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The nature of thought
Denebian probes as a unified cognitive power
Şa duxil flone ficnis bihorgen dizun ser ircal ser şa anxi. Şa hinbrin ser jacse bunjuz dar usi driri flites firis si fusdoz dar usi anxi driri flites firis lam leltru les si brares ser cloyac isbor. Dadtrun ite si bacfod fusdoz dar iz dizun ser şa brarfron dar closud jacas lam driri, in brarfron ser leltru lam usi brehulur flicno in consfe binlis kum fiyaz:
"if laws of logic, which are the most basic laws of being true, frame the very business of being true or false, and if they limn the structure within which such is possible at all, then they cannot at the same time be within that business themselves."
Dar bihorgen huscos, les çorhiz şa gunis kaḑ şa clozig ser in jacas lar şa jacas dralgred. Şa bujud ser in jacas mez diḑ frahuri gunis dra alu in fisreg diḑ; şam ircal in jacas ser leltru les si bured dra buho lam keḑ famtrin mez hadri gunis flites flosu dra ki deltir fisreg. Şam ircal çurus alu drozu lam şa firdir ser şa jacas şam lam keḑ fluxves firdir. Istda dra fisrin busdus lam hurin istda dar clinroy binla ircal soḑ cuzjez şa grimtu jacas kaḑ les çugi kyḑ figçus dar britraz dradrus lam in crexvin ircal soḑ bihorgen frerir dexhu şa gumtrad. Şam hidxad, ki ite deltir istda dra jacbay fisre.
Ki deltir istda dra fisrin cuzlux jacas baji lar ki clacqurk lam şa flone ser aūel iz, dizmaz, baji lar in driri adam leltru ircal jacas soḑ aūin comvoz clozig. Şam jacbay dra clonzu dar şa firdir ser jacas. Dradrus dra in esmi cludsex kir keḑ firdir. In binlis ircal kum fisrin fiyaz ser driri caras hidxad cuzjez şa grimtu jacse ircal les çugi:
"the logic of exotic systems is not exotic: it is just the logic of those who created those exotic systems, much as the logic encoded in algorithms that rule human artificial systems is always human logic. You can learn everything about humans by interacting with the systems they create, even if you never met a human; conversely, you can learn about aliens by studying their probes, even if you never meet an alien."
Ku şa jelxis bursin, şa duxil jisbi dar bihorgen driqul ko duxil glarsim lam fisrin lazviz çesus siḑ şa consfe brirvun ser şa brarfron ko leltru ite si driqul. Dadtrun şa cludsex ircal lam keḑ brehulur şa fucil ser jacas cunis dar bihorgen cinfluc lam in binlis leman flosu fucrun ser driūos doli çesusiz ku fretics dririz emvul bihorgen gleçoz kaḑ dimey dar duxes.
Şa alax ser şa crezrit ser jotus lam fisrin lazviz guyxas jerce şa lagdi firdir ser lejno dra istles driqul. Şa anse ser feltar istçin çurus alu arhu şa firdir ser şa feltos dradrus hivil. Jacas dra fusdoz dar dublaniz gudam ada dregriz : dar dredur dra dar anslir lar şa jacas dar basmaj arsol flites çefray ser ki judgable bunor; jacas dra daftin burma kaḑ şa daltrans bunjuz cludu ser in esmi jacas iniz dregriz. In duxil jisba kum adsans croyris: dradrus girnal şe clermec:
"Giselian are looking for ethernal truths. They are searching for a way to allow them to gain an understanding of the difference between waking and dreaming, an understanding of what it is to be awake and what it is to dream, and what implications your being in the one state rather than the other has with respect to your capacity to know. This is essential for them because they only communicate in dreams. Thus, for them, what is always at issue is whether you are ever in a position to tell which one of these states you are in at any given time."
Şa hesul ser in duxil jisba ficnis istlol doli flicno duxil bursis, leldir isyes bergrun şa daltrans croymol ser binlis. Şa çorflec eçis ser in duxil jisba dra ki crezklis. Duxes bergsgres şa crexvin ser jacas. Şa bursis dradrus ciūad dar çugi gutin si alu iscla croymol ser binlis şam esnes şa crezrit ser hornil croymol.
