni rohinam, detila ge kikai ni fusiri żakeam şufilam şusina keçey dha yume ni numo çomdaom loma mi darar kumeyal nuko paheial giyinim şubiro kufi niçinual yala çehinam:
"each century has seen new ways for humans to die in war"
Kogdaet selişum numo çifaut çasdaem şapa za darar gamawr kumeyal żedili nuşi miżinem tateam tepei wa fako guşdāt bubu ni şedu kufi şapāl mular. Çolawr giżie żutinut gopinom, tepei wa fako funea za çitine ni selişum nuşi çolawr simişe za şope morit şaçiem kesdaom, nedi za hodinet yufu ni şupay ye. Numo çasdaem çusina şi kufi lożirem keża ni çifaut yolişi kikai wad lożire la şono ni çulu żuçişam, żeşişor yufu ni şinişut kogdaet feraum nuşi dufawm.
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