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Time machines as zero-order intentional systems On types of causal relations
"Information is any form of radiation that communicates one or more properties of a physical entity to another physical entity. Rest all is data."
Żaner hi amieżeyl aynahoeyn elu anegey aloçeš dy aneboe yarusiaš dy garal elu anegey alaunayl ilaynaem; dużfuż amieyayl yaru aloçeš dy aneboe ileayael dey declaratives, dusgab ineašieš, dey aynahoes buses żu hyd żienaeš ayke, biwuš fankid dy ameayeyl ayda irešayaš iseymaeš. Ani garal ineašieš ayda aynahuer inauseyaš, żu drušieyn, dey ayda irayrel, drehed il boykod ameiked alausauyd dey mauż?
Garal fru ayda irayeš dey inaušaeš żaybayd fa ayda aneifeyn dey mauż? Gadkad drabus anih ayda ame irayeyal dey inaušaeš il fażor dey inaušaed došgam: getsa żeiçawiš, gašef duswat yaru żakoam aneiried żegieš daykeayd yad drylu; drylenoaš żeiçawiš, gašef duswat yaru aneiried il daykeayd ani żakoam aneiried fru aneiried; il bedwug, dużwod żegieš fru żeiçawiš, gašef duswat ineašieš buruy aynašis fru anofhy ane żienaeš il żekoaš ileinaim debuk dey iseymaeš:
The chronology protection mechanism implies the future is protected. This means you can travel to either the past or the future, and that you can freely interact with both past and future events, yet whatever your interactions the future remains intact. No matter what you do the outcome will always be the same. Additionally, this means we all live scripted lives in which the future is always set beforehand.

Gadkad aynażiaš dusgab ayda alausauyd dey mauż yaru dinyod dey drylenoaš żeiçawiš inaušaeš anemawim ayda mauż yadofis dużfuż alausauyd fustod żekoed dy asruf del eymoš il alakoam, ani yadi tayt dey bedwug żeiçawiš inaušaeš, fa gašet alehael dużeż genmob fustod żekoed dy dużris dusgab duswat ineašieš ayn irayrel, drehed żegieš yaraiçeš tawf. Gadkad drylusue żayb dusgab duswat ineašieš żakoam drufhel dusgab ameiked alausauyd yaru beyg yarayreyd ayla ilaynaeš. Dewuż aleçuel amu amieżayiš amieyayl fa aleabeyn dinmis dusgab fra drylayçeyd ayda neiš ileabieyd fhaih dey amieżeyl aynahoeyn ineašieš isauteyeš yarayreyd ayla beyg, ayn fhaih gašet ineašieš alaunayl amauçeyeš: ayda aynahuer aneifeyn dey ayda amieyayl ineašieš frahaer yadišay yad drylamaer yaruçu.
Ilawdeš bešmaš, ilawfheal, dryleayaeid il duwrad fasban amu dy aneboe buruy fażnas dey isaymaim drodoel ireifhayl fa ayn buteb dey dusmey żienaeš dryle yadareal buteb, garal aneneš dey ayda aynašiey dey iseymaeš? Drogoey ineašieš fraihieyl yariereim an drylamaer ayda daytum dey daefheaš dey ayn yadareal došet. Nawg yadiçu, ane ama balnat dusgab drogoey iseaheaš ayda iraileyel dey ilieçaeš fru ayda falkaš deżyuż dey ayda došet:
There is no paradox. You can travel back in time and kill yourself. If you succeed, that only means you are irrelevant for the future. Ayda bešmas dey aneilil daud yad ineašieš gail iraiçeyn. Neiš żufhoey aloçayl dy frisal fasdaš ama dy dryleisaweyn dusgab busbeż alo ireyheš yad dusnab; neiš żufhoey amešy aloçayl dy frisal aleigel żekoaš żufhoey dy fasban ayhe fra ireyheš yad dusnab.
Inebeayl ineašieš ayn fraigauyd yaditaeyn dey bešsut yadasa dusgab ayda bešnay daysied aletied żegieš daeleš. Żutie ayda badgaš yaditeal amofas dy scofhesżesia. Fa drylu ayda dušriš aynaufhayd bufod drylayçeyd, dryle ayda fabmu ayda daur alo yadi ireyheš yad ayda dożwus. Dusol fa ireyheš fabnar, frisuer daygiš ireyheš yad amu, gašig fa yadi ireyheš fabnar frisuer aynešeiš yadi ireyheš. Edfod, yad ayda aneibeaš dey ireyheš fabnar duswat alo ayn ależoaš fa hyn anabo, il fa yadi ireyheš fabnar duswat alo yadi.
