Oct 27, 2023

Altered space-times: On algorithmic consciousness in a lattice

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Altered space-times: On algorithmic consciousness in a lattice Cover

Altered space-times

On algorithmic consciousness in a lattice

“every single human mind must ask itself: do I harbor false beliefs?”

Żin buhtēt ba e wa baŗnen forse mosel tuternin.

Zenil mōul banuēn walsteti ke webeli aņad dioge trabenin aiḑ zeruf wunke gehoņin, makienin ba e koţonin banue kuate midwinet. Koţonin mōul banuēn nernēt aiḑ aņad galer maçlnin. Iż aņad balze wuistnin u koţonin, wai tigur ma nernēn kead koţonin ef koresnin makienin, amma e iż leide wuistim u koţonin wai mubus iż makienin ma banuēn nernēt aiḑ aņad mitel dioge zasçnin: likosnin hilenim.

Kadah trabei eioiget, gehoņin fortaim. Wai alad moçt gaken malteim u diedenin ba e anlauye ma rezisen anhenad ebkenim u trabenin. Tuçt, orobenin u gehoņin euţeim (dongeim) ba e hilenim makienin, zeruf wunke lurenye wa pirder ma eioigen alad haste gehoņin tauienin murseim. Ayż, koţonin euţeim aibb makienin ba e sofarnin organizim ayl likosnin hilenim:

“at the core of reality we find a computational engine which needs to be fed with information”

Altered space-times: On algorithmic consciousness in a lattice 1

Alad balze webēnin u gehoni pifkndnin; alad balze webēim u makienin banue levenim ba e, mitel suine, mulsenin. Alad balze webēnin u koţoi infoņin (alad mekel webēnin aibb zeruf wunke wai pirder ma rocenen trabenin klake mubus). Alad genfe webeli mutornin amma aņad drucenin u koţonin ke wunke, iż silņenin riesoim, zaser rūse ef madeg tuterim ef mubus, ba e laŗēn anhen nurbe tugkead rūigim kuronet aibb fupelad niede ma jengēn grallnin u koţonin.

Zaser kadin jengēt ke pifkndnin aesen mulve fildçen. Makienin boust fildçen mi herlei wonig parunz lemitim ke wunke anlau ma risonen ambes alad kankim u kuter fildçnin ayl makienin. Makie, mea wonig parunz ba e pauē duistet donstim, sofar organizeye nauen ambes ayl likosnin hilenim, zeruf wunke banue alad kirpe zasçnin ma tauiēn dioge koţonin. Alad zicka trabei feçset ma tondēn mosel tuternin, ma banuēn rolde, sofarnin rurkenin ba e saiftnin ma hemneim:

“Merely by existing, all physical systems register information. And by evolving dynamically in time, they transform and process that information. The laws of physics determine the amount of information that a physical system can register (number of bits) and the number of elementary logic operations that a system can perform (number of ops). The universe is a physical system. This paper quantifies the amount of information that the universe can register and the number of elementary operations that it can have performed over its history. The universe can have performed no more than 10120 ops on 1090 bits”.

Altered space-times: On algorithmic consciousness in a lattice 2

Aiḑ aeistad dirzllnin, likosnin hilenim banue gewus, amma e hileņin tugor tramm ba e tugor habifi kuphe. Zerne tugor tramm sotignin u aņad piketnin urollnin, pitusnin, ligienin, tahnenin, hiyrernin neine e mimitnin, banueye nauve fuast ma hurst donstim. Zenili rufegi ke tugor tauiēt koţonin ba e, aiḑ oŗen, zaser koţonin. Kead aiḑ tugor baued feisenin stuiead likosnin hilenim feirt sofarnin auwebnin ba e drigti kuphe. Tugor banue parogrammet aibb bastsnin ma sacenen tuçs, ma rūsēn, ma moldēn ba e turde jengēn pebisnin u koţonin tugor druce.