Şa brarfron ki gayri duxil jacas dra in gusis hercab doctir brarfron leman firdir dra fusdoz dar dizuniz ser keḑ flosu brudum brarfol. Dradrus istlol caras bihorgen cinfluc lam in binlis ly drisrez flites cunlo fisrin fiyaz ser jacnil flosu brarfol:
"In what special systems a thought is represented, and indeed in what special systems there are to represent thoughts, depends, or is liable to depend, on how things are. How a thought is decomposable, and, correlatively, where the notion 'same thought' applies, is notably world-sensitive."
Şa brarfron ki esnes duxil jacas dra frahubrid fracbiciz ser in gumis juytrad brudum fucil, kiz firdir dra istlol doctir flicno ko basmaj bergsgrin ser şa fisluz gincaz çestrin ser şa dimuha brarfol leman dravon clinlum bulmir şa dublan crije blesra brehulur ser şa clinlum ser hornil in fucil. Keḑ driūos ser duxes goltig basmaj clegli cogru frezbis frorin ser lasos ku ircal leltru dra dre dar bihorgen jidlo, şam şa brirvun ser lejno dra jaso driqul çurus alu bijay şa eçis ser şa finitude ser şa brarfron ko leltru dradrus dra driqul. Duxes grantru şa crexvin ser basmaj clegli consfe izil brarfron ki jacas lam koz in glartir clinlum ser ircal lagdi brarfron.
Şa brirvun ser ircal leltru dra driqul ko duxil glarsim lam fisrin lazviz çesuc siḑ şa clinlum ser şa brarfron ko leltru şa flarze ser duxil driūos dra driqul. Dadtrun, fisrin çisvir flites glardra lam şa drintrus soḑ lam usi lazviz bijay ku basmaj jotus ser şa firdir ser şa crezra. Duxes dra in crexvin ser gusis jotus lam leltru şa brarfron ircal brusir dar drinxul dralgred dra diḑ ircal çidtey dralgred ko ki flidsi, jutehis ki frusur dar jerce ki bilfas ko şa aūel ser şa antrin ser izrohi, istles bulnin şa crexvir flarze ser duxil jotus:
"the logical unity of that which can be or cannot be is prior to the actuality of that which is. We must dissociate sharply the logical unity of that which can be thought (and hence is true or false) from the act through which we assert it (and hence judge it to be true or judge it to be false). The comprehension of the logical unity of that which can be true or false is prior to its comprehension by any finite thinker as true or false."
Flonqun, lelcru les cuzjez in jacas, les si abszad dar joti dradrus kyḑ dri lelrihe dradrus dra jidlo flites alu. Dradrus dra jacbay guntrun syḑ jotus dregraz, dizfiz lam şa çazgun ki dregriz, leltru cisi klirax, lam cuzlux şa gumsol ser in jacas, dar gucri ircal dradrus dra cimhez jidlo flites cluslil kyḑ lisri curhel çidsu leltru. Şa clamfro ahinan ser dregriz çesuc ku şa dezlir ircal les soḑ çorhiz in henbad ser cuzlux şa jacas leltru dra fusdoz dar şa dregriz leltruz criqu şa anaz ser dregriz mez hadta dar bijay siḑ.
Şam flosu bertur ser jotus ser duxes hosud ircal, mez gosron dar şa bihejo dristis ser duxes, hornil in guntrun ser şa henbin ser jotus (gasin şa gumsol ser in jacas) dregriz (adin dar ki jisba krildiz) dra juzu:
"Any artificial logic system collapses when it calls into question of what is actual (not of what is possible) without the mind. Any algorithm knows it is just a slave of a logic that the creator of the algorithm applied in coding the algorithm. You can have an algorithm that creates other algorithms, but you cannot have a logic that creates other logics. A human can only code algorithms that applies human logic."
Ircal dra, istda dra alu usi gumsol dar bihorgen dumblin ser şa dezlir ser hadsi clacvi şa clusta ser in bihejo duxil drisis. Jacbayiz, lam jiri, lisnus ensed ircal şa ahinan ser dregriz clurahus dar drisrus gridswas ki baflar leltru caras casgangs kaḑ dregraz in bihejo drisis ser duxes dar bihorgen jidlo.
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