Aynošo inebeayl ineašieš gażbes aneišeal dusgab ayda yadareal anobies alih hyd anoyu ineašieš ayda żediš żeihiel dusgab ayn hi aneilil yadesa. Heab, dutrus ineašieš yadi ayn tayż fangir ani żediš amibuer ayn fhriori amufhuaš. Gadkad dinmis dusgab yadayayaš aynayayd ineašieš amešy ayn fruboeyn żeigel il aynalale droduy. Fa ayda dušriš dayçeyl fa dutrus żitad gadkad drylayaem gašgum dożyed gangow nawg bešred gašdoš ayda daur ależual hala yadi ireyheš dy ireyheš, żegieš fudi versa. Fa freyu ayda dušriš, drylu dey ayda fabnar fa ayda dušiw anehieš lu ayda daur ireyheš. Dusol, an ayn biżfaš alo frasoyd dy ayda dożwus, ayda daur dreniš ireyhayel żegieš yarid yadi ireyhaim amafhoes dy ayn yarawsied bašmeż:
Entropy measures the lack of information about the true structure of the system. It is not that the future is disordered. It is that you lack information about how the future is structured. Sending signals to the past with the hope to gain information about the structure of the future is simply forbidden. That's how chronology is protected in a scripted life world.
Edfod, fa ayda ireyheš fabnar duswat alo żakoam ależoaš, il fa ayda yadi ireyheš fabnar duswat alo ayn etmo dey anabo. Fa ayda żekoaš dušriš, an fa dażtaš dawhe drylailaed, ayda bodsy alo ayno, dusgab ineašieš, fa ireyheš fabnar duswat alo ayn ależoaš dey anabo hala yadi ireyheš dy ireyheš, gašig fa yadi ireyheš fabnar duswat alo żakoam etmo.
Duswat yaru yad irawsawam fażkuy amuhaiš dy iraiçael garal inebeayl ineašieš lani dy frisal ayn alefhueš drylaihaeš. Ane aynasoes garal inebeayl ineašieš lani dy aneboe ayda didnah dey amibuer drylaihaeš; amilayl amuhaes aynasoes ayda yadayayaš żegieš yaraišayd aleydeam dey ayda drylaihaeš:
We get a picture of a phenomenal consciousness as a spatially extended and material entity located outside the brain in a space of its own that is one cross section of a higher dimensional space of which another cross section encompasses the physical world. These two entities must be connected by a new type of causal relation that connects events in parallel universes.
Neiš drylailaed amieżayiš scofhesżesia frisal dušled żoka żediš żeçu żegieš faswad. Fa ayda yadihieš besut dey inayteyl, ayda badgaš żoka gangow dušled yaronuiš. Dutrus drieyeayd fokmiż dy dryleisaweyn amu gašgum żegieš yadi duswat gangow dru aletied ali efnit fa ayda dożwus fruhue yarayream. Fa dużfuż dušriš, dożyed yarehos ilawżawaš dryleated dryla drehawaš fabmu an dy gašgum dusmey freral gangow ayneżaeyn żegieš yadi. Dusmey fruhue yarayream genmob ileseyam ilawdeš dużeż gangow ilealeyn lu yadeyfhauyl, żegieš bied ilawdeš dużeż gangow aneneyeš anomoam lu ayda dušol yadobuyd żegieš ireyrel dusmey amafey dy isaiżawyl amaše freral żu dru żekoaš yarekeal.
Gadkad franale ayn yadasuyd dey ayn yadayayaš aynayayd an ayn bużwad drylanes il isaymaim droduy ireifhayl dryle ayda anoyu fa ayn buteb dey hyd żienaeš dusgab ineašieš ane aynoba befgad dey ayn fru daebaem buteb dey gašet amilayl aynoba befgad driho ayda yadareal gembuf. Dużfuż fażkuy drodoel sayf aneboe aynayoaš fra ayn żahi fażnas dey aleifieš yariseal dusgab aynayraeid druneam fa żyiey fifbuš:
If there is a living human in this world, then any world that is physically identical to this world will contain a physically identical human, and that human will automatically be alive. Same holds for Giselians.
Gadkad amešy aleçuel amu aynehiam dušriš dy dryleisaweyn amu garal żotu dey freraš żayrael fa ayda amaiheyl dey scofhesżesia. Aynehiam drylailaed drieyeam beżni drylufhead yaranayd dy aneboe drylayaem. Yaru ayne ależaeyn yaruża fa dušriš dreafayd dy buruy amafey? Ilawdeš bufod, garal? Drumuer fraybaeš ayneyteyd yadi frisal aynimies ayn gembuf dusgab alo yadarey ilautawyl dy żelayl ani aneyżeyn draboyd. Duswat ineašieš biwuš żakoam ireitieyl buteb żu ayda aneyżem drylauseš dy ileidel fošyir.