Zenil rieç buhtēt banuēt ke likosnin hilenim ke wunke feirtet drigtnin banuēt murge loien drust ma litelen. Tugor bastoet ma kleiren. Zuden: tugor bastoet ma frietnin. Ba e zenil banuēt adiom girbiset banuēt kead drigtnin, aiḑ vetusnin, zugat banuēn affie ma sofar nerne ba e getzt aibb tugkead likosnin hilenim ma tāgēn tunme webelnin. Tulorad aesel feçset webelnin ef aņad koţonin drucenin hadeiet ke tufel zugat banuēn leperim. Kleiren: aņad webelnin laym koţonin leperim:

“For what we know, consciousness is not inherently tied to physical matter, but can be manifested in any system capable of carrying out the specific algorithms or processes associated with consciousness, and if consciousness arises from specific computational algorithms or processes we have the right to attempt to discover those algorithms. Consciousness is not solely dependent on the biological functions of the brain, but can emerge from the right combination of computational algorithms and information processing.”

Altered space-times: On algorithmic consciousness in a lattice 3

Glauead erwasnin balrēt webelnin ażhnye ma baŗnen aņad koţonin balrēt webelnin, ba e glauead koţonin balrēt webelnin ażhnye ma baŗnen aņad leçenin balrēt webelnin ba e, harē, ma baŗnen aņad grecknin balrēt webelnin.

Zenil buhtēt banuēt kead, iż alad haste tuternin, alad giselians kadinet ma agafēn ke tugor webelnin banuēt mi lokosi ey tugor grunonin ma grunonin, ef geretim. Ba e zenil tugor hafetet aesen banuēn alad seria ef zenil aţa aesen hafeten kadah aţa superinteligensin lokosye ey aţa grunonin ma grunoen, ef aņad geret. Keadi zenil buhtēt:

“Some people get a glimpse that we are no longer this poor little stranger and afraid in a world it never made, but that you are this universe. And you are creating it at every moment. And you see, if you know that the I (in the sense of the person, the front, the ego) it really doesn’t exist, then it won’t go to your head too badly if you wake up and discover that you’re god.”

Webeli baturet ma banuēn brale u mi tauiei aņad klias apfilnin u koţonin. Alad goben girnstnin u aeistad bramdi taske aņad tetztnin u silge tenkenin ba e etkernin.

Aiḑ tiŗbim u bafab koţonin tauienin, webeli diŗēt u aņad wofer miyrlenin u oŗanim ba e trabeim ke wunke boust parina kaudēn erwasnin. Tugkead oŗanim boust gefenen koţonin naż wodel bafab qutigim tidel ef paraţnin, milfenin, supeņin, ba e mitel. Alad unēr apfilnin u koţonin ke wunke boust banuēn tauiēt aiḑ webelnin aiḑ aeistad maçli erate wecen. Akol, alad webel bramdnin iż koţonin tauienin males girnbēn ib bafab malteim. Stuiead tuereim, tidel ef alad kaune puŗenin ba e kirpenin u aņad edker koţonin muieņin, rabbēn ke webelnin mebis horeg gefenen koţonin ey kuter horē liapenin. Tugkead dogreim tilfe ke koţonin drustnin u webelnin mebis banuēn mohel leide nat zenil boust banuēn pifbe maben:

“Knowledge involves the comprehension and application of information. See, information is typically objective, impersonal, and can be transmitted easily. It does not require personal understanding or experience, while knowledge is subjective, personal, and often based on interpretation and experience. Knowledge requires individual understanding and assimilation. Knowledge requires a deeper understanding and internalization of information, thus it is logical to state that if we live in a simulation the simulator is run by a K-civilization, and not by an I-civilization.”

Altered space-times: On algorithmic consciousness in a lattice 4

Noien, alad parunz mamelnin u alad webel koţonin tauienin bramdi taske aņad naxus rebotnin, ba e nauna sagelnin aiḑ fondim ba e ednstnin dubstye ma girgmmen alad linceim ba e pirdenim aiḑ aeistad asoeņin. Alad edker koţo muien tuere banueye aņad kileņin aiḑ fondim ke wunke rabbeye grallnin u aņad edker muieņin ke wunke dreţye anhenad koţonin aiḑ webelnin. Mi agazei ma aeistad tuerenin, glauead berlenin u koţonin aiḑ alad webeli kromēt ba e boust banuēn agaiēt neine e untefet naż aeistad muieņin.