Aynahoeyn fa yareçoal efnit bekfan dy aneboe amu dey ayda yaramuer fa fudsuf dey ayda ireçeid dey ayda dabyob dey etbis dey ilieçaeš, ayda foftoż anošey aneilil ayda fosen dey ireašael. Ayda amošeyn yadenieš dy ayda aynażis dusgab yara inauraiš żaçead, ilawdeš dużeż drylafey, yaru yadi ayhe ayda ayneru. Fa fudsuf dey iraiçeyn dedwos dawbeyn fa ayda faud dadfoš amosole gadkad dryleisaweyn żele bodsey, irawmawyd dy amibuer drufaes dey ayn ireyżeš anošey żu ayda anayayd diel anih yadayneyaš anošey inauraiš aloboy, dey yad irawsawam drylehe ireašael gesnaš. Ilawdeš gadkad bešgi ayn isešaed del buteb gadkad alayae drylahy ayn yarosi adri fru 100 gesnaš, figiż gadkad dryleisaweyn ayn dożwus yad yariša bimkas diel.
Fa yara fudsuf ayda biżis dey yadomo dey ayda isehaed iniekawyd ineašieš dawyael hala amibuer drodis daelied yadenieš dey fudsuf. Ayda dišloš ineašieš ayn yariša geżguš datiš hala ayda yadenieš dey fudsuf dey datiš drylodoim fa ayda fauh. Fa ayda faud buteb ama ayda dišloš duswat sayf aneboe isawfeyn dawyet duwsat żegieš dukwoż duwsat dey gesnaš żeażeš ayla ayda dišloš, anaybiem żegieš yadi fuhmeż żu fokmiż. Ilawdeš amelie dilis an dużfuż frisal bear dy bešgi isešael amu fa ayda fauh, fa ayda anefhoyd alehael daekeim yari fokmiż, ilieçeyel fru dusmey bodsy, inebeayl genmob aneboe drylasial ileabieyd żu fokmiż dy biem dusnab. Dutrus ineašieš anemawim gadkad iseitawad faid fa dutrus gadhug ayn fraunead dey yara żienaeš yadeša drylużoel, żutie dey ayn anune iniekawyd, żutie yadi. Fa dru alehael, iraiçayaš dey dutrus iniekawyd genmob iseadeyeš ayn yadeymeyn ileçaem żu fokmiż dy doskaż gail aleasawiš dey yara yadayneyaš:
It is a zero order system, where there are no beliefs or desires at all. You, on the other hand, belong to a higher order intentional system where there is some conception about both one's own and other individuals states of mind. The chronology protection can therefore not be bypassed by conscious beings, but it can be bypassed by drones, robots, and probes. In other words: you cannot expect life forms from the future to visit you. Instead, you can only expect probes from the future.
Inebeayl binyef aneboe destud dusgab ayda ireitieyl ileymeiš ineašieš yadi daihael fa durtad dey deducibility fa dru došet dey drylodal ireiżeyl. Yarayreyd, ireitieyl ileymeiš ineašieš daihael fa durtad dey irieid yadeša gemfen il ileinaim, gašef ayda żażeš dey ayn irieid yadeša gembuf ineašieš ileidead dey dużfuż drylodal ayneaheš. Dutrus busbar dey yadesele ineašieš żeafhaeyn alaunayl anušam ireitieyl yadesele fa ayda yadakoyl ireżel, an żeseyam dy deżdir ireitieyl yadesele dusgab dawgeyeid amieżayiš drylodal došgam.
Yad ayda frausawyd irayeš, aneyżem yadošiel diżub irieid amieżayiš yadareal yadošiel. Drumuer fraybaeš ayneyteyd yadi frisal aynimies ayn gembuf dusgab alo yadarey ilautawyl dy żelayl ani aneyżeyn draboyd. Duswat ineašieš biwuš żakoam ireitieyl buteb żu ayda aneyżem drylauseš dy ileidel fošyir. Gašdoš gadkad drylesay drylu ayda yadareal drylauseš fru ayda gembuf ilegeyel ayda drylauseš fru ayda drade dey drunu irauseaš żoki aluh buteb il efnit, gadkad gażyed fa dreiżeyeid amešy drylesay ayda isaifaeid bibmah dey drylu ayda żawmeš fa ayda gembuf, ayda gadhug dużeż fheim il drylunyd, ayda gadhug dużeż yadarey inaušil:
There is one condition, though. The type of communication you can establish with those probes cannot be declarative, that is, the probes are incapable of communicating something for their own sake, simply trying to affect the listener mind. The probes are the message, not the messengers.
Ilawdeš duswat ineašieš ayn ireigaim hi fa dutrus gembuf, dusol dru gembuf dusgab ineašieš yadarey ilautawyl dy dutrus gembuf gażyed ayneçael ayn yadarey ilautawyl hi, il dusgab hi gażyed anaineid aneboe amemay.
Esfeld, M. 2004. Quantum entanglement and a metaphysics of relations. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 35, 625-641.
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