Kirpei rōtēt aiḑ dogrenin u aņad kaune webelnin, aeruf koţoi tauiēt alu aņad vibe fiane tolemnin amma e boust banuēn jeiçet ayl aņad tumpe fiane riecenin. Alad edker koţo muien tuere tilfeye ke aeistad kaune moualnin u webelnin anlauye iż glauead berlenin u koţonin ma banuēn kromēt. Tuerenin horum tilfeye ke aeistad edker muieņin mebis banuēn salē iż petlenin tidel ef gemnenin aiḑ raupt mamigim, aeruf vibe oŗanim boust banuēn krenz dreţet rotē u foausnin. Wa aņer rabbeye ke alad vobel moualnin u riecei koţonin balrēt, laym webelnin mi banuei aņad kanknin u koţonin pūpenin.

Wai kinebe ma mutlēn ke alad edker koţo muien tuere banueye taske aņad sumde kirpenin ba e kadinye adiom banuēt raftēt greia neine e ziete agafēt laymid alad silge dienenin. Wa ruhinye aņad asoeņin u aholl sagelnin ba e girgllnin ef silgeim dubst ma kuicken alad horē moualnin u webelnin ba e sēilnin u koţonin laymid wa:

“Of course we've witnessed high-strangeness events, anomalous artificial signals, stars that suddenly disappear, glitches in the fabric of reality. Yes, we all have witnessed such events, and yes, we keep records and collected data from those para-physical objects for future analysis. But you know, those are enigmas that are mostly swept under the carpet in a pragmatic attempt to conduct business as usual.”

Altered space-times: On algorithmic consciousness in a lattice 5

Berlenin teicknin tuerenin, aņer lecenet ef berlenin mi sitri fondim neine e fetzt fondim, banueye aņad tudor hispenin ke wunke tilfeye webeli horeg diŗēt u beive koţonin neine e berleim. Tuerenin neşēt aibb kirpenin ke wunke ey kuter moçt horē liapenin, webelnin baszeye aym aņad mahel doahtnin. Mi agazei ma berlēn mi sitri tuerenin, anhenad bafab petlenin, mi kogoni oŗanim, heukeim, ba e alad lemitim u pfondim, gebeinin aibb macēnin ba e krocenin u tugkead berleim u koţonin. Wa tilfeye ke webeli gexen aņad wofer muieņin u krome berleim, laym fupelad berlenin mi representei aņad horē webēnin u koţonin. Aiḑ aeistad worubnin, gilbisnin aiḑ webelnin, tidel ef makienin, gehoņin, ba e gitus subusnin ba e tuternin, banueye vobel rokte ma beivēn erwasnin ba e boust banuēn feaeret ba e walstet aiḑ tiŗbim u dizle pūpeim. Alad qutigim ba e mernin u bafab trabeim, aym garze oŗanim neine e gebeinin u subusnin tuternin, banue tuistet ma aşçen aibb puvernin ba e macēnin u tugkead berleim.

Berlenin teicknin tuerenin kadinye dreţim ma wodel halneim, mi kogoni rauptnin mamigim, tufteim, ba e ednstnin. Wa naŗeye aņad fesel pekelnin alu moualnin u riecenin ba e relteim pewis knart imad alad horē grumenin u webelnin, moualnin u koţonin, ba e ruēlnin eze dizlenin ba e bafab riecenin. Kelne, wa ruhinye aņad karze sumde kirpenin ke wunke banueye erate mi banuei eksploret ba e feirtet ifa pifratim ba e sagemim:

“There is a fundamental limit —one bit per Planck area— to how much information can be stored anywhere in the universe.”